>Has a PhD in linguistics >Understands how words form to create context, and more importantly how they evolve >Could probably write something for the (((elves))) to censor you more proficiently than any of the other tards working in the bay area. >Doesn't accept job at Facebook to write tools to spy on your chats. >Doesn't accept job at Google to read your e-mails. >Doesn't accept job at Cloudflare to read your everything. >Now lives on a farm and is self-sufficient.
Is he the ultimate chad of Jow Forums, can we please replace the picture of disgraced RMS with this chad?
hating luke is virgin cope, he actually is a chad, he even is 6' tall
Brayden Phillips
I'm just so tired of this shit
Jaxon Bailey
luke is based
Noah Jenkins
Yup he is a good role model for the degenrate incels. Goodspeed, Luke
Kevin Davis
luke was losing it in his rms video, it was unusually angry and unprepared he also was more blatant about his power level when he usually at least is a bit sly about it I hope he's well
>phd Isn't he still "working" on his dissertation?
Mason Jackson
All he does is regurgitate memes from Jow Forums and Jow Forums. Not a single original or intelligent thought in this guys head. He'll be living off his family's help while ricing minimalist distros forever.
Julian Parker
Didn't he flirt with Trapcode for a while?
Henry Smith
>eceleb thread Not technology
Josiah Bell
he is literally a Stallman tier tech personality, if we can't discuss Luke on Jow Forums fatman should be removed from pinned post
Julian Sanchez
Are you seriously that desperate for attention that you make hate-baiting threads about yourself. Yikes. So much for being a 'traditionalist'.
Jack Williams
He is 5'11" by his own words, so he probably is around 5'9". In the several "is he dead" threads it was thrown around that his father forced him to finish his dissertation and stop his youtube or he will cut his financial support. The house he is living in is owned by a relative and by Luke's admission his cellphone plan is paid by his father. He is basically a 30 year old NEET slacking on his dissertation.
Jayden Rogers
no chad gives shit about linux and no chad posts on Jow Forums
lukesmith.xyz/blog/using-shuf-and-random-for-randomization-in-the-command-line.html >nice static blog but it doesn't contain any useful text and instead links to a ten-minute youtube video >tired meem in the video title >mentions both /dev/random and /dev/urandom but claims /dev/urandom has the most high-quality randomness you can get on a Linux system >PS1 is set as an environment variable instead of a shell variable so it goes to shit when he starts a different shell >i3config has "increment i by 1"-tier comments >entire video could be compressed down to three paragraphs Why should I pay attention to this guy? Did I just pick a bad place to start?
>games are for children >btw look at my funny meme catoons, im going to put them in every video Why can't he just make regular videos without sperging out? He rambles on super awkwardly in every video, like he's about to have a panic attack.
Mason Peterson
How is the thread not gone yet, every thread he makes here usually is removed within minutes.
This guy is literally shilling himself on this site every day. So fucking pathetic.
Aaron Carter
In fairness the random special file is a meme. Even the getrandom syscall uses the urandom based generator.
Carson Phillips
>random redneck >ethics Also became a drama queen when youtube didn't payed him
Camden Clark
I don't idolize him because he's not me. No matter what shit decisions I make, I'm still literally the greatest version of me of all time. Get on my level.
Carter Rivera
>unironically posting this subhuman
Grayson Bailey
It's good in spirit. Not word splitting stuff like variable expansions that are unquoted... but then you get into the full retard symbol noise single like bullshit like their special snowflake globs and their variable expansions. It went too far from every other shell and thus makes it a meme.
Logan Torres
No you got it all. The appeal is that he is a white supremacist who talks about Arch and i3. That's it.
Justin Powell
>retard making youtube videos which lack editing and structure >the same as the man who started GNU and everything that entails >the same as the man who wrote the GPL >the same as the man who has worked for decades for your freedom He's only similar to Stallman in that he is also autistic.
>implying he could get a job at any of those companies Luke Smith is a brainlet who can barely write scripts, let alone actual programs (although for some reason he seems to think he has the authority to criticise software)
Angel Powell
>Implying you need to be a god at any of the above mentioned things to get a job as a linguist aiding AI devs.
>failing his PhD >regularly makes mistakes in his speech >worked as carpenter, fired >worked at Chipotle, fired >now lives on his dad farm and lives of welfare, Patreon betabux and donations
Josiah Howard
yikes... this guy somehow thinks he gets to shit on other people's code...
Charles James
Hudson Flores
I will always remember Luke Smith as the perfect example of what happens when you fall for every single Jow Forums meme at once, without carefully analyzing them first. He owns four ThinkPads at least. While I see nothing wrong with them in themselves, as they are admittedly pretty good value for the price, four is just mindless consumerism, contradictory to his "philosophy". He started using every single shitty pseudominimalist, ncurses-based program, used a shitty riced out i3 setup of dubious actual productivity (like all tiling wms), then fell for the full Suckless meme and went in even deeper. Then he started making videos shitting on Python and praising C, which is ironic considering he is not even a programmer by his own admission. He effectively spent years trying out, configuring and hopelessly trying to integrate tens of meme programs to build what is, combined, effectively a shittier Emacs, just like most of Jow Forums was doing in their "productive" desktop threads a year or two ago. Then he read the Unabomber manifesto and blindly accepted it without constructively analyzing it first, same with the anarcho-primitivist ideology that was all the rage about a year and a half ago on Jow Forums and 8ch. While he stated on his website that he "didn't browse Jow Forums much anymore" it was obvious this wasn't the case. Then he went and took the memes way too far, and unironically went to live in isolation. While I see nothing wrong in itself, the actual reason he did it is massive cringe. He has the mentality of someone 10 years younger than he is, yet he acts like a literal boomer jokingly criticizing "zoomers" despite he himself being the worst example of a millennial. He attacks "nerds" when it't painfully obvious he's deeply unhappy with himself, as it was obviously self-directed criticism thinly veiled as an edgy dabbing video. He is a perfect example of someone you should avoid becoming at all costs.
>Doesn't accept job at Facebook to write tools to spy on your chats He doesn't write much code, he only writes shell scripts for himself. He couldn't get a developer job, because he isn't even that interested in writing software.
Guess what, Adobe lowkey offered me a job, and I ignored the offer. I also had a chance to get an internship at IBM or Microsoft, and I went for neither of those. I've also supported FSF untill they went woke and kicked out rms. Am I a Jow Forums hero now?
The only Jow Forums meme I fell for was learning LaTeX, and (admittedly because of a very specific package) that ended up being really useful for me. Oh, and MPV. What is it with Jow Forums memes that make doing simple tasks much more difficult than they need to be?
Yeah lately they leave these threads up until hitting the archive. Honestly it's not worse than all the /v/posters, macfaggots, and idiotic "how do i..." threads.
Benjamin Roberts
self-hate is a common thing
Christian Butler
This. Varg has the benefit of escaping the 'left-right' paradigm.
>spams Jow Forums as an attention whore for using Jow Forums memes on his youtube channel >wants to be treated as (((king of Jow Forums))) just for being able to install Arch and rice tiling window managers >expects people to believe FANG companies want to hire him even though he cant program
Jacob Garcia
Why is this cancer still here
Christopher Carter
Don't forget the constant virtue signaling "video games are for children", becoming "64 was good" because of a wojack cartoon. Or taking down his apache tutorial because people memed that it wasn't nginx. Same with Arch going over to void.
Dylan Johnson
The only thing I hate about Luke is how he pretends to not visit Jow Forums, especially Jow Forums. Other than that I think you guys are way too harsh on him because you hate to see a NEET like you get somewhat famous.
>D-don't specialize nerd! >has a PhD in linguistics >can't program, only makes shit in bash >most of his computing can be done in Word, too autistic to accept the fact >believes in free software, even to the point of librebooting his le epic thinkpad >still uses youtube and an android cell phone to make most of his living >not to forget lives in a cuckshed while larping as the unabomber Not to mention he's the epitome of a balding, short, spic Jow Forumstard who larps as the ubermensch
He wouldn't work at those companies anyway because he isn't a programmer
Jose Russell
>he falls for bait
Nathan Reed
>Has a PhD in linguistics Most people who got their BS could get a PhD if they weren't so expensive and useless. >Understands how words form to create context, and more importantly how they evolve I should hope so. >Could probably write something for the (((elves))) to censor you more proficiently than any of the other tards working in the bay area. >Doesn't accept job at Facebook to write tools to spy on your chats. >Doesn't accept job at Google to read your e-mails. >Doesn't accept job at Cloudflare to read your everything. He's smarter than your average Jow Forums poster, but no wizard. Additionally, he doesn't use 100% free software purely because he doesn't want to learn something because muh convenience, so I doubt that his ethical fortitude doesn't have a breaking point. >Now lives on a farm and is self-sufficient. Nice
Luke is someone to take inspiration from, not emulate.
Easton Diaz
PhDs aren’t expensive by the way, it’s the other way around. Your advisor funds you and you also get a tuition waiver. As a PhD student you become junior faculty at the university.