What do I name it
Attached: Help.png (302x138, 10K)
not cp please don't open thanks
--rf .
99% of normies won't be able to delete it safely
100% of normies would just use a graphical file manager
Satania Reaction Images
Attached: Checked.png (600x762, 607K)
>Satania Reaction Images
Attached: 1559945679781.png (726x767, 151K)
>t. butthurt Applefag
Dilate and have sex, you seething incel cuck
Attached: This kills the Applefag.png (2220x1080, 327K)
sudo rm --rf /faggot/home/--rf
Name it ":?* lmao wintoddlers can't do this
Attached: lmao wintoddlers can't do this.png (113x125, 3K)
Attached: IMG-20160613-WA0029.jpg (946x797, 153K)
"My Dragon Dildo Adventures"
Naked big titted anime girls
Attached: 2019-09-23_23-00.png (203x215, 16K)