2 things I can't wait for around 2030-2040 where a whole country or at the very least a big city like NYC or LA have entirely autonomous vehicles. Just imagine getting in a car like this always getting to your destination with no traffic at all no accidents, you're free to do whatever you please while on the way. You can have your own car or just order rides for very cheap
also always having full bars on your phone all the time without fail, full strength wifi anywhere you go
That sounds like fucking sheep cope. My father used to have an Alfa Romeo spider then I was young, he'd pick any girl he knew, go for a stroll to the countryside and fuck her right in the car hidden under a tree.
I want that, not your fucking slave dreams.
Nolan Flores
computers were a mistake
Aiden Gomez
being able to safely fuck on the way is my dream, ive fingered and shit in ubers cause im a degenerate, so it would be ideal, by the time i wouldn't be this degenerate though, doesnt matter, cool idea
Angel Allen
Will self-driving cars accept cash though?
Lucas Lopez
I'd rather have flying cars than automated cars Unlike OP I know how to drive a car I don't need a computer diving it. ofc they woun't allow you to drive your self and no I'm not looking forward to that.
I don't trust machines to be safe even its current record.
Aiden Parker
Sounds like shit OP. I like my car. I drive because it's fun and I know you retards are going to try and ban human drivers. Go ride a subway you fucking normie.
>also always having full bars on your phone all the time without fail, full strength wifi anywhere you go Having a full strength mobile connection is getting rapidly less likely with 5G and public transportation has free WiFi here.
Brandon Bennett
Soon computers will be better at driving. What reason is there to keep potential murderers like you on the street?
Jason Scott
instead of having drunk drivers and millions of retards on the road that cause accidents and kill people including crashes that are purely acccidental it will have perfect 100 percent safety no accidents ever
Carter Hughes
That's fucking disgusting. I want to actually be in control of my own car.
Hudson Rogers
> internet of things goes from shit mode to turbohypershit mode
Yeah, no. Don't want 5G
Luis White
by all means continue rolling the dice on your life everytime you get in a car, for most people of these days you'll be a stat just the ones your read about
Sebastian Long
This better be bait
Grayson Collins
im not saying sike right now, you know that there is a small chance but a chance nonetheless that you die while driving a car be it accidental or your fault
Angel Walker
The fact that I'm not propagating SUVs controlled by Raspberry Pis and filled with vulnerable IOT buzzwords.
Blake Sanders
>omagad imagine getting a ride in a car >imagine having your phone fully charged
Yeah, holy shit, the future looks amazing. I been dreaming my whole life to reach such a utopia.
Landon Hill
Have you ever been to NYC? There is no way autonomous vehicles would work here, they need strict rules and paths, here you would not be able to drive if you try that. There are way too many pedestrians and people riding bikes, you would be stuck in traffic for years with an autonomous vehicle.
Kayden Powell
I'll take being able to get places intoxicated over whatever depreciated mid life crisis values you want.
Elijah Butler
>being able to get places intoxicated its called not sucking at drunk driving and taking the bus faggot, who the fuck pays car payments and insurance for a Taxi?
John Ward
I just want WW3 so lots of shit goes down and we can have caged lolis like the saudis because everything will burn down.
I pray for Trump to either win or lose the elections. It will be a blast to see him go berserk.
Josiah Sanders
Thanks for making more whores
Nolan Gutierrez
She was some incel's crush.
Ayden Brooks
Same here for some towns in europe. But i fear that they will rebuild the citys caus of money... And thats it there is so much money in this hole smart city smart car smart eating thing that they will find a way to sell it to the masses. Take a look at thiss fff thing . Some children on the street and my goverment starts to commit lawsuizide.
Andrew Miller
ultra cope by a public transport rider, what is the point of being able to afford a cool car but being unable to drive it, do you think rich buy their supercars just for sake of having one or enjoying the open road and making the poorfags in their shitboxes seethe and call for revolution
Adrian Carter
Yeah, NEETS who can't drive really love the idea of automated cars. Pretty pathetic honestly.
David Martinez
>autonomous vehicles >wait for your auto like a bus I used to prefer going on foot than taking a bus when going to school ages ago. I'd never lose either, outrunning it most of the time and occasionally matching its pace because its average speed was far below 10 mph.
Autonomous cars would probably be sold as a way to solve traffic problems, but would be a glorified bus that only replaces old problems with new ones.
Luke Myers
obviously there will be dedicated bike paths, dedicated ped path, roads thats the only way it would be feasible for a place like NYC
>drunken vagrant steps out into the street >your car's politically correct CPU has to make a quick calculation >run into the vagrant >or swerve to avoid the vagrant but terminate the vehicle's occupants >say good night