How will quantum computers change gaming, if at all?

How will quantum computers change gaming, if at all?

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its yet to be shown that quantum computers will change anything

you will be in a state of both playing the game and not playing the game


They have yet to demonstrate room temp quantum computers.
Quantum computers are not just faster computers. They are better at specific task. IDK if any of those task would help with gaming.

We already have that. It's called

Fucking Crysis.

Maybe with AI over an online only game

Your damage rolls in RPGs will be truly random rather than psuedo-random.

> How will quantum computers change gaming, if at all?
is this a serious question?
do you honestly believe there will be a domestic quantum computer ?
Why not ask how supercomputers will change gaming?
it is more likel;y supercomputers will change gaming, providing you have enough room in your house and can afford around 12million dollars a year for electricity

On the long-long-long-long-long-long term, it'll be used for fluid graphics, which will sort-of act like holograms. You could even start writing the 3D perspective rules right now.

The fundamentally parallel nature of graphics makes me think there have to be practical applications if they really put in the effort. But why design something that doesn't exist and might not really exist (at the consumer level anyway) for 100 years?

No for consumers
Some light simulations on Quantum computer can build better light transference and scattering theory, this help to build better shaders.

A lot decades
For consumers, small quantum computer chips build complex search or configuration problems.

Maybe over 300 years
Quantum computer simulate light,chemistry interactions for something like Matrix.

I'd rather have faggots from than literal manchildren from infest this board. "gaming this gaming that games GAMES GAMEEESSS" holy shit this board is NOT. TO. DISCUSS. VIDEO GAMES.

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We don't know lol
No, seriously, we don't know what to do with them yet. We don't even have them yet.
Quantum algorithms require a completely different way of thinking. It's a completely unknown world. Maybe quantum computers will revolutionize gaming.Maybe they will be useless.

Well, we could shoot you into outer space with Xbox and give it a trial run

Video game discussion belongs on

He is asking about what implications certain type of computing tech might for certain type of entertainment industry.
Even though quantum computing is barely taking off and we can't do anything of note with it, and aren't even sure whether it will even have any real world practical uses, so there isn't much to talk about, you are always welcome to drop your two cents, or shut the fuck up and leave.

I imagine stuff like ray tracing could be improved by the hypothetical quantum PC of the future.

Graphics are technology whether you like it or not.

yeah, i bet it's fun to see /v/ discuss quantum computing

Probably not much. Quantum computing will probably be more for encryption and shit like that.
A lot of stuff now is just GPU based when they want power
Now a quantum GPU...

The code will be even less optimized, buggier, and even more time will be spent on MUH GRAPHIX.

More niggers pajeets and women will be programmers because quantum computing can brute force its way through their terribly optimized code.
We actually need a hardware regression to solve this issue.

Most retarded programmers aren't even capable of multi-threading their shit beyond the simplest for parallel for loops, and you expect them to make any use out of quantum computing?

>I'd rather have faggots from than literal manchildren from infest this board.
Nah, both of you niggers are literally the same underage meme shitting trash that need to be permanently banned and your home boards deleted/redirected to the various subreddits that basically mirror their content.

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Quantum computing is a lie created by delusional idiots creating "quantum" computers that are exactly the same as real computers but with added buzzword shit.

they'll be low graphic. it's the beginning of quantum computing so i don't expect some graphical marvel

quantum power requires quantum computing

buy Intel i5000 q-cpu for only $499,999.99
save $10 when you bundle with leather Intel mousepad


how to tell someone has never been on /v/

>IDK if any of those task would help with gaming.
quantum GPUs would be a huge upgrade. And hey, gaymers are already used to ridiculously huge cooling units on GPUs

Drug Simulator 2030 will be neat!

Calculating photo realistic graphics and real world physics, especially fluid and aero dynamics.

>Simulate entire universe with Measure state
>Get only 1 back
measuring literally *blocks your path*

How do quantum computers theoretically perform at path tracing redering?

You're right, last time I browsed /v/ was in 2010 and it's probably gotten even worse than I imagine it currently is now, given how braindead the average Jow Forums gamer toddler is nowadays.

Worse than classical since light is easy to simulate as a linear function

The people who are the least welcome here are retarded wojak posters.

high tech porn

>tfw have ultra-wide gaming monitor
>tfw own RGB keyboard
>tfw play some video games
I don't drink onions or wear eyeglasses. Nor I have beard like this.
Heh, nice.

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factor infinite was not meant for human understanding

found the grown adult who still wastes his time on imageboards, lmao

Ready Player One

Oh fuck...
Zoomers got us now...
I've been revealed!

It all really depends on how they're used. I've been to numerous talks from companies that are working on quantum computers so I know a little bit on the subject while not being in the field. Contrary to what people think quantum cpus are dog slow, you need to take a smart approach to gain performance benefits over conventional cpus.

I've decided to make a drawing with an analogy. Let's say we're instructing a normal cpu and a quantum computer to fly us to another planet. We're sending the normal cpu off and it starts flying there very fast in a straight line. We're also sending the quantum cpu off and it slowly takes a detour from the route you'd expect. The normal cpu is racing its way to the other planet leaving the quantum cpu in the dust. But the quantum cpu wasn't heading to the other planet, it was heading towards a wormhole basically skipping a lot of the normal progress it would have needed to take. This way even if the quantum cpu is dog slow it can still fly towards the other planet in a small amount of time, maybe even faster then the normal cpu.

If we'd make the quantum cpu do the same things we've let normal cpus do they'd be completely worthless. This is were quantum algorithms come in, a good algorithm is basically like a cheat that let's us skip a lot of the work that would have been needed otherwise. Quantum computing will only take us as far as our ability to find ways to think up good algorithms.

Right now we're still just struggling as much with finding these algorithms as we are making these quantum computers to begin with. So we can't tell yet what the impact of quantum computing will be considering that we don't even know what kinds of algorithms we will discover. So like other people here said, only the future knows. I'll just say that it'll take even longer before and even if there quantum computers will reach the consumer space and if there'll be anything contributing to gaming at all.

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It won't. Quantum computers are only good for very specific tasks. They are not even remotely general purpose.

Ur dumb and gay.

Consoles will cost $12,000 but inexplicably, the games will still cost $60.

>I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.
t. some guy who's really embarrassed right now

seriously some of the replies in this thread are like ancient Greeks deciding that electricity is useless because why would you want funny hair lmao

That's me for 6 years now.

by the time quantum computers will have a mass availability to consumers we will probably be dead...

i mean devs cant even properly develop games for more than 4 cores and we are at 2019

How would you even program shit for a quantum computer

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get started you wont really gain much for this knowledge but hey at least you can tell that you were coding for quantum computing before you die

Why did you even respond? Are you literally retarded?

what a useless question

At this point A.I. will be developing games better than humans

I use arch, btw

It won't change gayming. But it might have just enough computing power to calculate your mama's gravitational field!

hit scan would no longer be used

no more hit boxes

esports will be entirely automated, players will literally be runway models to represent a team, organizations will profit more

They're a hoax created to inflate share prices, nobody has actually verified that such a thing exists or that it is even theoretically useful.

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