Are AMD fanboys the niggers of the PC gaming community?
AMD Fanboys
Also you're a nigger for making this thread
And he's a nigger for making that tweet
Yes, most of them are pajeets and europoors who chimp out because they can't afford Nvidia or Intel because of higher prices and tariffs
AMD is for the poor so I guess?
Depends. If he uses a *nix then no. If he uses NT based systems then yes.
fanboys in general.
if you're not buying the best available at the time of purchase, you're cucking yourself for the sake of tribalism.
>let that sink in
i wish i could sink into her
JayzTwoCents is brainlet who can't setup freenas who cares about dislikes its autistic.
The dog ruins this picture. I can't expect the majority of furfag anthomorphic niggers that have never stepped in the wilderness and/or hunted all their life to understand this however.
honestly this guy reacts as badly as fanboys do when faced with criticism.
well, no, it doesn't. people almost universally eat meat, dislike hunting and have dogs.
who wathces this fucking retard? He worst than linus I swear.
>people universally dislike hunting
>intel issues
>everyone either seething or laughing but no one can deny the issues exists
>amd issues
>intel aviv fans and dumb fuck youtube shills screaming about something easily fixed or being disingenuous about an "issue"
no wait
it's just le fanboy meme
This isn't the first time this moron has fucked something up and blamed someone else. HW Unboxed even called his ass out, and he deleted the comment lmao
No, Intel shills are the annoying fucks of the internet. You and Microsoft, Google, Apple, and many others fucking shill here on Jow Forums 24/7 and this shit needs to end. Jow Forums needs to block your corporate IP ranges to get you fucking shitfuck corporate cunts off of here.
Caucasians are a minority
>Are AMD fanboys the niggers of the PC gaming community?
Here you go senpai
i'm with you, however shilling for AMD is as retarded.
I have a 2700X btw. let that sink in.
Props for him losing that blubber though.
+1 for losing weight
amd shills are everywhere.
Based Jay deserves all the hate he can get.
There's a difference in shililing for something and buying the best choice. If Intel was better you better believe I'd buy it with no hesitation.
scratch amd and you're 100% cprrect
jay was a big guy
this is Chink territory now, Sheckelberg
here's the kicker. i AM a amd fanboy (cpu) and nvidia fanboy (gpu).
i still don't have the need to shill for either company. they already got my money.
but what if youre a nigger who owns both? and a MIPS and a SPARC and I think I have a working Power PC mac fucking somewhere but cant remember where its gathering dust?
no, I mean memes aside, the guy is a like a mid-level boss who sheds part of his body for his final form
memes aside guy is like a shitty linus with watercooling as a badge of honor that he isn't even interesting at
Oh, you mean you don't want to see another hardline tubing build that does literally fucking nothing new or interesting with the tubes?
Did you forget you're posting on r/AMD?
but he makes cute lolis, can Linus do that?
as i said, almost universally.
3rd world shitholers and flyovers need not apply.
can you actually do funky stuff with hardline? I always day dreamed about making a 5x scale of that 1990s nickelodeon alarm clock with the frequency nob as a big fan controller and a raspberry or odroid for the display screen and the flourescent light on top as a hardline loop but figured that was retarded, what with you know gravity and all that
so everyone who isnt a limpwristed faggot?
>Uses preproduction motherboard
>Continues to spread the voltage misinformation
>Complains and blames AMD, MSI etc.
>Hardware Unboxed calls him out in the comments
>Jay deletes their comment and anyone that points that out
>"Why am I still getting hate?"
relly mags me thing
niggers kill shit because they are hungry and flyovers don't even make up a sizable portion of burgerstan, let alone the world.
you'll also notice that as a place becomes less of a shithole (usually with the introduction of a decent living wage) that these activities tend to cease (a good example is china, which used to eat dogs while they made pig iron for mao but now keeps them as pets)
Because are tigers and elephants are endangered and there aren't a fucking billion of them so killing them means putting their species closer to extinction. The dog because of pet culture.
>humanities natural ancient behavior since before time
What an absolute unit. I am in awe of this lad.
>people don't shit outside or bathe once a year either
really makes you think
you fucking morons are protesting the regulated hunting that provides shithole shitskin countries with no money to provide the resources to actually maintain animal populations and enforce poaching laws you fucking retarded bleeding heart
>that provides shithole shitskin countries with no money
>that provides countries with no money
heh better luck next time kid
>a good example is china, which used to eat dogs while they made pig iron for mao but now keeps them as pets
They still eat dogs and cats.
>twatter screenshot of a literal who
No, (You) are the nigger, OP. Now go suck cocks back on reddit where you belong.
OC voltages shouldn't be set higher than 1.325 though, PBO will raise it higher if need be but if you set a constant 1.4v then you are braindead as we can see when gaymers nexus did this and fried their ryzen9
>pet culture.
Low empathy score. Probably doesn't get along with animals.
There's no way a guy like Jay with his 6-digit view counts will get only 1% dislike when criticizing something like Intel.
techtubers are the most blatant shills, it's hilarious
>government cash flow that actually stays their
tell me where all this magical money and motivation is going to come from for people who largely see dangerous wildlife as an obnoxious life threatening burden if its not coming from rich assholes who want to trophy hunt them? tell me how youre going to convince them to care about animals that kill them and damage crops that theyre already bad at growing and maintaining?
>gastric bypass
Just bomb them whenever something bad happens to the animals
what reddit was he talking about?
Yes. But it's likely pajeets most of the time.
The AMD hype is very strong at the moment though.
OK, it's sunk in.
One company has fostered positive relations with pc enthusiasts by keeping their hardware open and not artificially segmented, while the other treats their customers as hostages in a take over bank robbery.
This fuck him I'll like and dislike whatever I want
What is your cpu btw?
>by keeping their hardware open
Fanboys as a whole are the niggers of the PC community as a whole.
Buy what works for your use case, if you like a brand so be it, but don't tolerate them fucking you around and don't buy shitty products from them.
>Make a video about pre-production motherboard issues and delete comments = 10% dislike
Does youtube still reward creators for negative user interaction?
Ya problem couldn't be you nigger, it's everyone else
Jay is just a faggot. He votes blue too, uber fag.
Is that a fucking pig? Did a pig mate with a dog? What the fuck is that?
>dislike hunting
Not where I'm from, user. I've never personally been, but it's very popular among normies to climb a tree and wait until a giant squirrel with horns walks by and try to shoot it.
I’m guessing you are just realizing that not all pigs are strictly pink
It's not the color. It's the shape. I guess I assumed I'd seen plenty of pigs. That thing looks like part pig part German Shepherd
Intel is scrambling after their ME backdoor was used to listen in on Trump's conversations. Once this news leaks everyone will switch to AMD
Imagine believing this bullshit
AMD is now on 'MUH RUSSIA' alert
F-Fucking Nvidia shills. Just you wait, AMD will rise again one day!
Yes. They have become worse than iToddlers.
>He votes blue too
Wait, so this nigger likes fast cars and calls people SJWs but he voted dem? Jizz2cents confirmed for bigger cuck than der8auer
>leaving a dislike
Jay is a clinically retarded faggot and doesn't deserve any user activity on his videos. Reminder that the Youtube algorithm doesn't care if you upvote or downvote.
Every interaction is rewarded, from the fucking bell to negative comments and even embedded views.
>ever listening to someone named JayZ
Holy fuck he can be a boulder in the background, I bet even the terminator can't terminate this unit
B-but there's no r-real world examples s-so it's fine!
Blame AMD for motherboard failure
Get flamed
Prevent an informative comment from reaching the top explaining your issue.
Get flamed
>why is everyone else a fanboy, btw buy intel
Jesus fuck this guy cant help himself sometimes.
>let that sink in.
He also cant help himself from typing like a woman.
this isn't fanboys issue
tech tubers are cancer and they are all linked so we cant call them out. stop supporting them
It's Hardshit Unboxed that fried their poozen 3900.
Watching that guy who drill hole onto motherboard to mount cpu cooler
come on, no one on Jow Forums is this dumb
They fried it? I thought some guest came in and dropped the CPU breaking a bunch of pins, now they actually fried one?
Says the Intoddler/Nvidiot shill. Yeah, I'm not falling for it.
BTFO adoredtv
BTFO gamernexus
BTFO Jay2cent
how can they be so based
Watch the day one review of Poozen 3rd gen and listen to what the cuck faggot said.
>top: rare, or are intelligent enough to be considered life long friends, or not tasty enough/too hard to mass produce
>bottom: tasty and/or easy to mass produce or pests
he's working hard at putting it back on.