I started reading Computer Networks: A top down aproach by forouzan & mosharaff, what am i in for?

I started reading Computer Networks: A top down aproach by forouzan & mosharaff, what am i in for?
What should i read next?
Complete begginer to networks btw.

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>no cute feminine penis

it's not fucking fair bros. why does some twink white incel with no job get a girl like that when I lift and make almost 200k and can't

You learned to read user? oh cool

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>a girl like that
Im sure you can afford a prostitute user

Looks old

He probably actually asked her out, focus on social abilities user.

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Yeah but i literally had sex once, and literally only kissed the same girl like 5 years ago, i am afraid of the prostitute catching on that i am a virgin.
Specially if she cute.

I don't know why this pic all of a sudden made me want to be gay.

>i literally had sex
>i am afraid of the prostitute catching on that i am a virgin

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his fucking hands are even smaller than hers. and she fucking calls him daddy and lets him dominate her. she could probably beat the shit out of him. white women are a meme.

but which one is it? both could apply for the OP photo

To be a alfa, you need to be strong, but you also need to be confident.
Also, woman also like cute faces, because genes.
Just like they like big strong men, because instict of being protected.
I am basically a virgin, i had sex once, and kissed some girls in my 14YOs, but after that NOTHING and i am almost 21yo for fucks sake.
In truth i am considering hiring a old prostitue(so i dont feel bad, they are probably more understanding) to teach me how kiss and have sex.

>i am almost 21yo
It's 2019, this is normal

>being a semivirgin at 21 in 2019 is normal
Dunno where you live but where i live girls lose their virginity at 10-12 and are already married at 16



Most of the US is like that too. Well, the non-cucked states.

How do i become like her bros?

>third world shithole


>I am basically a virgin, i had sex once
that's not how it works

>i am almost 21yo
>i had sex once
>I am basically a virgin
this is physically painful to read
what the fuck is going on with young people?

Please user stop shaming me for being unlucky by being born here.
I dont mean in the meme alfa XD way, i mean the leader of the pack, someone self sufficient.
Yeah i mean i may not be a virgin but if i tried to have sex with a woman they would for sure think i am, because i literally have no experience.

I mean fuck, we should just screencap it and save it, so they can remember how far... they've come...


Met any femoids lately?

>she looks just like me

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>had sex at 14 yo
>fucking seven years without even kissing a female
How the fuck can you disagree with my statement?
Perhaps in 1st world countries the situation is diferent but here i am a fucking virgin.

>How the fuck can you disagree with my statement?
by going dry for 12 years and not giving a shit
get a hobby you peer pressured princess

>i am a fucking virgin
Make up your mind, which one is it?

Not phisically virgin but i certainly have no sexual experience, is it so hard to understand?
Sorry if i dont want to die without experiencing a pussy more.
Sex also makes you more confident.

Nigga I've never got past cuddling and I'm 24, remember where you are

>kissing prostitutes
I wouldnt do that even if i havent lost my kissing virginity 30 years from now


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With your dad and brother?

Just choose a good prostitute(the expensive ones are less likely to have some sexual disease), i really dont want to shame myself by slurping instead of kissing.

>tfw my whole life i had chances to get it on with girls but my autismo self didnt let me so now i am full social retard who cant talk to girls
Fuc, might as well go fuck traps now, at least i can talk to them.
[spoiler]also dunno why but gays are fucking obssess with me, not one girl but guys always try to hit me[/spoiler]

>is it so hard to understand?
Apparently it is. From where I'm sitting, "fucking virgin" is what we call an oxymoron.

two sluts from class

also the virgin crying how OP has her and he is far better is a retard not taking into consideration personality and how dominant that guy could be

If you've gotten to the point where youre considering a prostitute, you cant shame yourself any more.

>two sluts from class
Which one of you 3 has the biggest dick?

>be born with the correct genes
>be attention whore on social media

Girls in the was Joanna Kuchta and the guy Joe Fahy.

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As long as i dont shame myself in front of the girls i want to fuck its okay.

god she is so hot fuck
god is a fucking hack why are the chads allowed to hog all the cuties

Just be born a chad lmao

i thought you got results of your mothers dead body penetration results back?

Stop typing incoherent nonsense and answer my question

pick 1

Answer my fucking question already

>50 fucking replies
>no one ever talked about the book
What the actual fuck

>god she is so hot fuck

Not bad, but she's only 5 feet 3 inches

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I have a fetish for small girls.
The smaller, the better, if i cant manhandle a bitch she is not for me.

it's not that surprising desu

the smaller the girl the more likely you are to poke the cervix :/

Girls can handle dicks hitting their wombs, they actually like it.

LMAO his dick is not big enough to penetrate the fallopian tube and ovary

>implying thats a bad thing
They do it all the time in my hentais.