How is it so fast and secure? Is this really the future of gnu plus linux?

How is it so fast and secure? Is this really the future of gnu plus linux?

Attached: clearlinux.png (295x458, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>How is it so fast and secure?
It’s not.

>Is this really the future of gnu plus linux?

developed specially for what it works with


Attached: Screenshot_20190922-211107_Chrome.jpg (720x350, 47K)

The entire telemetry stack is open source, you can look it up on github, and you can disable it.

Attached: clear linux shill.png (1574x2000, 1.02M)


Attached: 1568217334424.jpg (840x838, 188K)

Attached: clear linux shill.png (1574x2500, 1.58M)

How can you shill open source? They don't make money off of. If you think telemetry can't be disabled, you can inspect the source, unless you are a retard?

Debian also has it in some sort, it's called popcon.

Then why is it shilled the same exact way windows 10 was at launch? Or like brave was some weeks ago?

Attached: brave shills.png (2975x3210, 3.36M)

I like it how you launch two threads when you want to shill something.

Windows 10 is a proprietary operating system that costs money you absolute inaneposter.

Incels will never understand. They don't like things they can't understand. Clear linux is something they don't understand.

But that doesn't matter, you will shill anything for some zloty

Attached: win10 shills.jpg (6024x5624, 3.19M)

It isn't shilled like products that are trying to make money but you can still be overproud devs and early adapters who get together and decide to spam your creation everyfuckingwhere to get fake recognition.

People like you are why Firefox went to shit.
>our data shows our users don't even use feature X, why are you all mad we're removing it?
>nobody even uses Y, why should we prioritize that when we could remake the logo?
>we don't have any core dumps for Z, it's not broken as far as I can tell

Except 99% of FF users have the tracking and crash reports enabled.

According to what metric? :^)


The replies in this thread alone should show you how paranoid people can be.

[autism intensifies]

The paranoia comes from the fact that this very obscure distro has been shilled constantly the last months

Yeah come to think of it, it's really strange that on a board made for discussing technology that has a daily desktop thread where people aim to use the most obscure thing possible would have reoccurring threads about this Linux distro made by and for 1 of the 2 major hardware manufacturers in the world.

obviously it's being shilled

appropriate. Warsaw is infested basically with poos.

It would make sense if it was something made by one of the autists here, or if there would be anything to discuss. But nope, all these threads are pure shilling for brand awareness and the same baseless bullshit claims about this being "the best" distro

user, I...

Attached: implying.png (1259x397, 101K)

>Intel Corporation
Another 'secret sauce' thread.

You're a fool if you think that's anything other than goading, targeting people exactly like you. In the rare event this was actually an attempt at shilling, that's a pretty fruitless effort for a place like this. It doesn't matter how many people see it, even on a regular basis, the community here isn't as dumb as the sum of their posts.
>oh Anonymous says it's the best, I guess I'll just convert now.
The OP is either looking for discussion about it, attention, or both. It never changes, year after year.

>uses windows 10 but shills clear linux for some zloty
>that's a pretty fruitless effort for a place like this
user pls, every thread here gets views from thousands of people.

i too can reset my vpn in a flash

>user pls, every thread here gets views from thousands of people.
Why do you think that has any bearing on anything?
>oh they posted it again, that's the 7th time and according to my punch card I have to install it now

user pls

Attached: file.png (857x860, 180K)

>implying I fell for VPN meme

For you see: I helping to promote Linux. :)

op here. I just post these threads for the (You)'s :^)

Attached: kek.png (1401x119, 50K)

based op

>a title from some website that is based on hearsay from someone not even named
>an anonymous poster on the internet
Wow you really convinced me with that image.
I'm more inclined to believe things like that are false flag smears before I believe someone is trying to market their shit in such an ineffective way.
Like I honestly hope you don't believe shit like that, regardless of who it concerns.

Intel makes separation of core OS and packages nice. Technically clear Linux is stateless, in theory rum -rf /etc /var is a system reset.

Attached: C6C53505-2618-4664-A549-B96713E555AD.png (914x498, 88K)

>In other Linux distributions, this can be a catastrophic action that renders a system unable to boot.
Based Clear Linux developers

I've been using it for a month
No idea what went wrong with the latest update, look at the kernel version kek, uname -a reports the same

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-23 13-30-19.png (887x469, 106K)

That's not grounds for doubt. It's open fucking source.