What will you buy if you have $5000 to spare?

What will you buy if you have $5000 to spare?

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100 x200 TPs

a good rig for competitive fortnite (9900k, 2080 ti)

Nothing you dumb nigger cattle.

VTSAX shares.

A gf (5 night rental)

Custom fully watercooled PC build with a 2080ti and a 3900X.

Upgrade to 3900X and 2080ti.
Buy another 27" 1440p monitor.
Dac/amp for the meme.
Better headphone
Build a proper nas.

Buy ChainLink

time machine

rent for a while I guess

t440p w/ all upgrades and mods.

A ticket to Thailand

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I do have 5000€ to spare. I invested them in stocks.

>32" cintiq
>Ryzen 5 3600 + mobo
>2 x 16GB RAM sticks
>some AMD GPU because fuck nvidia on Linux (the kernel)

I'd wait for 3950X, oh build a nice NAS

My electricity + water + rates + food + internet for the next year.

a mac mini, to use as a work enviroment and also a mini itx computer that ill builf for less than 800 oriented to gaming in middle settings.

do the needful sir and share your portfolio with us. I also want to invest rupees in stocks but don't know what to get other than AMD (TM)

Better RAM
a proper Mouse and Keyboard. (Razer trinity)
a better monitor set up, (at least 2, the worse one vertical for coding)
a shit ton of SSD space.
Better Desk (probably just 2 similar desks L-shaped together)
More RGB
Maybe a better case.
and with the other $2.50 I'd probably buy a couple milky ways

i have 5k to spare and im not buying anything cause im not a retard i can manage my money. just because i have some, doesnt mean i have to spend it, thats how children and women think.

a new engine for my truck

pay back my family when i was remodeling my house


50 thinkpads

I have $5,000 to spare. About three times that, in fact.
I have it because I don't spend every cent I find like you self-sabotaging poorfags.

A cute twinky boy to sit on my face and another me with his ass.

zoom zoom

I have $5000 to spare but I won't spend it on anything. It's why I have $5000 in the first place.

I'd use it to put together second-hand parts and make $$$

Hookers and blow

Commission a lot of loli art.


>Haha look @ im not a brainless consumer, me saving money, me smart!!!!!
You missed the whole point of the thread, retards.

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Probably spend 150 on plane tickets to visit my gf and then some more on dinner. Save/invest the rest

Probably a laptop cooler and a case. Then a wireless mouse that doesn't do lots of noise, and maybe a pair of headphones with a microphone. I would also pay the internet bills for a year or so (since I don't have any at home). And maybe a couple of screens. I don't like mechanical keyboards so none of that. Maybe a new phone, the Redmi one that was being discussed at yesterday's chinkphone thread. And wireless headphones. That's it.

buy my cybsec lab

>calling others brainless
oh, the irony...

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invest it in shitcoins

100 gt710s

Sensible gayman PC and a hooker


a better dev PC (more memory & cores and fast SSDs)

I have a hard time answering this. I don't know what I want. I have multiple Thinkpads, a good smartphone, fast desktop PC and all kinds of things like external HDDs and a Raspberry Pi 3. My monitor is nice and so on. I even have a smartwatch. What do I want? It would probably not be PC related stuff then. I mean I like the idea of buying some stuff with loose money but I just don't know what.

A dignity

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Index VR setup

Save it?

A small second hand car

TR3 in november

flight to south east asia
cheap young hookers

Hifiman Susvara

Morelike I'm a lazy fuck and it means I won't have to work for a year.

freedom from wage slavery

damn that's a lot of ThinkPads

Imagine being this poor

Nothing. Spending too much is the fastest way to become poor.
I would keep the money and hedge a small portion with silver.

Half of a down payment on a small mortgage for a home.
>inb4 that's not Jow Forums

ITT Jow Forums anons don't understand what to spare means

Invest half, vacation with the remaining half.

A phone farm (with workers)

Should be enough to get an initial following on multiple platforms then normies will gravitate and sustain them, then I can make even more money and eventually sell the accounts and repeat

Top of the line gayman build

bitcoin and a Little Caesars pizza

a gf

2080ti, valve index

some cute clothes uwu

I only needed 1800 for a new top of the line gaming rig and that included 2 monitors.

vacation in egypt; diving, relaxing and sports.
buying a 3d printer. maybe a new laptop.

FDs and some coke.


A hymen to break.
Failing that, new CPU.

Porque no los dos?

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Epyc pc

a house

I have both due to the fact I always update every 3 years, and they simply happened to be the high end parts. I can tell you for a fact a 9900k won't give you a single extra frame, the 2080ti very definitely will. Unless you need it for desktop applications and heavy multitasking, then just get the 2080ti, I upgraded from a 6700k and I've tested the 2080ti with both cpu's.

Not a single frame difference. The games only really cared about the gpu. Unless your cpu is super old, you don't need it.

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1000 into tax free savings
1500 into my retirement bond
1000 into my trip to Japan
1500 into other investments

>imagine being do poor that you fantasize about having a measely $5k
>imagine planning to spend all of this paltry sum the moment you acquire it, instead of investing and not being a dopamine addicted impulsive retard

e-girl nail clippings

I'm wasting it all on hookers and whores and medical cures.

>all these fags saying gaymen

what fucking games are even worth building a $5k computer for today? There's nothing. Fucking nothing you fucking mopes.

Hookers and blow.

A car

Dwarf Fortress.

worst idea in the whole thread


I already have it, but if I didn't, I would build a gaming PC for $1k and get a Valve Index for another.
Then I would spent maybe $100-200 on games.
Finally I would just stash the rest of the money because I would never need it again.

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Save the money and buy a pair of programming socks

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Can you talk about the index? Is it worth the buy in or not yet?
Also, how much space do you need to be able to use it effectively?

I'd put it towards a car. If not that, I'd get a watch. Probably the blue dial Railmaster.

Diffrent user here, no its not really worth it desu $1k for shit lcd screens that get only 122hz. Cant say that even my current vr would be better with higher refresh, just invest in a vr headset with OLED or AMOLED screens.

A hot meal.

almost a years worth of rent for my place

GE stock shares.

So many guns

your mom for the rest of the year

Nothing that I wouldn't already have intended on purchasing because it is foolish to treat money, no matter how it was acquired as if it wasn't earned because it leads to bad and impulsive purchases.
So a 8gb stick of ram,hobart 140, a used thinkpad and more guns thank you

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A nice vacation for me and my mom, she deserves it.


An Ultimaker 2+ and a nice lasercutting machine
I'm /diy/ at heart