>start studying computer science at university
>join the whatsapp group
>they keep spamming Jow Forums memes
Start studying computer science at university
>losers on Jow Forums bragging about being EE when I’m EEE
Yep. That’s cringe alright.
but user, we are basically whatapp anyways
Just concentrate on your studies, pester your professors to join research work, and most importantly be chill, always have your good night sleep and do one exam at a time.
Also as a student you have your rights to study and you can and should demand the best service available, remember this when your prof refuses to give a new date at conflicting exams. Contrary to the common beliefs you can bully your teachers to adhere to your schedule, it worked well for me.
>>>join the whatsapp group
jesus christ
i swear these things are more cancer than facebook groups were
There's no more distinction between online and offline in minds of post 2008-2012 normalfags
Jow Forums has been mainstream for few years now, if you consider the exploding vans and anonymouse mainstream it'll be a decade now. Normalfags get their memes here and go to their communities on facebook or repost on Reddit.
>nobody is bragging about anything
>start jumping to conclusions and bragging about yourself because you're THAT insecure
This is really pathetic
This user is absolutely right. But take care on that professor bullying thing, it can backfire... Being competent, sincere and humble worked better for me
Sounds Brazilian.
>knowing what Jow Forums memes are
Maybe you should go back to that shithole, tourist.
Just stay at home, get high, COOM and play vidya, dont show up to any lectures, cram 1 week before the exams, pass all of them and land a cushy job making more than all your friends right out of graduation. University is a total fucking meme lmao at people who actually tried.
In my uni, the courses that are of the same level (lets say 3rd semester) cant conflict with other course of the same level. However if you have a 3rd semester course and a 2nd one they can fuck you up.
Some universities don't allow you to take exams if you miss a certain amount of lectures
Stinky, stinky poo people
How do they even take attendance when there's 50-100+ kids in the lectures?
We're trying to cringe you into dropping out you fucking cuck. Just quit already, no one likes working with you when you speak like a Jow Forums tard all the time and make creepy advances towards female professors.
>computer science
>female professors
>there are no female professors at all in a university
Not in computer science, it's all old white dudes and poos
>tfw you reported the autistic incel who used Jow Forums memes in our discord group to the faculty
>tfw he sperged out about having to attend diversity training so he was expelled and has to reapply next year
>he doesn't even have a facebook or anything(LMAO) but I heard from a mutual friend that he had to get a job at a gas station
here's hoping that he's on some kind of a blacklist now and won't terrorize a campus ever again
blocklist*. please stop with your racial prejudices.
>whatsapp group
Wait until you visit their Discord servers, it's somehow even worse.
A woman taught me C and concepts like memory position, array, casting.
They pass a sheet around. No I'm not fucking kidding. However loads of people drop out or don't attend anyway.
T. 1/60th of a CS class
>that guy that creeps on the Indian girls
>that guy that talks about guns non stop
>that guy that brings his ricer gaming laptop into lectures
>the white girl
>the foreign student who buys code off his friends in the motherland
>the mature student who is super motivated and asks constant questions
>the jock who's actually good at CS and a nice person so you can't even be mad at him
>the guy with the Thinkpad
>the twenty people that turn up for week 1 and then disappear
A polish womyn was one of my intro to programming sluts/professors and she did a good enough job. Would not fuck though she was disgusting
>that guy that brings his ricer gaming laptop into lectures
Wow, my cs dept does not care about attendence, and if they do they use pollev for attendance grade peanuts.
cheep cheep
Checks out other than gun freak, what backwater uni do you go to?
>that autistic asian kid who sits on front row and argues with the prof on proper math notation
Nice bait post, but honestly if you post Jow Forums memes outside of small freind groups youre not doing yourself any favors. Tangentially related I know a couple kids at my uni that got kicked out for yelling the n word in thier dorms.
I have that exact autistic asian kid in my lectures, except he's also massive, and not in the strong way. It's fucking creepy.
we're reaching smug levels that shouldn't be possible by all laws of science
Do Americans really have classes with 50+ students?
Yes. They usually take an attendance and have an attendance part of your grade too so you can't skip too many. At my uni they don't pass around a sheet in 100 person lectures, they do "clicker questions". You register your clicker with the uni so they can tell who attended based on who answered the questions.
I havnt had a cs class under 60 students, am currently in one pushing 200. They refuse to limit the number of kids who can enter the cs program so teachers are pushed past thier limit. So many students think cs is an ez ticket to 6 figs but they never want to put in the work, leading to huge factions of frats and social groups relying on about a tenth of the class actually doing assignments. Teacher cant fail all of them so the material is super watered down. Even if the material is hard you can rely on the TAs (god bless them) to help you learn the material and give you answers.
theres around 15 in the one at my university.
networking&cybersecurity is the biggest at 20ish
eugh. that shit, plus the tuition fees and professors shilling their books to you makes me so glad i'm not a burger.
me with the thinkpad t420
except i interchanged it with my latitude e6410 sometimes
i even wrote a script that dumped webcam captures and left it open in a study zone/IT helpdesk area
i saw some guy trying to log in for a solid 5 minutes lol
>his uni takes attendance for lectures
Where I am in England, they just take attendance for lab sessions and encourage you not to slack off and only use the lecture recordings.
I feel bad for you Americans.
top kek
what is eee
what the fuck is whatsapp?
Isn't that Skinner meme on twitter? Jow Forums isn't really on the cutting edge of internet humor anymore anyway, we stagnated. Leave the group if you don't like it
I have the best jokes, nigger
Um I think rape is funny for ecamply
If you don't understand Jow Forums humor maybe you should leave?
When did I say I didn't understand it? Why are you spending your free time trying to prove you're funny to me?
>replies to tripfags instead of filtering
Disagreeing with pretend rape guys isn't a fun job
I like seeing why they spend their free time on stuff like this, just curiosity. I can filter after the thread. If his replies are boring I'll just filter him and he can be alone. Also
that's not even his name, reddit.
It's not really feels related anymore so dunno I why you care what someone calls it or why you're bringing up reddit. Why are you being pedantic over an old meme?
>I know a couple kids at my uni that got kicked out for yelling the n word in thier dorms
Sounds like they forgot their pass
>It's not really feels related anymore
It used to be endearing but it's dead now.
Why are you using proprietary software OP?
i hate this timeline and the thing i hate the most is the passage of time
Frogposting is dead as well at this point. If you hate it make something new.
I went to uni in the UK and there were 100+ in first year, maybe 70+ in second and 50+ in third. Half of them are some sort of rich chink who pays twice the price in tuition. Tuition loan system here is basically free money that you only barely pay back if you get a decent job so they make up for all the losses with chinks.
there's no point in making new things anymore when they will be immediately transformed into gruesome abominations just like what happened to all the other fads on this website in the last ~5 years.
>there's no point in making new things anymore
Jesus Christ you're being melodramatic. They're memes, if they have an emotional impact on you just make new ones and move on, they'll get edited, and life will go on.
>the guy that shows up, listens to the lecture, takes notes, does his work, and goes home when he's done, going months without speaking to anyone once except the profs
I am that man.
when did you start coming to this website? please indulge me and tell me
Look up the French catacomb skull thread. That's when my buddy showed me this site.
Good times
i remember
Yeah that's it.
doesn't it make you feel bummed out to see what the website devolved to today?
Yes, that's why I report shit, don't encourage overused shit and at least try to make something new or say something of some importance.
What is this retard talking about?
I thought whatsapp was used all over the world
I appreciate you Anonymous.
Thanks, it's the only way I can see to improve the site. Obviously there are other imageboards but they're so slow threads don't get replies for days which sucks for discussion.
>that guy that talks about guns non stop
F-fuck that's me isn't it...
>>the white girl
Do you live in africa if that's such an incredible thing?