Hey whats up guys MKBHD here...

Hey whats up guys MKBHD here, and today i will be reading a specsheet and then showing you some flashy b-roll footage that doesnt really have anythig to do with what im talking about but people will watch it because the majority of people who watch my channel are retarded

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Next I'm going to review this $599 phone and praise it for it's low price yet criticize it for not having all these features that would easily make $1199 therefore defeating the purpose

>today i will be reading a specsheet

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>t. Tech Nigger

No he is doing “”””””””””””testing””””””””””””

Used to watch him a few years back. Just became insufferable at some point

Maybe people watch his videos so they can pretend they have a black friend.

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Technigger shit the bed with sampsung after he damaged that fold

why would someone want a black friend?

He's one of the good ones.

You forgot the banging loud music at the beginning.

In the most recent video he even added small sounds whenever he mentions a phone's feature.

shitty videos, yes


y u so mad brother man, let them play

Its a spec sheet that he verifies though...

Most tech "reviewers" are paid shills.

Itt: butthurt apple shills


Technigger sucks apple and google dick

This guy made me give up in people. Here's an affluent dude from a rich neighborhood. He buys a bunch of expensive tech and then label reads the script and puts together a video. This "hard work" and ingenuity is rewarded with even more riches, fame, and even an interview with Bill Gates. How fucking cool is that? Some dude that already has his life laid out for him gets to visit bill gates while some nerdy black kid getting his ass kicked in the ghetto everyday gets to die in a drug war.

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fuck niggers

World sucks
Try and make it better

And then we'll talk about what you're all here for: The Camera. For 25 minutes.

I remember i found out who he was because someone was amused that they searched on google "tech nigger" and google got it right.
This was when /b/ was Jow Forums's main board.

I will never understand people that find these type of channel thats just throw a data salad at you entertaining, you are not going to use the information for anything, why are you watching this? Just to feel smart?

yeah even if he hates something he wont say it

>don't really like that but what can you do


>kinda subjective if you like it

mark ass brownie

More like Marknigger Niggerlee lmaoaoaoaoaooaoaoaia ahahahhahahahahha

It still showed him until several months ago for tech nigger.

I watch that fat nexus gaymer for his overclocking tries with LN. Don't ask why, it's probably same reason why some people watch things cut with 6 billion Celsius red hot knife.
But mostly for news, just like the other 2 chubbies on that level1 channel

you have to admit his b-roll is dope.

Hey what's up guys its MKBBC here

I watch him for the video stuff
His reviews are pretty bad and you can tell the results from the very first second. He takes a stand and the video goes accordingly. He is probably kind of bored at this point, and doing his best on his show for YouTube red.

this is the most based phone reviewer
but he only makes videos in German

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He's kind of a flex channel now, the same as unbox therapy. The guy "tests" some top of the line gadget, reads the features and weights in about if the novelty will catch on and end up on every device. They know shit about the tech innards, not they care. Once brand start flying them to keynotes and sending them unreleased devices, their integrity is done. He is probably testing the whole Pixel 4 line under a NDA

The entire consumer gadget industry is predicated on retards buying shiny things on a whim, because they're clueless, but at the same time not really willing to spend an entire week doing research and learning new stuff.
As long as the gadget looks pretty and it kinda works it will sell, even if it performs objectively worse than the alternatives. Pic related, but there are many others that even supposedly not tech illiterate people on Jow Forums bought.

In an industry like this, a black guy who can do pretty camera shots and list the specs to impress a clueless normie will succeed. Add a diversity-promoting company like Google/Youtube and it's a wrap.

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Underage b&

MKBHD is unironically better than 99% of tech reviewers out there.

Shut the fuck up roody poo

U mad white boi

>MKBHD is unironically better than 99% of tech reviewers out there.
Yeah, I love the way he lists the specs. The way he says "gigabytes of RAM" with a black but not too ghetto accent, for example. It really makes me feel like he knows what he's talking about and isn't like other black people.
Plus those slow side to side camera shots look really cool and professional. I love watching it on my 6.5" Samsung Galaxy while riding the bus on my way home from school.
His videos help me decide on which phone to buy next. Like do I want something that's better for gaming or with a better camera? Without watching his reviews I'd be lost.

Fuck off schnitzel nigger

extremely punchable face

Its not even because he is black. There are people even worse than him like unbox therapy who is the whitest guy on youtube. But no one takee unbox therapy seriously, where as MKBHD is seen by a lot of people as some authority on tech while the guys main talking points are about how the bezels have goten 0.01 mm smaller or how the new blue color looks blue. He says nothing of value while being seen as an expert

Whats wrong with pic related

it's an American thing, they see niggers as a fashion accessory to have

If instead of asking that you asked yourself what makes one audio interface different from another and then looked at some objective tests, you'd already know the answer.
So the real question is, why haven't you? What's stopping you from spending a bit more time doing research and learning how things work?
But look, it's normal. I've made some silly purchases too. I guess we all have a limited amount of time and patience.

I dont even know what it is lol


Where does he steal all his gadgets from btw.?

is he an ex google techlead

mark ass brownie

>Hey , and today i will be reading a specsheet and then showing you some flashy b-roll footage that doesnt really have anythig to do with what im talking about but people will watch it because the majority of people who watch my channel are retarded

this applies to all youtubers.

He barely even bothers with the specsheet.

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Google is really making sure we don't use the pewdiepie word.
I know "phone review nigger" used to work a couple of weeks ago.

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The real technigger is Flossy Carter. Markass is a token black.
This is a fact, and Floss is very happy about it. He is the real deal.

>why are you watching this? Just to feel smart?
People love to sound smart and show off what they know. Anytime tech or PC parts come up in talk you automatically get spergs trying to blindly recommend shit based on spec sheets and undocumented benchmarks.

I personally like watching people like linus for entertainment and to roughly know what new fads are going on.

its all a facade, sure he was born rich but most of his status is represented by the products he uses. Most of his hard work is just simply buying the right products that people are craving over, people watch him for the product, not the person.

what pisses me off is that the guy has actual talent and skill (which is obvious if you consider that he's successful) but he uses all this great equipment, skill and production values to... make phone specsheet reading videos.
he can't possibly find it satisfying and he only does it for the money, right?

I like Flossy but he shills phone cases a lot, other than that hes real af

phone reviewers are bottom of the barrel. no exceptions

this tbqh

I watch Unbox Therapy but for its entertainment value I guess. I wouldn't take advice from UT though. If this channel dissapeared nothing of gteat value would be lost.

Imagine getting entertained by watching that retard fuck speak. There are so many things on the internet far more entertaining than a non tech retard reading spec sheet amd giving his stupid opinions

The only based phone reviewer.

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God bless

Yeah. He probably has some type of deal with the brands

>I will never understand people that find these type of channel thats just throw a data salad at you entertaining
Because people who aren't complete retards know how to interpret data, appreciate what they can learn from it and use it to make better decisions.

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Mr Mobile is kind of better, because he includes legit criticism, software annoyances and stuff like that
In terms of normie reviews, that chill hoodie guy is the best. The guy that went viral for putting three MacBook pro in there freezer. I don't know the name


A negroid that can read makes thousands of dollars doing just that. No wonder whites won't educate them.

That's not true. Most do lots of shouting, and gay fast youtube camera cuts to reaction shots of their own faces.

True, why else would the Kardashians parade them about?

if idiots are willing to watch this shit then what's the problem? let them waste their lives, who gives an honest fuck



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Honestly, real shit you'll find that a lot of streamers and youtubers arent satisfied with what they do. They're happy because it pays the bills and they get to play video games for a living, but whenever they talk about it they rarely seem that enthused about it, like they've become jaded with it or something. YouTube is probably harder than a real job if you put any effort into your videos, and twitch is definitely harder than a lot if real job for a lot of people. It's not manual labor, and it's definitely not WORKIN AT THE STEEL MILL, but having to be on camera in front of hundreds or thousands of people every day, with barely any breaks because you have to stream for the money breaks people down over time from what I've seen.

No, it's wrong. He should not be allowed to be successful just because he can read.

Cant wait for him to creampie iJustine

You'll learn literally nothing from a 20 minute video with numbers about a fan.

i like the jerry rig guy because he is white and he breaks stuff and acts all smug about it

my country is 95% white
>tfw no dummy thicc choco gf

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I like his intros and general video quality.

yeah that's gonna to be a fuck niggers form me dawg.

this cunt thinks he's fucking jesus or something, nigga noone cares about your bullshit existential crisis just tell the man what's wrong with that shitty amp.

I like how he did that phone camera blind test so faggots can stop raving on about phone cameras like it's the last thing that matters in the world. Noone wants to see your gay Instagram photos compressed to shit you fucking retard.

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We interview transhumanists, please join the discord.


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Markass Brownhand

google shills his videos in the search algorithms that's the only reason why he's popular in the first place

Oh my god it's marcus shitskin

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Alright fellas, which youtube channels in consumer tech are actually watchable?
>ponchato (literally our guy, as in posts here incognito)
>optimum tech
>ozzietalkshw (high melanine warning)
>(hello and WELCOME to) tech deals
>explaining computers (dot COM)

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Same, it's just the same shit over and over and over again.
I guess the novelty was decent production value, that's getting old, and he's barely giving any insight now. The biggest tell were those car videos, really empty reviews.

Kill yourselvws nigger retards


Midi in/out and works great out of the box with any system and doesn't cause major problems with Linux.
Good build quality and sturdy knobs, been using mine for 6 years and I bought it used.
I bought it based on what I/O ports I needed, so yeah, I knew what I was getting.

I should've said low investment entertaintment (and probably background noise) as opposed to medium-high investment entertaintment (e.g., a movie, an anime, a debate, a documentary, etc.) to which I'd have to pay attention to avoid missing important information or plot details.

Or people like me just want to educate themselves but instead of seeing it like that, you're going to project your retardation onto others because big words scare you.

Literally who's

What's a good tech youtuber for you?

You'll learn literally nothing from a 20 minute video with numbers about a fan.

I just wanna look at the cool shots of the phones I'll never be able to afford desu

plus the lore, dont forget the linustech lore

they pretend he's deep into their white wives