Sup Jow Forums My gf works for an IT company and they have been hacked. The guy is asking 2...

Sup Jow Forums My gf works for an IT company and they have been hacked. The guy is asking 2,5 million dollars for the key. What is the best way to approach this?

Attached: dcbea6c24833bffb5b76519d41169ade77570266496d30e9263bef4ba2c6e92b_1.jpg.jpg (1080x1241, 107K)

hack them back of course
fucking newfag learn to code

Restore the daily backup, of course.


Pretty much this. It's unthinkable for a business not to have backups, especially an IT company.

If you don't have backups you honestly deserve everything you're getting.

Thats the irony man they are a company who stops hackers but apparently this guy is above their paygrade

Obviously track down the guy and embarrass him

tell him to fuck off and restore your backup

model x came out before model 3 though

I don't know anything about this sort of shit, but if what you guys are saying is right then i don't know what their problem is

That is so it wouldn't be s3x before s3xy, numbnutz

send your gf nudes

They floating around in /b/ somewhere

Oh shit, hacker inception

Attached: 1563920593594.png (296x210, 139K)

Not hiring stupid women who turn to Jow Forums for advice and can’t do their job.

let your gf suck him off for the code

>ransomware virus
kek Restore from backup and fire the person who clicked on that shit.

Attached: RansomeWare.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

Even if the company pays the ransom there's no guarantee that they will get the decryption keys.

>implying a "security" IT company that gets their shit btfo by some kiddie has a decent backup policy

Anyone can use nikto and nmap nowadays to "pentest" some site or tech illiterates and call themselves an "IT security company"

Well shit you guys did what they could not do in 48 hours lol. Maybe my gf will even get a raise now haha

> Needing 20 fucking seconds to click a button

Who are you quoting?

>get a rasie
>she now makes more than you

have fun getting cucked and then dumped user.


Real talk as an ITlet, how do you deal with this

don't click on yngpussy.avi.exe

With common sense. You should NEVER run an executable if you don't know the source is good.
Also a good antivirus can somewhat help normies.

what a fucking retard that Musk guy is. Instead of making it clear which model is more expensive by using alphabetic order, he fucks around with his "cool guy stuff"

How the fuck will the layman know which model is top tier.

If you say Mercedes S-class, you can know that S is pretty down the alphabet and that this care is high status, unlike Mercedes B, A, D class etc..

But if you say Tesla 3. Where does that stand in relation to Tesla Y?

Seriously, fuck that autist.

Back up your shit in the future, accept the loss and move on or pay the fee

Literally nothing else to it

Ah yes, the R class is much better than the G class.

Aren't they like
and wh-Y

I thought the S model was their flagship.

>partner is female
>she makes 1$ more
>she will now cheat on you for some reason
kek have sex

So essentially he said fuck you to brainlets who buy based on the name rather than performance paramaters. Based Molusk.

what's the reason anyone buys a car?
>primary reason - bragging
>secondary reason - transportation

Why do people by the notch phone, when all of their mobiles use the same chip anyways? Because of status.

it's not easy to tell. Seems he just made up 4 classes to spell that word.

1t's m3h, n00b.

>38kb video

notch is a status symbol?

That said buying any tesla model is a statement, whether its shit or not performance wise, it's trendy, its the iphone of cars. No need for categorisation when there are 4 cars in total. It's tesla, thats enough to turn heads. Meanwhile nobody cares about any new average mercedes or bmw or whatever. Once the hype time has passed it will get it's power order sorted, until then every car is marketed as a unique snowflake, rather than a performance upgrade, its smarter that way.

G class is a fucking mistake.

Have you seen the movie "Taken"?