Haven't seen people here wank over them in a while. Did this meme finally die off for good?
Haven't seen people here wank over them in a while. Did this meme finally die off for good?
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kys freetarded shill
I'd love to use dwm but I'm on wayland
I hope so
i3 is superior to dwm and urxvt-unicode is superior to st
>can't use dwm on Wayland
"""""free software""""", my ass
>using urxvt instead of alacritty
then just start porting it
>alacritty terminal
shouldn't the font glyphs be cached/prerendered anyway?
that means its just copying bitmaps around
so why would gpu be necessary?
>CPU is faster than GPU
Former Suckless user, yes.
I just use KDE with dwm-like shortcuts. It looks nicer and it cuts down a whole lot of time to configure.
alacritty is bloated
I've always been in the middle when it comes to bloat. I just use awesome and xterm
I use dwm which is heavily configured and modified to accommodate my taste and needs.
However I didn't touch it for 5 years. When I was finished configuring I just ran with it and it is holding up pretty well.
I used st quiet a lot but switched to xterm because it has some features I need.
I also use slock and dmenu.
All in all I would say suckless provides very good tools and the process of configuration via source code makes it a seamless transition into writing your own tools and understanding your whole system.
xorg is lazily updated so it's no suprise if dwm still works after 5 years
can you not read?
with modern hardware copying bitmaps is super fast even on cpu
why would offloading it to the gpu help?
if you added 3d models to the terminal like temple os I could understand
When you reach perfection you don't need updates.
xah lee thinks its crap.
lmao same
i have nothing to prove anymore. i now have a good knowledge of gnu/linux and i know nobody is impressed by the fact that i can edit text files
Free doesn't mean "includes every possible feature in existence".
How retarded are you?
>Did this meme finally die off for good?
Why would it?
Its has the best Terminal and the best window manager and of course the best program launcher, so good that it is even the default in other wm's.
Yes, and he's right on that one. xahlee.info
enjoy your bloated garbage that cant even do gaps or render unicode properly
It doesn't. People touting gpu terminals are just buzzwording lying cucks. The biggest problem with terminals is that all drawing happens in band, a symbol at a time. It's slow and not vectorizable. At best they could maybe use gpu acceleration for shaping and rasterizing text, but I'm pretty sure free type and pango and Cairo already do all that for you transparently.
This. Even xterm is faster and unapologetically shit at handling glyphs that are wide or out of the loaded ttf.
URxvt is a fucking joke, and a shit one at that.
>people itt bitching about which form of deprecated shitware such as terminal emulators is best
LMAO just run a shell in Emacs. It's better in every way.
Despite its reputation as being "ugly and bloated", xterm is still one of the best terminal emulators out there, functionally speaking, not to mention technically THE default X11 terminal emulator.
Yes, the codebase is a mess and you need to fiddle with Xresources to configure it, but it's fast, works with everything and after many years I've never encountered a single bug. Every text-based application is pretty much guaranteed to work flawlessly in xterm.
That said, I don't use it full time, I generally keep it installed as a fallback terminal. I usually just use the default terminal that comes with the DE simply because it's better integrated with the rest of the environment, whether the terminal itself is good or not.
I switched to st+tmux from urxvt just recently and found out that's everything I needed from urxvt, not a single patch applied. Super comfy.
But, how would you make it render CJK with bitmap (or with no aliasing) to make it consistent with my main font (9px terminus)? It follows global font settings, I only want dogshit ugly fonts in the terminal.
Can't it run with Xwayland?
>minimalist meme dead?
nah, autists will still use suckdicks tools.
Everyone else noticed actual devs just use a DE and xterm or gnome-terminal because the time saved by not configuring features is worth the extra megabyte of RAM.
This. Emacs provides actual returns for the time spent, unlike suckdicks utils.
xah is a weird fuck but he is right about most things
Anyone knows how to add ligatures to ST?
Try specifiying pango in the font line in config.h?
>bitmap (or with no aliasing)
?? do you know what aliasing is?
if you don't want antialiasing, change it to false. GNU unifont is a bitmap CJK, set that as your font2.
yes as far as i know the zombie jump scare maze game has been dead for some time now
programmer socks, programmer fonts, programmer themes, programmer music, programmer friends, programmer server, programmer games, programmer life
>I'm on wayland
I feel your pain, user.
>no redshift
>no scrot
>nouveau in 2019
>sway is a gigantic fuck you to everyone
>Arguing about lightweight window managers you should install when twm has been the standard window manager for the X Window System since version X11R4.