>Search for digital minimalism
>everyone uses macbooks and botnet apps
The Pi 4 can replace your desktop. It actually works.
>Search for digital minimalism
>everyone uses macbooks and botnet apps
The Pi 4 can replace your desktop. It actually works.
Other urls found in this thread:
kek i just posted a nearly identical thread
pi4 is based
just velcroed a pi 3 underneath my desk, flashing raspbian to a micro sd card right now.
going to enable usb boot and try running the actual Debian installer from a usb stick so I can install Debian to the micro sd card and set up full disk encryption.
going to test playing some 1080p anime from a usb drive as well.
use sway
the video decoding works great and unlike the older pis you don't need to buy a license for it for like a dollar
it just works out of box now, mpv, vlc, chrome and of course omxplayer all use it transparently now
>unlike the older pis you don't need to buy a license for it for like a dollar
wtf? you had to buy a license to enable video decoding?
never heard of this. am I being rused?
>wtf? you had to buy a license to enable video decoding?
Only for some ancient formats that any pi can decode in software anyway
>it just works out of box now
Somehow I doubt that, the pi3+ was fucking garbage to use as a desktop
It's true for all the Pi's up to generation 4, they didn't want to pay ARM for the decoder but wanted the capability so they came up with an arrangement where you buy media codecs from the Pi Store for like a dollar.
The Pi 4 is the first Pi which doesn't need extra keys. People have gotten around it in a way by enabling certain flags and compiling their own video software but it appears that SMD is actually slowed down on a Pi 3 or earlier which doesn't have media keys in the key file.
But just buy a Pi 4, it's so much better. I did Unixbench and it's about as fast as a Thinkpad X200 which is all a Jow Forumstard will ever need.
>the pi3+ was fucking garbage to use as a desktop
I'll let you guys know how it goes. what did you dislike about using it?
anyone tried any other OSes besides Debian on their pi?
does the pi 4 have USB 3? if so running the OS off of an SSD in a USB 3 enclosure might also increase performance.
>buy media codecs from the Pi Store for like a dollar.
can these just be pirated?
yes it has usb3
maybe, but not to date
Even USB2 on the older models might be faster than an SD card
I thought the poster was OP and had a Pi 4.
>under-voltage detected!
looks like my phone charger won't quite suffice. the pi is currently running tho. the charger is rated for 1.8 amps
>buying this trash instead of a cheap off-lease laptop
hard pass chang zhong
working on a UMPC with a pi zero it's just to take notes (md + elinks) and some light programming.
>basically idling
>6 GB RAM used
>Pi only has 4 GB
Honestly OP if you're a bad enough dude to use such a poverty machine as your main OS then more power to you but for me it's gotta be a real computer
>6 GB RAM used
caches man
also, pretty much no Linux distro is anywhere near as bloated as Windows 10 is
wouldn't have happened if you weren't so fat
>6gb of ram
>he just shitposts on 5chan all day
have sex, wincel
not a bad idea, might just tell the gf I'd like to have some sex.
later nerds
How does it fare with hi10p video?
So Jow Forums just uses botnet to mean “any service I don’t like”. Got it.
Do some work (watch 4K videos/compile/etc) and then post temperatures you fucking retard, show us how the pi is melting
> Pi 4 can replace your desktop
The retard mongoloid fell for the meme
So you're really new here.
thought I had a pi 3, turns out it's a pi 2. not sure why I thought it was a 3
let's see if it can play 1080p video files
Any pi can play h.264 in 1080p
>so I can install Debian to the micro sd card and set up full disk encryption
This works? You following a HOWTO?
Looks neat as hell, but can it run Killing Floor?
Unix and many Linux OSes are typically way more efficient than Windows. I used a Linux machine with 2 GB of ram for browsing the net for a while. I could have a good 10 or so tabs open and everything would be fine.
you have a gf, jordan?
Very unlikely
it can run quake 3, that's all ya need
in fact zoomers can't even play that game, way too fast for them
Ok then.
>digital minimalism
>running a bloated patch-on-patch clone of a '70s operating system on an toy with a proprietary undocumented application-specific SoC
Unixbench as in the ancient shitty single-threaded BYTE Native Mode benchmarks that nobody has taken seriously in over 20 years?
That's funny, I just asked about Quake, hehehe.
Hell, via FTEQW, I could probably make a Killing Floor-based Quake mod. I know someone's making a recreation of CS 1.5 in FTEQW called "freeCS"
don't know if it works, haven't found a how to. I don't think this pi 2 I have (thought it was a 3, but it's actually a 2) can boot from USB, so I might not be able to try running the Debian installer.
I think it needs a custom kernel as well, but I could probably just steal the kernel from the raspbian image.
zoomer in denial, quake 2 was the last boomer quake
the Pi 1 can replace a desktop too depending on what you did with it, they’re still facebook machines.
there is a guide for installing vanilla Debian on the raspi 2:
turns out raspis boot from their GPU, so a binary blob is required
I hear that Pi 4's right now (even the 4GB+ versions) don't even do well with media streaming/playback of H264 / H265 10-bit, or especially 4K? I thought about getting a Pi 4 to replace a now outdated WeTek box, that I'm using for a LibreELEC media center (ie heavily modded Kodi ) but I hear that even on such things it doesn't stack up? That would be disappointing given how new it is.
I'm wondering if there are other powerful SBC in the Pi 4's ostensible class and how well they are supported. For instance, I hear the Pine ROCKPro64 is one of the more powerful ones out there and Pine tends to be pretty open source ethos etc... but I don't know how well they are supported overall and how the chipset works, if there's anything newer etc?
I'm imagining a future where reddits picked up on the word "botnet" but are misappropriating it until it eventually comes to mean "bad software" instead of "spyware"
big gun was the best map for dm
I'm a Zoomer who's been playing some Quake DM in 2019, hopping on the few Quake World servers with people in them. Is there still any remaining multiplayer population for Quake 2 at all? If so, where do I find them, and is Quake 2 DM better than Quake 1 DM? I find that in Quake 1, the only weapons worth using are the Rocket Launcher and Lightning Gun, and all the others are useless against players bunnyhopping around at 90 miles an hour, so the game gets just a tad stale to me when the kill-feed is clogged up with "Player 1 accepted Player 2's Shaft" and "Player 3 rides Player 2's rocket" because Player 2 was the first to pick up the rocket launcher, nailgun, and armor, and now everyone else is fucked because there's only one spawn of each in the map, Player 2 has both extremely closely guarded, and none of the other weapons have the same chance of killing Player 2 as the rocket launcher or lightning gun, even in the hands of a player better than Player 2.
What I'm trying to ask is, is Quake 2 any better balanced for Multiplayer than Quake 1?
Pi4 isn't able to boot from usb (yet).
I haven’t played Q2 in years, so no clue what kind of servers/players are still out there. Q2 is a bit better than Q1 was. Back in the day, you just got campers and other shit players kicked from the server. Try UT99 if you haven’t already, you might like that better. Lots of maps and very customizable. U4E was a great mod.
>digital minimalism
>fucking gtk3
How is watching 4k videos work (it works)
And not everyone is a nuclear power plant programmer that requires muh cores to compile in exchange for money. For office work, this little board is looking good.
pi4 can suck my dick, retarded thing cant even play 720p video without stuttering like a retarded sexless virgin normie pee face dooo dooo head faaaarrrrrrttttt
Is this the best Intel can do?
amd i dont use incel!!!
Are these pieces of shit still shipping with Fast Ethernet and everything sharing a single USB bus or have they finally embraced the year 2000?
Too much RAM
They have gigE and usb3 now, literally faster than anything Intel can churn out watt for watt.
There’s no reason to stick with Incel.
kill yourself subhuman retard
>[email protected]
Haha holy shit a shill farm. An actual, Florida shill farm.
Is the Pi the most viable device for a home server (or a server for a little business)? In terms of power efficiency and all of that
Just install Gentoo on Wii and you are set. No reason to get Pi at all.
I'm already using a 3 B+ as a secondary desktop machine. And no, it can not replace an x86 workstation.
mandatory binary blob
No it can't I actually have shit to do and don't have the time to spend ricing and fixing broken drivers while struggling for stability.
Thanks for the info OP.
I was thinking about doing this recently.
Will try then, and hopefully reduce my electricity bill!
Pi4 could replace my old ass server if there was a case that held and powered the pi and a couple desktop hard drives, on one power cable.
I always though botnets were some sort of silk web traps used by a botfly to catch prey and lay eggs inside them.
Can I run fedora off a pi4?
sameposter trying to get IPs when you go to his site
I think they're working on it
It just werks. Gaming is not "shit to do".