why does Jow Forums-x redditize the replies now?
Why does Jow Forums-x redditize the replies now?
>redditize the replies
Can you sort by number of replies ?
It's not the software's fault that you fat-fingered Shift+T for threaded mode instead of Shift+R for replying.
is OP really this stupid?
>Shift+R for replying.
It's Q you fuck
what do you mean? This was already reddid when you joined.
this is old
lmao that Jow Forumstard cope
using Jow Forums-x is the epitome of reddit
Jow Forums-x is malware that tracks you and doesn't respect your privacy
Use Dollchan instead.
because it's good for archived threads
it only "fails" when a post has more than one back links
Jow Forums is malware that tracks you and doesn't respect your privacy.
Use any other chan instead.
>that tracks you and doesn't respect your privacy
Nobody cares about "privacy" you incel
You have no idea where you are, don't you?
is this Jow Forums?
go back to Jow Forumseddit
a bit lost are we?
so its more appealing to most Jow Forums(nel) users because it feels like home
>implying Dollchan isn't made by Olanet conference, which is affiliated with FSB
No it doesn't.
Press shift+t
This feature has been in there for years now
>indentation is reddit
>linebreaks are reddit
>spacing is reddit
fuck, you weebs are autistic about forum formats
you must go back