Realistically, whats the least amount of money I can spend for an acceptable gaming computer?

Realistically, whats the least amount of money I can spend for an acceptable gaming computer?

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fuck your question, I'm going to respond to pic unrelated.
Are sovcits justified, Jow Forums?
Is antinatalism a justified philosophy?

fuck off /v/tard

Both y'all and /v/ are very easy to provoke with memes. This is the third thread I've made with an innocuous question that got lit up because of a semi controversial meme.

bout tree fiddy

>third thread ... that got lit up because of a semi controversial meme
Chaos is our order, user.

ironic humor is dead

What is dead may never die ... ?

about tree hundred 'n' fiddy

install gentoo
tf is a sovcit?

>Is antinatalism a justified philosophy?
No, Israel deserves to exist you vile antisemite.

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$750-1000 -- this will be good for at least 3-5 years

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>Chaos is our order, user.
If this is not a meme then it needs to become one.

Maybe even as low as $600

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Sovereign citizen
Some dingbat thing that people think they can do whatever they want but not abide by the country's law. They usually do it in response to taxes, traffic stops, etc.

Schools/universities old i5 computer (yes US schools sell those) - 20-30$

8 gb ddr3 - 15$

Good graphics card - 120-150$

SSD- 50-100$
If you follow my steps you have a good gayming PC for less than 400.

About treefiddy if you buy used and a couple generations old.


Ive seen good (all new) builds for 500.

Whats wrong with an i5??
More than good for the steal worthy price.

Considering an RX 590 costs $200, OS $100, and CPU $100-150, and decent mobo ~$100. If you want Nvidia 1660 TI is about $269. AMD or Intel is fine here.

We'll budget RAM, Case, SSD, and OS to another $300

You might need a display and KB/M. Tack on another $200.

About a grand. Maybe eight if you don't need some things.

second line, OS was typo, meant PSU, but the price remains

also go modular. Don't ever buy a non-modular PSU.


define acceptable
you could get an used optiplex and a $100 RX570 for dirt cheap

Depends on your taste for games really.
If you're an absolute retrofag, you can just get a raspi and have fun forever.

This, though you'd be riddled with massive amounts of critical security vulnerabilities and/or crippling performance regressions from the security patches.

Of course, you should have a machine powerful enough to run all the sega saturn games.
Everyone should, or a real sega saturn.
Because when the he comes, you have to play it.

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