'Content is like water'

The phrase 'content is like water' is a common metaphor for explaining responsive web design, but it's important to consider this phrase in relation to another observation about the nature of content: namely that content is irrelevant and that the medium is the message. In designing a responsive web, we surrender control over what does matter - the medium, and so the message - in order to make the content conform to the limitations of a variety of devices. This is a pretty lousy trade if you want to do much more than sell advertising.
Content is merely what draws people to interact with the medium, which dictates the message. This problem is intolerable in the context of interactive websites, where a lot of the ability to shape the development of a community is lost in the pursuit of ensuring the maximum level of content accessibility, without consideration for how different devices shape the user's behaviour in ways that will fit the community to a greater or lesser degree.

Just an observation

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you know you control the front-end as well, right?

what the fuck is content

Content is what changes constantly and people come back to the same site for to get.

as a developer you can't add a physical keyboard to every user's smartphone or a touchscreen to every user's laptop.

ask a content creator, or perhaps some of the hardworking staff at content providers such as google.
fun fact: the wiki article on the phrase 'content creator' didn't really take off until 2013.

are frontend developers real?

why did they call them content creators instead of youtubers

Yeah, a lot of civilization is thirsty for water

Our content is clearly lacking


html 1.0 without css and js scales perfectly across every device.

Art imitates art; life is obsolete.

Yes. Content is like water. If the design you've made is full of holes, it will leak out like water through a sieve, and your viewers will be left with nothing.

Content is like water, don't exercise vigorous quality control and you'll get poisoned, don't control excess quantity effectively and you'll drown

Content is like water, if it's too salty, it will kill you


Web designers are useless parasites who get paid for making our world a worse place to live in.

Get a job incel

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"web design" = "making sure the website is unusable unless the user enables JS and everything else so that we can show him ads"

Content is, for example, an article. The OP is an idiot and somehow thinks that the article itself says something different if you decide to make your site available to iPads.
>namely that content is irrelevant and that the medium is the message
>In designing a responsive web, we surrender control over what does matter - the medium, and so the message -
No; depends on flawed assumption.
>in order to make the content conform to the limitations of a variety of devices.
I don't see how an article 'conforming to the limitations' of a laptop is different from the same article 'conforming to the limitations' of an iPad. You should stop trying to sound smart, because you're not really saying anything.

>The OP is an idiot and somehow thinks that the article itself says something different if you decide to make your site available to iPads.
No, you're an idiot who doesn't know the meaning of the phrase "the medium is the message". Perhaps you should read more and post less, literal child.

Imagine if instead of ad hominem you had typed the half of what you did to explain something useful. You're still saying nothing of substance, but now we know that you believe religiously in phrases, and assume that they mean something is enough people parrot them. Stop posing, and use your brain for real instead.

He's just referring to a very specific approach to content creation. Don't even take cultists like him seriously.

>namely that content is irrelevant and that the medium is the message
Sounds exactly like modus operandi of all those talentless hacks calling themselves "journalists".

A fuller explanation would be content. Content presented through the medium of an imageboard. The results of our conversation are better predicted from the fact it's taking place on Jow Forums than they are from any words I could type here.

But if you want something even tangentially related to your crap post, think about the average news website - what is the content? It's not just the article, it's also the comment section, and the various sharing services available. Are you going to tell me that the keyboard (and larger screen) on a laptop doesn't encourage users to type longer comments, and the inverse - the limitations of the iPad don't encourage shorter comments. That a laptop lends itself better to sharing an article to Jow Forums (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) and an iPad to integrated sharing services (one or two taps)? Think about how interaction with the technology shapes the behaviour of the user. Ultimately, that has a bigger effect than whether the article is about orange man bad or orange box good.


So, porn?

>consider the following.jpg

Good observation OP. For once you're not a faggot.

There's a good book about the implication of the message by changing the medium to convey it. Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. As far as I've seen there's only a very small amount of the population that recognizes this and neglects that their medium of choice changes the metaphor of communication and thus changes the message they want to convey. And this is a very big problem since we're on a rollercoaster of the creation of new media since computers and the internet became part of our normal lives. I think the lack of awareness is a big danger to our society and has a high probability of setting us back.

As an example to people that doubt this, think about Reddit for a second. What sets us apart from them? Upvotes. The media is our message because it directly influences the content. People on Reddit don't want to post a message that would attract downvotes as opposed to upvotes. The ressult is the differenxe between 4channel and reddit. Is the difference negligible to everyone here?

I really recommend reading Amusing Ourselves to Death to everyone in this thread.

no one gives a fuck