*blocks ur CS path*

*blocks ur CS path*

Attached: guidance-nonmajor.gif (383x415, 13K)

calc is easy
statistics are killer

>formal education

I already did my Calc I-III plus ODEs. Linear algebra I haven't done. It's not really that hard and seems a lot worse when you're going through it then it is in retrospect.

I'm not some CScuck though. Based EEchad.

That's easy, abstract algebra is the big boss of CS.

I've taken some courses on differential equations, numerical methods for differential equations etc. It was a lot of fun, very useful for engineers of course. I have no idea when you'd ever use it in "tech" though, unless you're doing hardware stuff or something technical like machine learning. I just don't see where the math comes in. Differential equations and abstract algebra often come up in these threads, but I know really good programmers who do pretty advanced stuff who only know the basics of discrete mathematics.

I had all that shit done in my first semester of Freshman Year.

Do CS majors even need to take Abstract Algebra? When I took it it was entirely Math Majors (and minors).

it helps a lot to develop logical/mathematical thinking

Calc isn't bad if you have a decent professor or come from a European education background. If your plan is to become a codemonkey, you're not going to give a shit about it once you finish your courses. Linear algebra is pretty easy on paper; if you have to code, that's another story.

Math up to at least Calc 2 should unironically be mandatory for all majors. A drooling retard should not be considered "a college educated academic" when they can't even wrap their head around basic logic. It would also make degrees actually worth something again instead of just a job tax enforced by the high-school dropouts in HR.

>americans have problems with basic calculus
wait till they show you things like O(n).
You will literally never be able to get anything in terms of passed exams.

>106 or 108
what are those numbers? I'm attending to Calculus I classes right now, it's pretty difficult you haven't seen trigonometry properly on hs

How did you do that

Are you retarded? Big-O notation is basically the most basic and simple application of the most basic concepts in Calc 1 imaginable. If someone passes Calc 1 with a C-, then they can easily wrap their heads around O(n)

AP Calc 1 and 2. First semester was Calc 3, DiffyQ, Linear Algebra.

Probably scored 5/5s on the AP exams and put in the effort to fight the college. They do everything in their power to stop you from transferring credits in because they can't charge you for it (even if you earned the right)

Why would you want to put yourself through that

Just go to a state college, they're not going to fight you (they probably legally can't). No one cares where you get your Bachelors from. Pedigree only matters for post-grad.

Eh, it was pretty easy. Calc 3 was a bit rough because I Senioritis'd my way through Calc 2. But math doesn't really get difficult until Real Analysis.

There is a big difference between eyeballing O(n) and solving the recurrence relation for a non-trivial routine. Calculus won't help you there though.

I'm doing Informatics, that's applied maths plus computer science.

CS is a NASA degree

>does vector math
>blows it on IT

>Calculus won't help you there though.
Differential Equations certainly will. Also if you're in a position to actually care about such things you're probably better off studying algebra, number theory, and other real math. Algorithm classes should be more about practical dynamic programming. A mainline CS-requirement class might introduce you to the concepts you mention, but it's not really the core point of those classes being in the mainline.

If it's a single variable recursion, I can do substitution, unwinding, or master theorem. I mean it's not that hard.

I remember having to learn generating functions in the algorithms class. I never went much further in the mathematics beyond what was required, but studying algorithms on my own later I learned how much is omitted from the curriculum by necessity. Once you factor in how an algorithm performs on real architecture, the conventional analysis metrics like lookups and comparisons will utterly fail to correlate with actual run-time behavior. It's almost a lie what they teach in books like CLRS.

Until you start working with algorithms with run times that vary with variables besides size, like entropy, or you want to find the amortized complexity for some algorithm where you cannot just assume the average over N iterations.

>Until you start working with algorithms with run times that vary with variables besides size, like entropy, or you want to find the amortized complexity for some algorithm where you cannot just assume the average over N iterations.
I mean there are well formulated and unambiguous statistical methods to still get a concrete non-approximate answer. All this covered in a standard curriculum.

Such as?

>being so retarded that they can't do high school math
>still asking to be programmers

Maybe you should just like, give up, man

can't see shit

You want me to cite some fucking books?

you shouldn't be allowed a "CS" degree without courses in the following (all theoretical, not baby engineer shit)
>differential equations
>linear algebra
>numerical methods
>graph theory
>abstract algebra
>complexity theory
>theory of computation

Yes I would like to know what these methods are because it would save me time.

lol how is useless stuff that gonna help me code in java

it won't, if that's what you're interesting in do a "Software Engineering" major instead

AND a quantum mechanics course. Quantum computers are the future, you know.

Calc is shit if you want to teach logic, all I learned from Calc is how to derive formulas I'll use once on the exam, and never again because Google is a thing.

You want to do machine learning or what?

we had one that was 90% compsci niggers class was stupidly easy, actually made me go from hating proofs to thinking they're easy af

>the minimum for my major is just Calc I/II and Discrete math

Thank god because I'm a brainlet

that would be good but proper understanding of QM would involve a big digression into fields of math that are otherwise not of much interest. also no one has made an actual quantum computer yet, DWAVE and shit are memes

You don't need a proper understanding of electricity to understand circuit board gate logic. They'd just teach quantum principals as relevant to quantum computers.

Calc and DEs are kinda easy, it's combinatorics that will fuck most people up.

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I dropped out because of this shit. Fuck Calculus. It is only self masturbatory material for mathcucks.

did all that shit in high school at the local college
i think probability and statistics courses would be more useful than diff eq and numerical methods but agreed otherwise

in the end it's 99% useless shit you'll forget in a month and just a hazing ritual to prove you have leet skillz

I found statistics way easier than calculus. I took Calc 2, linear algebra, discrete, multidimensional, and stats.

I know you're baiting, but it's amazing that there are actually people out there who have trouble with calculus.