This is the greatest operating system every designed. Justify why you aren’t or are using it right now !
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>seeking online validation
Because I am on a different KVM input.
inb4: one infinite loo
Dude please tell me it’s okay to use this OS
its the most restrictive OS behind Red Star OS, there is no freedom.
because I fixed my computing life when I began to use big-dick LINUX MINT
This is you spamming and getting banned and purged for the 20th time this month iJeet.
Linux Mint is a normie meme, since it is a Ubuntu Clone, kys
I do use it. it has many problems, but mostly its lack of hotkeys to move windows to different spaces etc. Youhabe to install bloated third party software to get any semblance of proper hotkey and window management
My life depends on how much you agree with me
I am not going to kill myself, you arrogant jerk.
There is nothing normie about mint, you are just a hyper-contrarian nigger that thinks you're special for no fucking reason
Because it runs on broken hardware and I don't care about hackintosh
Because it doesn't support Intel wireless adapters and I'm not going to buy a new one just to run it.
>ctrl + f
>"two men kissing"
for shame, Jow Forums
lol yes it does
im using one right now
What exactly are you trying to show with that image? There are no drivers for Intel AC 7265, anyone working on it gave up.
Mint is Ubuntu without the afrophilia, BBC loving cancer.
Don't more people use Mint than actual Ubuntu?
Ubuntu is a money making scheme because Ubuntu pgets normie boomer billionaire and millionaire investors who have a hard on for blacks, Obama, spreading diversity.
"Oh yeah, Ubuntu. Must be programmed by blacks and makes black get into STEM. Probably developed in Kenya."
It has no market presence in consumer electronics or personal computers. Linus hobbyists usually run some other distro. Chromebooks run ChromeOS. Apple runs their version of MacOS running over their version of Unix.
It's a Unix distro designed for normies and for personal use that no normies use.
isnt it just the IO80211 family kext?
No. There have been attempts to get it working, but so far no one has done it.
The guys behind Ubuntu dumped the aspirations for desktop and phones a long time ago. Ubuntu is now the dominant Linux distro for web servers.
I wonder if they'll rebrand it and just drop the African name on it.
Found your problem.
The problem is the drivers are non-free, so they need to be reverse engineered. It's easier to just buy a compatible adapter than going through all that trouble.
How is MacOS more restricted than Windows?
Using it right now.
My Win10 desktop shat itself, or rathe Win10 shat on my important work software after a simple update. Before that Win10 regularly switched on during the night to do """""updates"""""
The decision to move to a Mac was easy after all that.
But iOS is restrictive so macOS should be too right?
Because the finder icon is 2 dudes kissing.
Crappy hardware (hackintosh is a pain),and its a jack if all trades, master of none.
It isn't even Windows tier yet...
nobody has said the correct answer yet which is that is has a horrible user base and its brand is toxic for anyone with half a brain.
I would, the UI is simple and consistent. Suitable for brainlets like me.
Macs are restrictive on the surface to prevent casual users from fucking things up. You can do more advanced things on a mac, but it is hidden.
>why you aren’t
Because I don't like the hardware options and hackintosh seems risky.
You just described all Windows PCs
Terminal is in the "Others" group in the Launchpad, it is not that much hidden
There is nothing wrong with Linux Mint. It's a simple and stable distribution that is easy for everyone to grasp, that's not to say that it's restricted or watered-down. Stop being an elitist faggot. We get it, you run Arch linux with a tile manager and your desktop is a minimalist wallpaper with some obscure waifu on it because you're too good to watch popular chinese cartoons. Guess what dipshit, you can do all of that on mint to, albeit with a different package manager.
No it's not ok.
Works on my hackintosh.
>hackintosh seems risky
It's the easiest shit in the world.
ITT: Seething poorfags
Because I'm booted into windows via bootcamp right now
I mostly use Linux, but I also own three Macs.
You know what I really like? The Applications folder. When you get apps from the store, or when you download them from the internet, usually you just drop a (dot)app file into the Applications folder, and BOOM! Installed.
One single file is the whole app (usually). Sometimes other necessary files might find their way into a Library, but it's so stinkin' easy for the end user. It makes sense for techies and grannies alike.
In Linux, and in Windows, other than a launcher or a menu, there is no single location a user can go to in order to view all their apps. On Linus, application launchers are store all over the stinkin place. On Windows, the launcher may be buried several folder deep inside Program Files, or Program Files (x86), or ProgramData, or System, or Win32, or AppData.... the list goes in.
Windows can go fuck itself. I don't care what they do, but I think Linux should unify around the bourgeoning AppImages extension, and we should have an Applications (or AppImages) folder. The software updater should be designed to read that folder, and know how to automatically update the AppImages within it.
I guess that's where they're trying to go with Snaps and FlatPacks, but AppImages are so dang easy and self-sufficient. To me, they make way more sense. One file is the whole app. Done. I don't understand why it isn't already the standard.
app is not a single file it's a directory
The way you interact with it from and end-user stand point makes it feel like a single file. I realize you can right-click an App and show its contents.
Most people don't do that though. My point is that it's easy. Linux needs some more easy.
I do