So glad we're focused on putting more women in tech.
So glad we're focused on putting more women in tech
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She is so ugly.
Because people in tech aren't allowed to have other hobbies or care about hygiene, style, etc? If it was a man who wrote about lifting weights, would the attitude be, "man in tech predictably obsessed with his muscles"?
There are lots of perfectly valid criticisms against the SJW crowd. We don't need to invent random complaints like this. That's usually what they do they. Playing by their rule book is how you lose.
>If it was a man who wrote about lifting weights, would the attitude be, "man in tech predictably obsessed with his muscles"?
Honestly yeah, that would be weird and out of place and tech people would probably dislike him.
This is an attempt to discredit those who are actually critical of her actions by making it about her race, appearance, and gender.
You will never win those battles.
No, fitfags arent actually that hard to be found in tech.
Many being incels who finally got some shame and started self improving to get dem pusses
People dislike the weirdo that has no other hobbies outside of work. Pretty much everyone has a hobby that's not programming. Some play video games, some shoot guns, some are into fitness, others make music or draw. Having one and only one interest is strongly correlated with autism. You might want to get yourself checked.
Let me guess, black and korean, the unholy mixture of sjw ethnics.
>If it was a man who wrote about lifting weights, would the attitude be, "man in tech predictably obsessed with his muscles"?
Yes. Absolutely. There would be no end to articles (from very mainstream networks) on toxic masculinity infecting tech/software dev, male entitlement calling for a brave and misunderstood woman to be fired and so forth...
I'm doubtful that you took time to read the article or any of the coverage, but it's really quite an insight into this woman's narcissism and psyche which are not unrelated to her crusade against RS.
And her op that kicked things off:
>Yes. Absolutely. There would be no end to articles (from very mainstream networks) on toxic masculinity infecting tech/software dev
That's the point I was making. Only the SJWs would have a problem with it. Why are rational people trying to take a page from their playbook? Criticizing men for exercising or criticizing women for an interest in hair/makeup are equally dumb. "But it's okay when my side does it" is classic authoritarianism. Criticize her for bad arguments, not because she also happens to like hair or makeup.
Working out is being healthy. Being obsessed with your hair is vanity.
the whole "bro culture" thing blew over, like the wage gap nobody could prove it was a real problem, and it devolved into an anti-male slur
So what? Do you walk around in sweatpants and never get a hair cut or shave because that would be vain? Also, a large amount of the reason people exercise is for vanity. They want big muscles and to lose fat for vanity just as much, if not more than the health reasons. Try going to Jow Forums once in a while. Most of the posts are about aesthetics.
Only certain hobbies are allowed. If you're a nerd you can dress up as your favourite Star War, you can be into hiking alone or like your turtles. But nothing too socially acceptable/attractive. That triggers the neckbeards
Have sex incel
lol. this is the only rebuttal incels have
The techcrunch article was catherine chu, a chinese surname
fuck stallman, all he achieved was the complete destruction of free and decentralized computing.
what he tells people:
>software should be free, not captured by evil corporations
>it's moral to work for free
>it's going to end up in a free and prosperous world
what actually happened:
>small ISVs (including one man shops) disappeared, because every commercial product has some shitty but barely good enough free replacement
>the only software vendors that survived are old behemoths that grew enormous, like Microsoft, Autodesk and Adobe
>thanks to the memetic virus that is free software and open source, their success is impossible to replicate
>developers who in stallman-less universe would work in, or run themselves, a small software company are forced to wagecuck as a cog in one of few megacorporations
>eventually corporations realized this, which is why all attacks stopped and they now uniformly support open source - effectively, a dumping strategy to kill competitors
>the near death of software license as an income source lead to the model of "free" online services where users' data is the product that is monetized
>the end result is the biggest surveillance state in history, enabled by a hybrid of state of megacorporations
>the trend is going into even more sinister direction in which users own nothing except a dumb terminal and is completely powerless
Brainlets thinks he's a hero, but the world would be infinitely better if he was never born. Imagine a world in which smartest minds of the generation work on making programs serve users' needs better, to make people pay more for licenses, instead of making online surveillance better to make ad targeting more effective.
Muscles are cool, hair is for faggots, and you know this.
Can we focus on what she's done, not how she looks?
>we focus on what she's done
lie and lie
I always felt like there was something red about FOSS, but holy shit, i hate FSF now
she's not ugly, but she's not attractive either
>There are korean girls who might be interested in black guys
There's hope for me yet.
This is incredible. The mind of a metacontrarian, its disagreement rationalization engine firing on all cylinders.
>free software caused the surveillance state
>Corporation free boring software and let people work in for free
>Corporation managers took open source project as own projects even if GPLv3
>Now open source contributors use as signal to hire cheap and docile employers.
More attractive than the girl you posted tbhfamalam.
this is an amazing theory
Yeah, to casually date and not actually marry because their parents would behead them.
You're better off BLACKing a white roastie
you're retarded and projecting. i get paid to develop opensource software all under GPL.
>i get paid to develop opensource software
yes, you're a wagecuck
his point is about small businesses disappearing
communism promised utopia but only managed to bring starvation.
I'm not saying he had bad intentions. Many communists (especially in the past) genuinely believed it's going to work, too.
In a way, he deserves this comeuppance. If most people worked in companies too small to even a HR department SJWs would be completely powerless.
Paid by whom, big corporation by any chance?
Ah, figures.
Quality white girls aren't interested in black guys.
>software should be free, not captured by evil corporations
Stallman's argument was that software should be free. Period. He had other personal opinions about large corporations, but had no problem with them being involved in free software development. He opposed anyone, even a single individual, distributing non-free software. It had nothing to do with whether it was a corporation or not, or whether they were evil or not.
>it's moral to work for free
Yes. That's called volunteering.
>it's going to end up in a free and prosperous world
I don't think he ever made that claim. Just that he considered proprietary software to violate rights that he thought people should have. In fact, Stallman has been very clear that he thinks these rights are above practicality. Free? Yes. Prosperous? Not necessarily.
>small ISVs (including one man shops) disappeared, because every commercial product has some shitty but barely good enough free replacement
If the software was so easy to replicate by volunteers, then maybe it wasn't worth all that much.
>the only software vendors that survived are old behemoths that grew enormous, like Microsoft, Autodesk and Adobe
Red Hat, Canonical, Docker, GitLab, etc. So many new businesses were created because of free software.
>developers who in stallman-less universe would work in, or run themselves, a small software company are forced to wagecuck as a cog in one of few megacorporations
See above. Go start a company around free software if you want.
>the near death of software license as an income source lead to the model of "free" online services where users' data is the product that is monetized
Video games were largely unaffected by free software and they still ended up like this. This would have happened anyway.
Nope, black father and chinese mother. And, as the rule goes, single mother that came to america alone with her kids, and then everybody wonders why this specimen does nothing but calls for attention, LMAO.
>Red Hat, Canonical, Docker, GitLab, etc. So many new businesses were created because of free software.
You basically named all of them
free software is not good for business
it can only support a tiny fraction of what non-free software can support
wrong, i run my own company.
>to even a HR department
to even have*
(lots of typos in the previous post too, effect of editing sentences aftewards)
>Video games were largely unaffected by free software and they still ended up like this.
they didn't. There's an explosion of indie games. It's an argument for my theory. Game development is the most decentralized of all it market segments. It's the only place remaining where a small team can still strike it big by writing software that becomes popular. Like star dew valley.
In the 90s it was like that for everything.
Gaming is the segment that survived the free software memetic virus the best, possibly because it's very hard to convince people to code games for free.
unironically learn tekken
ill disagree
Why are Black genes always so dominant?
you'd have to rape one though ... why do you thing the bitch has such issues?
every good piece of free software has a business backing it
aw hell yea
Because blacks are unironically closer to animals than humans. I.e. they lived like literal animals for longer in Africa than modern people have lived like humans in other parts.
Ok I’m sure Cheeto Consumption Corp LLC definitely makes big bucks in your moms basement.
>i run my own company.
>i get paid to develop opensource software
which one is it?
That doesn't make much sense user, who would be dumb enough to give an animal rights?
>obsessed with her hair
Black people hair can actually be pretty difficult to maintain, if you're not simply straightening or braiding it. There are a lot of products that yield short-term results but damage the hair over time. It's not as though she can just do nothing, unless she wants dry, tangled, and damaged hair. Black people hair also comes in many textures, and the care differs based on the type. So, to find the most effective method, some level of trial and error is necessary; which is what she seems to be detailing.
Since all of this is done to achieve a fairly mundane hairstyle, I'd say this falls under basic hygiene rather than being an obsession.
Free software isn't communism, though. It doesn't take marginal labor to produce more copies of software. There's no central authority directing how free software developers spend their time. The incentive generally seems to be people writing software that they personally want to use.
I don't buy your hypothesis at all. Look at any mobile app store. Almost every major app is gratis but not libre. The free software "memetic virus" is not active here, it's just companies acknowledging the reality that no one wants to pay money for bits, so they turn towards the alternative monetization schemes that we all know and hate.
>Whites need not apply: Campus sci-tech symposium to only feature scholars of color
>An upcoming science and technology symposium slated to take place at Williams College promises a unique feature: it will showcase “new” voices in the field, and those voices will only come from scholars of color.
Diversity = everyone who isn't white
woe me surprised
>the future face of america
And thats a good thing!
Quality girls of any race aren't interested in black guys Tyrone.
more like hippo
Imagine what doing 5 min of cardio and 5 min of planking once a day for a month can achieve, absolutely disgusting
Literally all women have to do is not eat fuckloads of food. Its easy. Men dont care about them being toned generally or muscular or anything. And they can't even do that.
I hate her so much.
the in the op is way more attractive than that cake face
small brains will continue to small brain, however, please consider projecting less as said in my OP. as it's really all that needs to be said.
At least 2D would never betray me.
>Volunteering for the community is bad.
There is not another volunteering service that has a pay off as big as free software, due to the ability to do the work once and freely distribute it far and wide.
Take your phone and Dial 8 pls.
Sorry its just the truth. Maybe you can get a south american or something. Brazil is already pretty much hopelessly wrought with such things.
Wahhh! Efficiency is bad!
Animals have rights, murdering them for fun shouldn't be allowed morally. They are still living beings and it's not their fault that they are animals.-
>for fun
You do it for food unless youre a trophy cuck
Your opinion has been noted, Jie.
Bullshit. All kinds of small businesses in general can't survive today. It's not limited to tech and certainly not software. You're blaming problems of capitalism on Stallman what the fuck.
>When race-mixing goes wrong.
if your dick is big just go do porn in Japan, it doesn't even have to be that big desu you're competing with Japs there
She looks like a kalergi slave. Not surprised that her behavior reflects her looks.
Kill yourself jew rat.
cringe, go cry about your tiny weiner on Jow Forums
I bet you don't give two shits about animals you can't see with your naked eye.
>Why are rational people trying to take a page from their playbook?
Because they're winning. "It's OK when we do it" is a given nowadays.
Having the "wrong" hobby is similarly alarming. For example, talk about enjoying shooting guns and you're just asking for a red flag raid.
Okay, so instead of attacking legitimate things you're going to go after her hair, race, and looks on twitter (the platform she cancelled stallman with).
So this begs the question OP, are you retarded? Instead of doing something to help stallman or at least whatever you believe in you're choosing to take the route which only makes you and the people who represent the seem like butthurt retards scraping for anything to point and laugh at.
Youre the int faggot you newt gingrich roody poo. Go back to plebbit subhuman.
did you realize yet that you're on Jow Forums and not
Why do fatties wear those oversized, diaper-like, sil-
>stretchmarks so horrible you can see them on low quality photo
If they had any dignity left, they'd just get those old fashioned swimming suits.
Islam is right about women.
So are incels
Being mad at her misses the point. The reason you knew about her post is because medium/twitter/google algos pushed her up in the rankings. Her post was #1 hit on google with a search on Richard Stallman just a couple days ago. Today, she's gone and replaced with MSM fake news articles about Richard Stallman.
The problem isn't the useful idiots who make this tripe. The problem is the tech giants who are putting their thumb on the scales.
F for Stallman
she cute
If you work for one of these Silicon Valley organizations and don't want to be complicit in the destruction of you own salary and worth, I suggest you #strikeforstallman. The end game here is to make everything "open source" instead of "free software" because that's much much cheaper for the tech giants.
If you don't work for them because you already have a conscience, and you have GPL code out there now, I suggest you update your codebases to reflect the exact version of GPL you want used, so the future version that comes along with CoC built in isn't applied to your works.
>cd code
>am i right fellow open sourcers?
I don't think RMS wrote rm for this purpose.