I currently have only Windows on my laptop. Should I install Ubuntu too to have a dual boot system?

I currently have only Windows on my laptop. Should I install Ubuntu too to have a dual boot system?

Attached: Windows-Ubuntu.jpg (1600x801, 79K)

Should? No. Ubuntu sucks ass. I suggest Manjaro or Arch if you value your time.

>value your time
>install Arch
this is bait, right?
OP, unless you need Win 10 for work or play videogames on a computer (god help you if this is the case), uninstall Win 10 and install Kubuntu or Xubuntu.


install xubuntu

I didn't mean to ask on advice what distro I should install, I mean if I should dual boot at all or just keep only Windows

remove windows
install linux
enjoy freedom

If you want to experiment and your laptop is dogshit dualboot, if it's strong just make a linux vm.

>SJW infected

what if you don't program at all and only use the computer for entertainment

If you have no clue what you're doing, let it be.
Next time >>>/sqt/.

linux is fine for that too user

If you have a decent CPU it should run fine on virtualbox

Which distro then?
I don't want to install additional software or drivers to run most Steam games (also no SteamOS)


use WSL

what if you have to do anything other than use the shell?

isn't ubuntu slow compared to windows

why in the world would you need ubuntu if you have windows?

Nah nigga ubuntu's shit
get TempleOS on that

Attached: my laptop.jpg (474x392, 20K)

trying to do that rn, but i have this strange issue when booting from live image: i see that ubuntu is loading and then i only get a black screen. no promtns etc ... all i see is a black screen and mouse cursor which i can move around ... fuck linux man.

if the laptops shit get lubuntu or arch



Yes but choose something like lubuntu instead
lubuntu has all the support of ubuntu (being a derivitive of ubuntu) and alot less bloat.

Takes less than 8 minutes to setup Arch including a wm. You're doing it completely wrong if it takes you longer than 10 minutes to get Arch up and running.

>first time linux user
>asking the question in the op
>being able to install Arch in 8 minutes
fuck off

Get Arch regardless.

Don't listen to the NEETs here if you want to get some more use out of your machine.
>Should I install Ubuntu too to have a dual boot system?
Yes. Windows for Adobe/Vidya/Creative tools, Linux for everything else. Get Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS. It's stable, troubleshooting guides for Ubuntu are all over the web, and Gnome is just comfy.
I personally use Ubuntu more than Windows, it just werks and I'm not distracted by vidya.

Are you incapable of watching a YouTube video? Can you read and follow instructions? Can you not change your oil on your car? Installing Arch isn't brain dead simple, but it's not even kind of hard to get up and running.

Use the revenge installer jackass.

does arch have a gui off the bat or do you have to terminal it to be more faggot friendly?

do NOT use arch

>Microsoft, multi billion company
>not SJW

dubz confirm. i have a shit laptop, compaq 6710 ... what do?

WSL2 is solving this. Seriously, I am a dev using Ubuntu from 2010 and I installed Windows Insiders last week and I can't feel any fucking difference using VSCode + WSL2.

Poor troll detected

Depends what you do with it. If you have one/couple specific programs/software that work only on windows and you need the, then keep it at least on dual boot. But if not, there is really pretty much no real reason to stick with windows.

xubuntu, it uses like 500mb of RAM out of the box.

Too much for me, I have only 512Mb RAM.

I want to see Microsoft crash and burn too but they're the only major tech company that's not fully pozzed yet
gotta respect that

install TEmpleOS

I have 4gb ram, but like i said before i get this weird error when trying to run the live image: it shows as if ubuntu is loading and then goes blank - nothing. only a black screen. no prompts before that - nothing.

Lubuntu uses like 128mb of RAM, so does Puppy Linux.

If you need windows, dual boot. If you don't, don't. Why do you even need to ask?

Use something minimal then. Void or unironically Arch.

do NOT use arch