What is the Linux and free software community doing to support Latinx culture?
Embrace and extend indeed, Microsoft.
What is the Linux and free software community doing to support Latinx culture?
Embrace and extend indeed, Microsoft.
This appears only in shitskin cucked countries
remember when latinas where pushed into your face at anytime?
I'm all for Hispanic heritage month!
When is White Heritage month?
Whites are too diverse
Oh you mean the KKK convention month?
Fuck off. Now fucking gringos are trying to force their speech on me? The Royal Academy already spoke: there is no gender-neutral adjectives in Spanish. Fuck off.
GPL 4.0 will be Microsoft’s extinguish phase
Does Miguel de Icaza qualify as Hispanic instead of a GNOME yet?
>hispanic heritage
>celebrating the fact you are a result of a drunk spanish conquistador raping indios
How diverse of you, stereotyping a population just because a minority of whites hate another race vehemently. Nevermind Europe anyways, they don't exist from your logic.
I have never ever seen anyone actually care about this month. They keep trying to force it, but it never does as well as fag month and black month
I'm no racist but latinx sounds ridiculous and I'm not sure how you'd pronounce that
Why don't people simply use "Latin" when referring to Hispanics instead of making up retarded words?
Latin just refers to the language romans used. But male pronouns can already be gender neutral when plural. these people are just retarded
there is at least one person with a hispanic name in the kernel maintainers credits file.
should there be a 23andme for software? you can call it "sub1GBandwhat".
enjoy your mexican operating system, i am.
reminder that only white people and jews think "latino" is an offensive word
Jow Forums what your opinion is on the most latino/latina computer system or operating system or software.
if you want to gender your words you can.
Every other month you snowflake
the odd ones, not the even ones, right?
US is pretty much controlled by jews
>there is no gender-neutral adjectives in Spanish.
for now.
I don't understand all this stuff with "Latinx". I bet you this is only in the USA and the result of corporation pandering. And how the hell you'd pronounce that in Spanish? On top of that, it looks so awkward.
Oktoberfest, couldn't get any whiter than that.
same in latin america. "hispanic heritage month" is not a thing over here
can't wait until some local retards start using "latinx". our activists are fucking clueless
based wetback.
She cute.
Unironically based
I see Univision and Telemundo promoting it and I just laugh it off.
It's not about racism. I'm from a Spanish-speaking country in Latin America and it sounds totally ridiculous. Do they have hispanx too?
The encompassing term is "Latinos" which is considered gender neutral when speaking of a group of mixed-gender people.
I hate it, you have to sound like a retarded child making pretending to be a snake to pronounce that
Let me just interject for a moment...
People who use the word "Latinx" go hand-in-hand with people who get nervous over the next gen getting bleached while posting "lol your grandkids are gonna be brown" memes
putos de mierda
This. Fucking US and their cancerous "culture"
why do white liberals use latinx and bastardize spanish when everyone else whos sane uses latino/latina
If only.
Go fuck yourself, you, Microsoft, Bill Gates. This triggered me so much that I'm considering installing Linux holy shit
What does one's race have to do with knowing how to use technology?