Version 2.0

Version 2.0

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I don't recognize any of those videogames.

Redhat embraced tranny diversity culture so it should probably be on the left. Also the main proponent of gnome "the users are too stupid we have to coddle them"

You mean tranny Jow Forums culture. Discord doesn't have trannies.

based esr and terry

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>not 100% authoritarian
Do you even understand how religions work?

Why does everything have to be political nowadays?

>haiku in the middle
Excuse me, but is this bait?

GuixSD should be a step beyond RMS
Icecat should be a step ahead of Pale Meme
Ungoogled Chromium should be in the libertarian section
NixOS should be centrist
Qubes should be ultra-libertarian left

>Jow Forums is right

epic meme /pol tard

good but temple os is top right

>grep -i discord
404 pattern not found

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>Discord doesn't have trannies.

Attached: ishygddt anime girl.jpg (335x329, 59K)

How is Ubuntu more libertarian than Arch?

bro, twittar commie.....
ever watch joe rogan?

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I have never seen a discord tranny. I see Jow Forums trannies every 10 minutes.

where's guixsd on this spectrum

Spot on. Execpt freeBSD is a bit more libertarian and openBSD a bit more left.
Everything else is correct.

Trump polarised everyone, or rather the left's reaction to trump did.
Before trump got elected most people didn't really give a shit about politics, but then the left started sperging out and everyone on the internet got exposed to a constant onslaught of "orange man bad".
People saw this an either joined in on the spergout or thought that everyone sperging out was retarded and aligned themselves to the complete opposite end of the political spectrum because they were so fed up of seeing all this retardation.
So now basically now everyone on the internet is far right or far left whereas most people didn't give a shit about politics before.

Even further libertarian left than Stallman

Nice protection.

Nice argument

R8 this one for the boards
>/lgbt/ - discord tranny central
>/mu/ - hiphop head central
>/sci/ - somewhat centrist and eco friendly
>/v/ - gamer gate central
>/b/ - anarchy
>Jow Forums - pro privacy, decentralization, anti globalization, anti minorities and lgbt
>Jow Forums - anarcho capitalist central
>/tv/ - definitely right wing, but too degenerate to be pro authoritarianism
>/sp/ - one of the most explicitly racist boards
>Jow Forums - while leaning right wing and being a recruitment ground for Jow Forums, their degeneracy and their plight for government mandated supply of sex, they should be much closer to left.
>/lit/ - while you will meet the occasional Rand-tard and/or Christfag here and there, /lit/ is definitely not right wing but also not a Marxist fedora shithole. I would say it is pretty balanced while leaning libertarian.

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I should have changed the titles from "economic left/right" to "social left/right"

sudo pacman -S your-freedom

>right and left is how progressive/conservative you are
I dont think you understand what this graph means.


Is that for real?

Thats what authoritarian-libertarian means, thats the social axis.
Making it two axes for the same thing makes no fucking sense. Either way you're extremely biased so you shouldnt be making anything like this in the first place.

The true master race

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Where would Jow Forums go? I'm having trouble placing them. They're sort of the anti-Jow Forums so I guess top left because of the high amounts of people who think the USSR was right because they hate Americans.

/tv/ further down

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This guy almost understands it but the reality is that everything was already political. Trump was elected because he got a bunch of people who previously didn't consider themselves political to consider themselves political and eventually vote for him. His election caused other people to start considering themselves political. But the world has always been political

Rofl no. There are authoritarian conservatives (fascists, US neocons, UK tories) and authoritarian progressives (stalinists, US dems, euro social democrats).

>there is no such thing as a discord tranny

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they literally have tranny cultists on discord

>US dems

Android should be further left and further libertarian. It's open source (libertarian) and generally inclusive of everything/platform/people (liberal - left).

so this is just a political compass of random shit? what the fuck am I looking at?

>/b/ - anarchy
should be /b/ - cumbrains

t. cumbrain who goes there for porn and always sees the same porn threads every time. its far from anarchy. its fairly structured.

>what is socialism

before you waste your time making fancy charts, at least figure out what the politics are first

>Jow Forums

>cat-v aut-right while uriel was an autistic libertarian[1]
>red-hat right with its embrace diversity politics


They are socially VERY progressive, even compared to Europe.

But none of your progressives are progressive at all, they're just left-leaning authoritarians.
How in the fuck are stalinists progressive when he's the posterchild for totalitarianism and statism? Are you alright, man?

>Jow Forums trannies uses discord

Whoa bro! That just throws everything out the window!

>meanwhile there's 10 tranny threads on any given board at a time

Jow Forums needs to be more Libertarian
gov fuck off reee

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America is completely pozzed dude, do you realise half of Americans want to abolish immigration enforcement? No other country stoops anywhere near to that level of "progressiveness", America is a complete clown show.

>do you realise half of Americans want to abolish immigration enforcement? No other country stoops anywhere near to that level of "progressiveness"
Oh my sweet summer child.

Help a dumb user, pls.

How can i watch Netflix on Chromium? I'm trying to install a plug-in called "chromium-widevine" but i am not being able to do this.

I know it's no the topic of the thread but i couldn't found the solution.

If I was born 33 years after WW2 ended, I'd think the whole WORLD is a clown show. That means each and every one of you mother fuckers is NOT entitled to an opinion. There is only one right from wrong. You can't zig-zag this-way and that-way. Fucking mother fuckers.

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Stalin was a feminist, secular, pro minorities, pro worker rights - I think this qualifies him as a progressive I.E wants society to progress instead of conserving the status quo and keeping traditions. He was a homophobe but that was everyone in Russia back in those days.

Absolutely based

Enlighten me, I don't believe that any country is as fucked as America

>so this is just a political compass of random shit?
yes, and it's beautiful

*43 years...but god damn am I getting old

where is hacker news in this?

Here in Spain if a woman tells the police that you hit her you are automatically jailed for 72 hours. It does not matter if they have no evidence of it, or even if they have evidence that contradicts what the cunt said.

This is because of a law passed almost 15 years ago to stop domestic violence, a term which was substituted by the orwellian "gender violence" and made into a female-only issue.

'Murica might be retardedly fucked, but some countries in Europe are actually worse.

nice chart

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The majority of American democrats want UK tier gun laws enforced regardless of state rights, open borders, "red flag" laws (read: Singapore level surveillance to crush dissidents), and dividing the American populace among hard racial lines to determine who pays and gets paid in a mandatory reparations act. They are basically an accelerationist party towards a civil war.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind it

where should void linux fall in the chart??

Terry Davis was authoritarian right, not libertarian right. He was pretty open about wanting to put people in camps, including the Linux atheists.

what's the fat retarded fish

Didnt the 2016 election have the lowest turnout in a while though? It seems like the opposite, the whole election made Americans more apathetic

Pic related
Lurk moar

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a bunch of basement dwellers doing free labor for corps

whoever made this doesn't know Jow Forums very well

When will Jow Forums form a billion dollar internet startup?


Where does openSUSE and SLE go?


>left means degeneracy and right means good
With this extensive knowledge of political theory you shouldn't be making these kind of lists.

Usually it's like that.

Fuck, meant to quote:

>right wing

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They are in to make money, progressive pandering aside

by that logic facebook, google, microsoft, etc. are right wing

Thought this too. Has Jow Forums become so politically delusional that they think bible-thumping and calling porn "degenerate" is libertarian?

They kinda are and have to be
If a true leftist revolution ever came into fruition those companies would be dissolved/broken up

who do you think is funding the revolution kek

Whatever "revolution" they are planning is not going to be leftist in the slightest but more a progressive revolution because progressives don't actually mind megacorps or unrestrained capitalism as long as they feel the megacorps are on their side.

Where's Jow Forums (in general -- including pol and g)?