/pcbg/ - PC Building General

ATTENTION: Graphics card prices are excessive by historical standards; therefore, consumers should delay or completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases. The gouging has two root causes: lack of market competition and shortage/"new normal" pricing during the mining hayday.

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming build skeletons and monitor suggestions; click on titles above parts lists to see notes
>How to non-technically assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming CPU with great value
>R5 3600 - Great gaming CPU
>R7 2700 - Budget video editing
>R9 3900X - Professional tasks

AM4 mobos:

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>AAA or multiplatform games: Radeon card appropriate for your montior
>PC centric games or ray tracing: Nvidia card appropriate for your display
>Used RX 570s can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
1080p 16:9
>RX 570 8GB - budget performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's high refresh with adaptive sync
>A 250GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor


Attached: flashed 5700 stats.png (1327x1050, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:


reposting this

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Render gobbo porn with you 2070/2080 when you're not playing and make a fortune

>completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases.
I already did. Bought RX460 used. It was either that or RX550.

>E5 2630L V2
>/csg/ motherboard with quad channel ECC support
>4 x 4 GB ECC DDR3
>Used GPU, RX570 8GB to 1070 depending on what I can get for under 150USD
>Old case
>Any 80 plus PSU from a normal brand
>Spare SSD and HDD
Aside from the motherboard being a risk (seen other people buy these, VRM could use a fan on it) how does 410USD sound for this setup?

4k 144Hz?
Getting the biggest badest video card seems about right.

Now if you said 1440p then it definitely be overkill. But 4k...

Source on that image.

>how does 410USD sound for this setup?
Way too expensive, that CPU is garbage.

Left part is from a recent techpowerup graphics card review, right is currytech

I should really upgrade my monitor. Only built for racing games in vr, but tempted to play actual games now. What monitor are you guys running with your 5700 xt?

Attached: IMG_20190922_222432.jpg (1266x950, 415K)

Why are you JUST WAITing when you could buy now?

I'm getting mixed messages here . . .

there isn't a single card that can deliver 4k 144hz on all games.

If I were to get a 2600 now but then upgrade to the 4000 series when it releases ( 4700 so 8c/16t) do you think a b450 board would be fine or should I get something else? I know nobody can actually answer this question since we don't know anything about the 4000 series, I just want to get a bit of input if that's a retarded idea or not.

Attached: 1569025782435.png (1000x815, 676K)

What's the minimum GPU I should get to run two monitors, 1920x1080 @60Hz and watch 1080p movies?
I don't play video games anymore.

How much does it matter if ram is on the list of supported rams for mobo?
I mean like if they are all ddr4 whats stoping it from working at advertised speeds?

>4000 series
>b450 board
I am expecting this to work with a bios flash.
The 4000 series might be the last generation on AM4.

Thoughts about the SG13 Mesh?

With an SFX PSU i wonder how big of a cooler you could put on that cpu

Attached: gogj6tH.png (800x533, 775K)

please suggest some other SFF cases

I don't understand the point of SSF.
You pay more for worse performace so it can be...smaller? Fucking why, it's a PC not a goddamn phone, why does it need to be small? Someone enlighten me.

Anyone got an H200 case? for some reason my RGB isn't working. I assume the only cable it needs is panel ones?

>dude just dedicate an entire room to housing a PC and nothing else why do you need things to be space efficient

2x 2080Ti under LN2 still won't do 4k@100 reliably, let alone 4k@144.

>buy a big beefy pc
>put it on desk
>buy SSF pc
>put it on desk
Where exaxtly did you lose any space in your room here?

Does it look like I have room for a full tower?

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>the AMDshilling continues.

Have you tried cleaning your shit first?

Yes, right where that monitor box is. Throw out some trash.

You sir should have much more important worries than the size of your pc.
And yes I see plenty enough room if you throw out the trash you disgusting goblin.


Any recent iGP can do that. Otherwise probably a GT 710 or something

I'm planing to do something similar, either 8 or 12 cores. The 4000 series probably won't be much better than the 3000 series in terms of gaming, so even if the 4000 series doesn't work on my B450 I doubt it'll be a big loss. I might even opt for a 3000 series part depending on pricing

Easier to hide it

Get a 2080TI unless you're super rich then get a titan rtx.

You've got a whole desk for your monitors, just stop using it as storage for rubbish and clean up.

SFF is cute

I thought Titan RTX was worse for gaming than the 2080 Ti since it's geared up for the AI, deep leaning meme rather than grafics?

Jow Forums is getting fucking trolled today

autism is a helluva drug

Messi boi here, at least I can build a pc

>I've got desks around the house but a new one might be nice
>check out ikea/officeworks
>$200-300 (AUD) for a slab of wood with a bit of metal bolted on holding it up
>not even one of those nice looking thicc wooden desks
Jesus christ.

Sup faggots I'm building a small box for my two servers, one of which is always on. Its only a xeon 1240v3 so not a monster. The front of the box will be open for now but I'm planning on adding a front panel/door at some point. How big of a fan should I stick in the back of the box as exhaust? I was thinking 1x 140mm at the very least but there are 200mm+ fans, would that be overkill?

is it worth upgrading my 1070 to a 5700? i just want the extra frames and play monhun without dropping below 60 fps but the sticky says otherwise.

I know that feel user. I was looking at this one the other day in Officeworks and it's nice but overpriced


How many gens should I wait to upgrade from my vega56/Ryzen 2600 combo? Runs fine for desktop gaming but VR (on a valve index) is hit or miss with a lot of reprojection on some games, let alone when Boneworks comes out

So you're a literal child who has nothing else to put on his desk besides a PC.
Us adults have mail and documents to sort.

Maybe try the Fortnite Discord. You might find more like minded individuals there. Here, a lot of people are going to disagree with you.

The thing in the OP is a troll.
Navi is an above average perf/$ increase over 2 years than many previous generations were. He's an Nvidia shill who is upset that AMD undercut the pricing so much.

As far as worth for that upgrade, depends how much you can get for your 1070. If you can get $200, well you're paying $150 for a 5-45% perf improvement, depending on game.
5700 is good value, but it's offset by you already having a card that's not significantly far behind that you probably overpaid for.

>Us adults have mail and documents to sort.
this is bait

ah, wait it is then. i got the 1070 for a steal when it was still mining season and it wasn't used for mining so i have no regrets so far, just want a performance increase if it's worth it and it seems not. thanks, user.

Looking to upgrade to a 3600. What mobo doesn't break the bank but still has most modern features?

Look at B450 motherboards, what modern features do you want?

>oh no I lost 2 inches of my desk space, where will I put my documents now?
r u rarted?

>Modern features
Talking about PCIe 4.0, latest USB shit, support for high freq memory. I don't have anything that fits those features, but I want to be able to go for another ~6 years with this.

What motherboard should I pair with an Athlon 200GE? I'm building a web browsing/word processing shitbox for family, not sure whether I should get bargain basement A series or a B series and overclock it a little.

Opinions? Upgrading from an i5-3570k. Not sure if I'm gonna get a new case.

140mm is fine as an exhaust. Stick a 200mm in the top if you want to be a badass.

Cheap Ryzen build instead. 2400G or equivalent

I was toying with the idea of a fan on the top but there won't be a lot of room between the second server and the ceiling of the box plus both servers have front intake/rear exhaust and putting it in the back might keep the noise down a bit more.

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clean your room

user is Korean. That's his entire house.

Case seems stupidly massive, but otherwise fine.

That's why I picked it. More space = less trouble in the future.

should I upgrade my motherboard BIOS when everything just "werks"?
i have an MSI X570 pro carbon paired with a 3700x, will updating the bios to ABBA give any measurable performance boost to gaming?

3x Dell U2518D's (1440p 60hz). Pretty happy with my card, it's not even being fully utilized at ultra settings on the games I play while still hitting 60hz and sounds silent.

I posted in a thread couple days back about noctua fans, bit the bullet and glad I did. These fuckers are quiet even at 2000RPM. Very impressed. The Y-splitter allowed me to fix some fuckery with the dual CPU fan headers on my board and move the radiator from a system pump header to the CPU-OPT which is purposely for CPU radiators, fixing another sound/performance issue for me.

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FUCK, I was so dead set on buying the 5700xt, but now I'm thinking about the 2070s, I know there isn't a big difference, but I'm already used to shadowplay, not like it's actually worth 100$ though. The driver issues are also playing a part. Please convince me to stay with the 5700xt.

Which of these chipset drivers do I install for an x470 board? I cant find much online about what promontory is.

Attached: gpio.jpg (1268x102, 20K)

Shadowplay lowers your FPS by 3x more than Relive does. Lmao. It's been tested, go look it up.
>used to
so rebind the hotkeys to the same keys. The fuck's the difference?

I believe promontory was the code name for the low power chipset used in b450/x470 boards?

Something like that. Do I just install that then, or both?

i have the same problem, i'm stuck in the loop
>i'll get 2060S
>dayum, i can get 5700XT around 2060S price, and get better performance
>ye, who cares about memetracing, though AMD has shitty drivers
>ehh, Red Devil costs here around as much as cheapest 2070S
>since i'm paying that much money i can get memetracing and green cock in my ass, maybe raytracing will be good in cyperpunk
>well Gigabyte ULTRACOOM3XWINDFORCEOFGAMING is only a bit cheaper tham MSI GAMING TRIO X 2070 SUPER
>i should get gaming trio msi
>damn 2060S costs 2/3 of MSI GAMING TRIO X, do i really need those 10 fps?
>i'll get 2060S

Is the 860 evo good as main drive or can I find something better for around the same price?

Any SSD will do the thing you want SSDs to do if you need to ask.

Knowing AMD they're probably the same driver anyway. I'd probably go with the promontory one only for now, if you notice any issues try install the newer one as well.

Yeah sure go buy a sandisk ultra then

My Sandisk Plus 60gb lasted me years with tons of abuse.

Man what was the write speed on that

Plenty for the price and considering how old the tech is compared to now. It was used as a boot drive for my laptop for a while and then boot drive for my Freenas box.

>Shadowplay lowers your FPS by 3x more than Relive does. Lmao. It's been tested, go look it up.
I'm not sure I'm seeing that, I only saw 4 comparisons and one said shadowplay has better perf, two that relive is better, and one that said they're the same, none of which ended up showing a 3x performance loss for shadowplay even once. Even then, 5 fps loss won't kill me, and it'd have been countered by the card being stronger anyway.
>so rebind the hotkeys to the same keys. The fuck's the difference?
I'm used to the folder I keep shit in being named shadowplay, its naming scheme and the UI. Which after you pointed this out is absolutely beyond fucking retarded on my part, thank you.

I know what this smells like

I'm not happy

Do you care about raytracing?
Do you play certain old games that have bad compatability with AMD gpus?

For you the answer should be clear based on
>how often do you plan to upgrade
>what is your current gpu
>how much is the cost difference

>pay more
My case was like £40 and everything I have fits into it.
>why does it need to be small
I dont NEED it to be small, I WANT it to be small. I don't want some full size tower beast covered in fucking LEDS and windows for a simple CPU/GPU setup.
>hurrdurr i dunt get it I dont need it therefore no one else does
Tough shit faggot I live in a capitalist country not some communist shithole. If I want something I buy it. Stay mad.

No, and probably not. I'm just worried about the driver issues at this point, maybe people just blow it out of proportion.

Probably an /sqt/ question but, is it smart to completely wipe my storage drives when upgrading my mobo, cpu and ram?

>No, and probably not.
Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=blbu0g9DAGA
The global lighting in this game make a huge difference visually/artistically, and reflection and transparent reflections make a big difference.
Rest of the effects not so much.
If shit like this doesn't interest you, then safely go buy the 5700xt as it's slightly better price/performance.

>I'm just worried about the driver issues at this point, maybe people just blow it out of proportion.
What fucking games?

5700xt shits bed in certain places in witcher 3


did I get punked ?

Attached: cringe.jpg (395x395, 82K)

You fucking dumbass its because of the tarifs on china..

What am I looking at?

diving near Fyke Isle
you can fix it, by changing details to low, get the treasure and when you get to the surface, change them back


This doesn't show anyone anything. Cpuz isnt able to detect the super fast voltage/freq changes on ryzen.. it is worthless for anything less then identifing what cpu you have..

It is. The reason theres low 5700 xt/ryzen stock is became they had to out source their manufacturing to taiwan because of it. Inform yourself

That's two different things broseph

No it isnt. All pc parts are inflated because of this. Why? Because 90% of the components used to make pc parts is made in chinas factories that now charge more to make. A gpu chip isnt the only thing on a pcb.

Stop replying to bait. Just report them.


>China's face when their cheap shitty electronics get taxed and people expect quality for that price now

Thank you.

>yfw they won't offer quality or support but still increase prices

sounds like intel

They have to increase prices. because in order to export them it costs more now and to make up the price they have to pay for that somehow so they raise prices for consumers.

>should I upgrade my motherboard BIOS when everything just "werks"?
Generally it's advised not to update BIOS unless you have a reason to.