What languages does Jow Forums use when they're high af?

What languages does Jow Forums use when they're high af?

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> high as fuck
retard detected


kill yourself degenerate

I don't use drugs but Haskell puts me into an enlightened state

all of these

Shut the fuck up you weed smoking nigger

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People are upset by this but not drinking threads? Brainlets spotted

sometimes I forget it's not all LARP, and how many people here were ACTUALLY losers growing up who think they don't use drugs because it makes them superior in some way to those who "party" and "have friends" rather than just complete lack of access to drugs because that requires the other kids at school talking to you.

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>m-muh alcohol is worse..
Get a job nigger.

All the languages

Weed is fun in moderation, only on days off every other week. I use python because its impossible to fuck up

Cannot smoke weed when you work at a company with random drug test policy :(

weed makes me lose my mind but it doesn't take much to make me lose my mind lol
I have such a fragile brain-system

I smoke weed, drink, and have been at my job for years. Stop projecting on the Internet

Oh, I meant a real job. MacDonald's doesn't count.

Drugs are fine, this isn't Jow Forums, just don't degenerate drugs, so all psychedelics. White men take punchy, productive in some way, drugs. Amphetamines, caffeine, white nootropics, alcohol, the white man's unwinder. Niggers smoke weed because their brains don't function correctly already, so them getting even more fucked, with their perception getting all wacky is just fun to them. For the white man, it's terrifying.

Get out nigger.

Use in moderation unless you have medical reasons... It gets wasteful

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Makes me feel like a aliums :o

3rd grade level comeback, here's a 3rd grade level answer : uh oooh stinky... POOPYYY !!

based monke

>Weed bruh, bruh im high af bruh.
it's 2019, Seth Rogan movies aren't cool anymore

The language of love, baby

LIGHT. ME. UP. HAAAAaaAaa..... wHat lANGuAgE Jow Forums uSee haaAaA.. HIGh?? FuuuuuuUuuUckk