>tfw when my University lab assistant is a meme
Tfw when my University lab assistant is a meme
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Smash that boipucci
his hair looks like a wig
right in that BUSSY
a cute meme
What does his asshole feel like OP?
I'd totally fuck him now desu
>tfw you dilate
impregnate his ass pussy
The rust trannies are invading C++?
Fuuuuck what a babe.
You have 10 seconds to explain what's wrong with being a tranny
The worst thing is they use rust
he cute
or C++
he looks liek alien
he looks like an average autistic Jow Forums lurker
>You have 10 seconds to explain what's wrong with praising a mental illness
No, more like an /lgbt/ lurker.
the smell
I bet you wouldn't miss a chance to fuck a trap, would you?
I'm not gay but I would smash that bussy
why? what's wrong with being a man? having a limited selection of clothes? our penis?
allowing them to transition after sterilization is one of the best ways to clean up the gene pool.
Pretty cute. Hopefully he didn't fall for the chopping off your dick meme.
Because sexy traps get the best men
What's his last name
what happened? tranny attention whoring?
The coomer evolved into a troomer
hatchet wound
>literally every slightly effeminate gay person becomes a tranny these days
What happened
Its easy. Who wants to be a man these days? There is no benefit. Being a woman or a tranny though? Thats where its at.
Its so simple.
To be honest the female version looks kinda hot.
You tranny yet?
No I'm not capable of deluding myself to that degree and I'm too cold. It would be objectively easier for me if I were though.
It's not being a tranny, it's how alot of them act. If trannies weren't nutty and acted like the rest of the LGBT community, then there would be no problem. But no, they have to scream about oppression, put their agenda everywhere, and even try to convert others.
>another programming conference overrun by trannys
better then being overrun by retarded women at least.
My physics lab assistant was also a tranny. They are also apparently extremely smart, one of the uni's best students, and is doing good research (and is very passable). So good for them.
one too many &mut mutated his gender
Hey at least i know i'm fucked in the head and dont push for it.
Also a trap is just a feminine guy in girl's clothing.
So technically gay and thus less degenerate.
How trannies act is how the lgbt ""communiteh"" acts user.
why does he look like a geek character in a comedy sketch
>white "men"
Is that Poettering?
hey hey hey. being a tranny is so fucking retarded, fucking a clean of diseases one is based tho
They all look ugly.
I just feel bad for them. They somehow got it into their heads that their body is evil, and they have to purge it in a way that induces suicide.
why is he wearing a dress?
tranny r u ok? tranny r u ok? r u ok tranny?
What guy? All I see is a butt ugly chick
>the programming socks meme was true
Mentally ill, higher suicide rate than jews under nazi rule, and search for "ftm phalloplasty surgery"
false advertising
they are grody
just be a cute boy, say no to mental illness
How do i become cute like her/him?
Nothing, as long as they don't try to push whatever fucking agenda they have.
Mental illness that is promoted instead of treated.
>You have 10 seconds to explain what's wrong with dog thinking it's a cat
cute boys and traps are hot. you don't have to be a girl if you want to wear some pink panties, crop top, and a skirt and have guys jerk it to you.
God imagine him on his knees in a dress blowing you while crying.
What happens when puberty hits you like a ton of bricks and you're no longer cute?
This is exactly why they transition.
guys can be cute for a long time, trannies not so much
Why would that make you cry
Can I have their phone number or something? Can you at least prove they're not some generic faggot and actually April?
The opposite is the case, if they're not on HRT then most dudes without some kind of hormone deficiency disorder will masculinize severely.
Plenty of trannies stay cute into their early 30s if they take better care of themselves than AGDQ freakazoids.
t. trannyfetishist
Woman hormones make their bodies look weird
They need to learn to be happy with their own skin like 99% of the world. Lots of girls would like to look like the prettier girls on TV and lots of guys would like to look like the 6' hunks on TV. Losing weight and putting on muscle are natural. Surgery and mind altering hormones that make you mentally unstable are dangerous and unnatural, and should be avoided because you don't need to look like the perfect girl.
most dudes that take care of themselves can easily be cute to 30 too though, it is true that perhaps HRT will make the skin smoother and make them seem more girly, but that does not equal to cute inherently anyway. Generally if you take care of yourself you will be more youthful looking whether you are a woman, tranny or normal
>masculinize severely.
Dilate more ugly fag
the hips usually look weird, and ignoring that the gyno "boobs" and enlarged nipples are just disgusting. if you're gonna be gay learn to like flat chests.
when i say cute think teenage justin bieber, the goal is not to stay a literal child, that's sick
You niggers would transition too if you were that unattractive to start with
>lots of guys would like to look like the 6' hunks on TV
I'm a guy and I wish I looked like the pretty girls on TV
why would an ugly person think they could pull off the opposite gender any better, it's so obviously irrational
You missed the point. My point was that even straight, normal people may want a different body, but we teach them to accept what they have.
What is about wh*te "men" that makes them want to become women so badly? Is it because they're already incredibly feminine looking that transiting isn't that difficult?
Remember Joe? He used to go different places, cons and such, interview people, make fun of them and then upload videos to youtube. He's now trans too.
t. incel
Plenty of examples of ugly men ending up as less-ugly girls. Of course there's also a huge chance you'll end up looking like a freak, but some people are desperate.
Post proof you lying shitlord.
This is his profile picture on LinkedIn now. He obviously stopped making videos for youtube prior to transitioning.
And yet there are some ugly and/or fat bitches that have boyfriends/husbands.
>inb4 someone posts THAT webm
They’re the most annoying out of all the alphabet people’s.
daily reminder Jow Forums and ASM gods will save you from ((( their ))) globohomo
This is a guy lol
would fuck if cute penis cute ass and no dilated vagina
confirmation bias is one hell of a drug
Technology isnt remotely there yet. So every single one looks like something went wrong. And every single one cannot reproduce.
im not into trannies but there was this guy who worked at a pizza joint in town and he had both male and female features and he was very attractive as both
strangest thing i ever saw
It's a mental illness. It's wrong in the same way that alcoholism or diabetes is wrong.
high suicide rates due to degenerate lifestyle and constant identify denial
It's a mental illness and should be treated as such.