Sublime vs vim

sublime vs vim.
redpill me on why i should switch from sublime

>can add all the key bindings you want
>looks better
>should you need it, the mouse actually fucking werks

>if you want to do a command you have to press fucking escape key as opposed to sublime can just do ctrl+

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-23 14-03-31.png (756x336, 59K)

you shouldnt switch from sublime to vim

switch to emacs


don't switch, noone cares

What if I want to work with servers?

emacs has a terminal mode

>use tramp

You can add any keybind you want on Vim. If you want to use a command, you have to use a semi-colon. What is it with retards on Jow Forums not knowing anything about programs they criticize?

ultimate redpill just use nano

stick to sublime

isn't it kind of sad how far technology has regressed that people spend their time arguing about which text editor they should use?

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>can add all the keybindings you want.
>Why do you care how it looks
>Mouse support in Gvim is pretty good
>Weird but not too difficult to git good at unless you're a brainlet
>Can remap key in insert mode so you don't need to escape into normal.
>ugly but functional scripting language-> use Emacs if you want the full extensibleâ„¢ experience.

Arguing over which text editor isn't wrong and there's nothing that suggests that doing so is regressing.

perfect thread for a dumb question
starting to code again after a years long hiatus, do I just stick to PyCharm to learn Python or is there any other better and more universal alternative?

If you're going to be using Python exclusively, then PyCharm is a comfy IDE to use (especially if you're just getting back into it). Most features you need are already built-in, so you don't need to go searching for plug-ins and installing such and such with Vim.

will be using it as my main language until I feel confident to learn others, yeah
will stick to it then, thank you

Mouse works with vim too you clueless kike

>using sublime in the first place
You're a lost cause, delet yourself from existence.

Use emacs then


I use Sublime Text on macOS. Used Notepad++ on Windows and Emacs on Arch Linux. Choose whichever one seems better for you and get to work. I may end up switching to Atom. It seems to check all of the boxes.

Opinions on Atom?

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Most people here are unemployed.

what font and colorscheme are those?

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Is there some reason you think you can't add keybindings in Vim? Also the mouse works in Vim if your terminal supports it. What exactly are you trying to say? Why should anyone teach you about the editor if you're too lazy to research and understand it yourself and make a decision?

I can't think of any reason why I would need mouse in Vim, even if it is possible.It just doesn't fit in to the way it's used at all.

>can add all the key bindings you want
Vim can too. Ok, almost: you can't bind capslock or something.
>looks better
Still no match to A E S T H E T I C of Vim, especially with lightline or airline.
>the mouse actually fucking werks
With gvim it also werks. You can even do rectangle text selection with ctrl+drag and word-by-word text selection woth double click + drag
>sublime can just do ctrl+
Enjoy your RSI.