What's your favorite design and what's your most hated design, Jow Forums?

What's your favorite design and what's your most hated design, Jow Forums?

I love pic related and I hate the iphone 6.

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I like design of iphone 5/5s and hate every other models of iphone.

Attached: iphone_5.jpg (1200x1200, 212K)

I hate the arrangement of the three cameras on the new iphone.

Pepper your angus.

Attached: C63E02F7-DB74-47B7-9938-48F1FF277F6F.jpg (960x891, 32K)

phones are slabs with a screen, wheeeeee

Attached: 19959-sony-cli-eacute-peg-nz90.jpg (238x400, 15K)

that looks better somehow


I don't care as long as it's functional

OP here: I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters but I just thought I should mention since I posted this thread in the wrong board (was supposed to be in /lgbt/ or /fa/).

Go away, fake.

I like my phone

Attached: 71WH8eMTCML._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 99K)

For real though I can't get enough cocks in my daily diet. I CRAVE them every minute, literally can't get enough of them.

pic related is kino af
I wanted to buy the SE even if I at the time had HTC 10 and was a androidfag because I live in a 3rd world country and don't have iTunes support here. Sad that I didn't cop one when it was new.
Most hated smartphone design would be old samsung from 2014-2016. Exception would be Galaxy Alpha (which I previously had) and Note 4


Not a coincidence 5 was the last one Jobs oversaw. Not into revering the guy but it’s clear the company lost the plot immediately after he passed.

5S/SE are peak smartphone design. Rest is too boring to hate.

>Galaxy Alpha
That thing had amazing design. Almost forgot about it.

5 wasn't Jobs because Jobs liked the 15:10 screen ratio. 4S was jobs last, he did present the 4 but he was already on his bed.

How does it explain the others dropping the plot even harder? The 6 - 8 design was horrible and even during that period the competition didn't manage anything that looks better. Someone murdered every competent designer in the industry around 2012.

reporting in for yet another comfy SE thread

/bestformfactor/ general

you can buy a refurbished 64GB SE off of Amazon for $200 or less, i did it last year, still kicking ass and very snappy. Screen and camera are great and do everything youd want.

Somebody explain to me why they don't just put one big lens on the back of the iphone instead of 3 small ones. I understand that they work in unison somehow through fucking software fuckery, but I figure one bigger lens would still be up to the task, right?

And now we have bezel-less bullshit. Design really has jumped out the window. And practicality shot itself.

feature phones > touch screen "phones"
phone in pic is sony ericsson w300i if anyone is curious

Attached: 1200px-W300i_TIM.jpg (1200x898, 148K)

i ordered an se a few days ago. should arrive tomorrow. says it's "open box". gotta install ios 12.4.1 before it's too late (don't want ios 13)

a big lens would be expensive
apple went for the lowest bidder to provide the cheapest lowest quality chinkshit as possible