What is the best distro that ships with KDE or has some KDE option/flavor?
With KDE being as stable as possible while not being too outdated.

Attached: konqi.png (640x673, 143K)

Arch unironically.

Kde neon


Konqi has nice curves.

Konqi is NOT for lewds!

>doesn't have a copyright notice
>uses konqi images
lmao op's getting sued

Opensuse tumbleweed is the best KDE experience out of the box

what are you talking about?


just apt-get it and put it in your .xinitrc ubuntu-bro. don't make a thread on Jow Forums about it

WTF I love KDE now.

Attached: a8e62f1544e681c70ecc3288581787fa.png (547x552, 92K)

Konqi’s koq

KDE Neon

fuck you

I miss Konqiposter

Install KDE Neon.

I want to suck Konqi’s koq desu desu

Important matters.

Kubuntu LTS


Are you sure about that?

Attached: IMG_20190923_032548_577.jpg (1280x975, 64K)

KDE Neon

Just install Ubuntu Server LTS then install the KDE desktop packages using apt.

Fedora kde spin is rock solid

This is ILLEGAL!
You are being reported to the cyber police.
Stop your unlawful actions NOW.

Attached: IMG_20190909_013648_247.jpg (274x433, 31K)

Attached: NO.jpg (422x414, 53K)

Attached: 1024px-Slackware_logo.svg.png (1024x1024, 308K)

Fedora's Plasma spin.

Why do people HAVE TO lewd up everything...

Can I has lewd Windows logo?

You know you want to.

REEEE!! STOP!!!!! go back to trannyscord

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Bump for Konqi