I need to install this piece of shit for business reasons and am looking for the most sanitary way possible to do it...

I need to install this piece of shit for business reasons and am looking for the most sanitary way possible to do it. I've removed most personal data from my phone, but I need my contacts, SMS and Matrix client on it, and therefore must secure them. Here's what I've found so far:

Shelter - this is a bit buggy but I know of no alternatives, so I plan to use it

OpenContacts - I thought this could add an extra layer of protection to my contacts, but it requires internet access which opens up an unnecessary risk

Anyone have any suggestions? What else can I do in order to be able to use WhatsApp while handing Facebook the least access possible?

Attached: trash.png (195x195, 8K)

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It seems odd that I can revoke most individual permissions from apps, but not internet access. I found this that could help, but I'm still not sure how much I get from using OpenContacts:

Are you a chink

No. Why?

Eres sudaca user?

do you know you're at an english speaking imageboard?

Why do you want to know where I am from?


Separate, dummy device

Yeah, after some more consideration I'm leaning towards this. However that means I'll have to acquire another SIM and that might have a monthly cost.

Basado y rojoencapsulado

A lot of normalfags use that shit here in my Latin-american 3rd world shithole, it's so widely used even abuelas and ñerofags use it

get a prepaid sim

>for business reasons
lol your shit job makes you use your personal phone - have fun in your third world country

install it on your company phone.
if your company wont supply you with a company phone, then you don't have a good job.
and that job isnt worth installing shit you dont want on your own personal device

my personal number was displayed on my company's site and i was getting random calls. it wasnt until i noticed what it was that i told someone about it and the tech department gave me a phone.

i use a dumb phone with a seperate number and a spare tablet with none of my info on it. works like a charm.

Why the fuck haven't you quit yet?

If your phone is rooted, just sandbox the app..
You are rooted right user?

Autism. The thread.

>you need the actual numbers to add someone

probably 95% of all normies in europe use this app. I don't see what the big deal is.

this. even in my slavic shithole they sell one for 10€ in every corner store