As long as your phone is turned on, even with "location permissions" disabled...

>As long as your phone is turned on, even with "location permissions" disabled, the radios in the phone that connect it to all the nice things you like are screaming into the air, reporting your presence to nearby cell towers, which then create records that are kept forever.
>If I were configuring a smartphone today, I'd use @DanielMicay's @GrapheneOS as the base operating system. I'd desolder the microphones and keep the radios (cellular, wifi, and bluetooth) turned off when I didn't need them. I would route traffic through the @torproject network.
>I wouldn't use WiFi at home, because global maps of every wireless access point's unique ID—including yours—are free and constantly updated. I would use ethernet; yes, ethernet on a phone. I would deny network permissions to any app that doesn't need it using an app firewall.
>I would use an ad blocker. I would use a password manager. I would block third-party cookies in the browser.
>I'd disable javascript, tracking, and fingerprinting in the browser, and even then I'd avoid the browser unless I had no choice. Better to browse on a laptop (w/ @QubesOS) which does not have a history of everywhere I've been, since it lacks GPS & Wifi, and has @Whonix built-in.
>I would not (and do not) use email, except as throwaways for registration. Email is a fundamentally insecure protocol that, in 2019, can and should be abandoned for the purposes of any meaningful communication. Email is unsafe. I'd use @Signalapp or @Wire as a safer alternative.
Is he wrong about anything here?

Attached: edward_snowden_getty_images_170248179_photo_by_the_guardian_via_getty_images_croppedjpg.jpg (1200x1124, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Signal isn't safe either

Automated system be like:
>Anomaly detected, this individual needs to be watched closer, and needs human attention.
Smart move.

>I'd desolder the microphones
Didnt GraphaneOS have an option to disable microphone?

makes sense for him, but I don't see the need to jump through all these hoops for some random normalfag

>tfw when you fall for the privacy meme

Attached: pepe_aluminium_hat.jpg (596x444, 72K)

the worry is that some glowing trojan would override whatever settings you have in place
same reason why everyone tapes over their laptop cam

>tfw you fall for the anti-privacy meme

Attached: file.png (702x205, 28K)

anyone else worried that their monitor and/or tv has a hidden camera in it (not disclosed by the manufacturer)?

only pedos are afraid

Bluetooth beacons can be used to track you in stores, airports and other certain areas even if you turn off Bluetooth (from what I've read). I'd desolder it as well.
I personally wouldn't use apps with internet permission at all, unless they're the browser or communication apps.
Don't see the point of using a password manager as it's just another point of failure waiting to be exploited, and if you're not using JavaScript you'll be unable to log into 99% websites. Don't log in onto anything on your phone.
I'd block any and all cookies.
Don't know anything about grapheneOS so I can't comment on it. But I know that it's pointless to fight fingerprinting on android, for example, even if you remove all tracking, because it's still leaking your display size and a few properties which may be unique.
Signal isn't a good option since it requires a unique phone number and it's centralized. Wire isn't a good option because some metadata is stored unencrypted. They may be excellent alternatives for proprietary services like WhatsApp and email, but I feel like XMPP and Matrix protocols are better, as well as decentralized solutions like Jami and Tox (although Tox is somewhat flawed), and Briar.
But yeah, he's not wrong.

Thing is, with hardware backdoors you can easily enable things in background regardless of what OS does.

Orwell forgot to mention that his books aren't manuals.

Would Tox be a good alternative anons?

>not being so lonely that you want to be surveilled by humans because at least that you you feel like you matter to someone

You need to use it over Tor because it's p2p so your contacts would know your IP afaik. Also, since it's decentralized, the sender and recipient need to be online at the same time for messages to be sent.
It's also not yet complete nor has it been audited.
I wouldn't trust it with my life, but it's ok for quick communication.

What setting can I change on my phone to have sex?

Attached: ohdana.gif (280x220, 2.98M)

why would you trust a celebrity spy?

I still use a flip phone mostly because of costs though. I'll have to do some dang research when I actually do get a smartphone which seems inevitable more and more shit requires it and they offer less and less of the flip phones, I can only get by for so long really. For a long time since I had my desktop and didn't really need to go out much it wasn't a big deal.

>Is he wrong about anything here?
Yes, he's wrong about the very basic premise: The idea that you can win this game.

You can't. You'll make a mistake. You'll slip up, just once, some day, some time. It doesn't even have to be you who makes the mistake. You're balancing on a towering stack of software and hardware abstraction layers. Millions of lines of code and thousands of pages of schematics.

You have to be correct and right and win every single time. They just have to win once.

The only winning move is not to play. Don't use electronic devices and assume it's ever safe or private.

He literally won at the game. Why? Because he didn't live a double life of privacy and try to do all his regular non-private work on some debotnetted shitpad with openbsd.

you can try to dial 8, that helps

Attached: dial-8.jpg (750x1000, 91K)

>shills signal
>phone number REQUIRED to sign up
fuck this kike shill

the only thing I'd question him on is the email thing. It's basically a necessity nowadays

best way to not get tracked via phone is not bring one with you

You don't realize how terrible democracy is in french. Journalists are denied to do their jobs, police can hurt or kill people without fearing anything a long as they hide their identity (which is forbidden), they restrict more and more any citizen rights...
I cared about privacy because of ads and what companies can do about it, and also because I didn't want some politician use those data for marketing.. or politics it's the same shit.
Now I feel I should care about privacy for my safety regarding my government. This world is crazy. Hong kong or Russia don't hurt this much their citizen.
I guess it's the same shit in US and in some other country

>destroy microphone
doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being a phone

plug in external microphone

Schizo Ramblings as usual.

>Not supporting humanities most toxic behaviors so that they will inevitably run out of control and lead to a full collapse of human civilization
we need to start over
humanity needs lesson it won't forget

I'm seeing your glow, nigger

You should give up on protection against governments and just use the best security you can to avoid vengeful normals.

He's left the game at the moment. But he's totally at the mercy of the Russian government at this point. Which is ok, for the moment and probably for the next 10+ years, but if that's winning, I don't want to play.

>I'd use @Signalapp
Sorry, I don't trust a guy who hides his ((real name)) and refuses to identify himself.

Why use a password manager when you can write down your passwords in a notebook?

Unfortunately, it appears as if Daniel will be slowing down on the graphenOS project. He constantly states he is not having enough developers to help, or financial donations I believe. This situation sucks ass too, since Daniels the only developer who seems to really understand what he's doing.


>Email is a fundamentally insecure protocol that, in 2019, can and should be abandoned for the purposes of any meaningful communication.

does he not know about DIME?

Snowden is more realistic than some of the idiots I see on this board who believe you can somehow sneak a modern into a noisy ass PC motherboard

god you are retarded

>no microphone

Btw freedom isn't freedom from consequences, it's just freedom from legal consequences. If freedom were freedom from all consequences, only one party could have freedom at a time, because in doing so, they'd oppress everyone else. For example, if you exercise your freedom to roam as you please, I can exercise my freedom to kick you off my property. That's a consequence for entering my property, and if people like you, who keep saying freedom is the same thing as freedom from consequences, were right, that would mean that by kicking you off my property, I'm infringing upon your freedom. But by the same token, by entering my property, you'd be infringing upon my freedom not to have guests. That's how things are in a state of nature, and it doesn't make any sense. It makes more sense for people to form a social contract involving sacrificing freedoms they think are unreasonable so that the freedoms they think are reasonable are better protected. This is the essence of government. So, Mr. Orwell-Orwell-Orwell, if you want freedom from consequences, go live in the jungle.

>tfw if you dont do anything to protect your privacy, you are just another one in the bunch, but if you take some measures to protect your privacy, you immediately stand out from the rest and are automatically added into the list.

Few years ago it looked like everything was gonna be OK..
Jow Forums was right all along

>be added to the list a thousand times over by now for all the shitposting i've done
>doesn't matter because i've never committed a felony and never will
feels /comfy/ knowing there are """people""" who have no choice but to watch me fap

Attached: tendies_wendies.png (1280x1280, 385K)

>he thinks he needs to actually commit a felony to get charged with one

>No, you have to live in the same fishbowl as the normalfags who have zero privacy! Doing anything for privacy will make you a target!
These posts glow in the dark. Imagine if 1% of the people in a city wore face masks. Sure that instantly sets them apart from the rest of the population, but it means they aren't instantly identifiable and monitorable, even though its easy to pick out who they are. And even a small percentage of them quickly adds up to enough people that it's not practical to devote much attention to every one of them.

Amyome ever wonder if doing all this might put you on a watchlist to het abducted by seekrit klub?

What if his instructions are just a template to get noticed by sempai? uwu

Attached: 1569091425248.jpg (803x720, 108K)

Anyway, I don't matter about it anymore, Google already knows all my porn tags. So what I think least about is security and privacy.

And you too,

Today in class my network security professor said he'd like to see Snowden shot.

Attached: 1560202785100.jpg (650x752, 47K)

Normies think writing their home PC notebook on paper is unsafe. Only God knows why

Why, exactly? On Jow Forums of all places I thought nearly everyone considered him a true patriot and American hero. Even if he didn't actually achieve anything in the end.

He's worked in cyber security for military and gov't for over 30 years so he isn't sympathetic to people who leak classified information.

That kind of reply is the most orwellian rebuttal in the history of human debate. If there is no freedom from consequences, then there is no freedom. Granted there are things that have natural self-inflicted consequences, like overeating leading to being fat. No law can protect against that. However, if there are consequences of another kind, then it's not a freedom.

With this kind of logic, you could say that everyone has a freedom to do anything, under any system. You apparently have the "freedom" to murder, just not freedom from consequences. People living in North Korea have the "freedom" to criticize the supreme leader, just not freedom from consequences. You have the "freedom" to find some upload of the Windows source code, read it, and develop from it, but there will be "consequences". We can play this game all day.

Nice pasta. You've posted this exact bait innumerable times before, and I've already just now refuted it in its entirety. Your bait post is not a valid counterargument to the post it's replying to, because the post it's replying to already preempted that exact bait post. AKA, I knew you were the person who keeps posting this, so I argued against it without even giving you a chance to say it at all, and now you have no rebuttal in turn except the exact same thing.

fuck off yellow vest commie

>since Daniels the only developer who seems to really understand what he's doing.
so this is the calibre of open sores developers...damn

Those who recite the idea that "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" really mean "freedom of speech only means freedom from consequences inflicted by the government."

It's really just another way to say "it's only censorship if the government does it." This thinking is usually supported by pointing to the US constitution and explaining that the first amendment only says that the government cannot restrict speech. However, this is only a specific protection of freedom of speech, not a definition of the concept.

The US constitution defines only the rules the US government must operate under so naturally its protection of freedom of speech is limited to attacks from the US government.

If you justify restricting the speech of others with arguments based on the limitations of the US constitution then you don't actually believe in freedom of speech. You just believe in the constitution.

Freedom of speech is more than an amendment. It's a principle, that those with power over us should not use that power to restrict what we can say and, similarly, if we have power over others, our power should not be used to restrict what they can say.

The government is not the only thing with power over us. If you can inflict consequences, you have power. If you can pressure someone's employer into firing them, you have power over them.

Does this mean that we cannot respond to speech in ways which might negatively affect the speaker? Of course not. If someone says something you find distasteful then you have every right to judge them for it and express and act on that judgement. What crosses the line is action deliberately intended to punish the speaker and make people afraid of repeating the speech.

>"freedom of speech only means freedom from consequences inflicted by the government."
This but unironically.
The government is the only entity with true power over its people.
>The government is not the only thing with power over us. If you can inflict consequences, you have power. If you can pressure someone's employer into firing them, you have power over them.
Libel is illegal and should be more properly prosecuted. In other words, the only reason the power you describe exists is because of a failure of the government. Which is to say, government remains the only class of entity with true power over those it governs.
This also applies to things which aren't illegal but should be.

>I wouldn't use WiFi at home, because global maps of every wireless access point's unique ID—including yours—are free and constantly updated.
I sincerely doubt that

google streetcar records / maps out all wifi hot spots and access points, including residential ones.

Just hide your ssid, satan

Snowden is an absolute cuck. He is far from an American Patriot. He is used by the government to distract people.

What's the point of carrying a smart phone in his case then, just carry a dumb phone and remove sim and battery every time you don't need it. Libreboot x200 for his surfing needs.

Most of the things he name (signal, wire, qubesos, tor) is known to be compromised. I don't know if he's just ignorant or if he's an inside agent.

You seem to know more than him or anyone else. Praytell, inform us how all these are compromised.

>everyone has a freedom to do anything, under any system. You apparently have the "freedom" to murder...
this is literally 100% true and an acknowleged fact of international relations.
wiki had an aritcle about it, if it isnt already deleted, called "international anarchy".

anarchy is basically the same thing as fasism.
liberty is a meaningless concept.
it is not even wrong.
we are free, because we have " free minds" and "free will", but also not free because of mechanical, robitc, npc animal drives and goals and values and " morality" which are programmed in genes, hormones, and memes, economics, culture, and the laws of physics themselves.

liberarianism is a logically incoherent ideology, but insofar as it *is* coherent it is only as the amoral pursuit of your OWN liberty and goals and certainly not some nebulous pseudological universalization and generalization of abstract moral principles.

GRRM wrote only one worthwhile line in his life: power is a trick, it is shadows on the wall. it lies wherever people believe it lies.

power is not ONLY the government, it is money, it is fame, it is the masses, it is the elites, it is everywhere and nowhere and everybodys terrified of each other.

what this means is you, being logical and concerned only with your own values and not some bullshit universal morality, have to be on guard against everything at all times, which is fucking impossible. social contract is a meme. morality is not truth-valued or logical, it is just a raw weapon to be used to advance your own interests. when it comes to speech, lex talionis is not "truthful", but just highly advantageous and therefore persuasive on an intuitive level to most people, and can be contorted into whatever bullshit laws, rationalizations, casuistry and sophism pretending to be morality you require. you can criticize morality by naming any number of fallacies you like, and it would all be accurate. Strawmen, false analogy, no true scotsman, hasty generalization, brainwashing, propaganda, low-iq ... it all runs off it like water from a raincoat.
morality is a heuristic. it is wrong, lile newtonian mechanics is wrong, like the flat earth is wrong, like everything is always wrong forever.
there isnt any fucking thing called truth anywhere. its just a means to an end.
its economics, baby.
aguste comte undestood it.
so too, robert anton wilson, borges, nietzche, bishop berkley, descartes, and fucking euclid.
you have to "believe" in bullshit without evidence just to get things done. fucking axioms, how do they work?

unironically read godel escher bach and "i am a strange loop".
emily dickinson, ralph waldo emerson, maybe even nassim taleb, or steven pinker.
read, til u spew meaningless crap like me.

the only "consequence" for speech should be more speech.
like answered with like, proportional, and exact.

morality is a game.
gamers rise up.

>anarchy is basically the same thing as fasism.
i doubt the veracity of ur claim

It's impossible to escape them. Either you surrender and live your life or move to the middle of nowhere to live off the land.

This is just about phones. But we are also tracked through debit/credit cards, CCTV, other people, and many other means. If they want you, they'll get you, no matter what.

Resistance is futile.

take your schizo pills

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>Russia don't hurt this much their citizen
Police can break your legs for jogging.

>leaving the window without tinfoil which completely defeats the point of tin foiling the entire room
this is beyond retarded

Attached: peace out.gif (200x200, 948K)

Cell phones come with two CPUs built in. The one you don't know about is called radio, and it runs anything it wants, anytime and bypasses your os and had direct access to on board hardware


>>if it isnt already deleted
What's with you Jow Forums faggots and Wikipedia being some sort of censorship-happy shithole? Give me at least 3 (three) examples of blatant censorship.

Only about the signal and wire part. Signal needs a phone numbers so you can't use it if you do not have one or if you do not want your computer to not be connected with your phone in signal's servers. Wire is kinda better but it is still a buggy electron crapware which does not authenticate users.
I would suggest tox or xmpp+omemo I guess.

>Email is unsafe. I'd use @Signalapp or @Wire as a safer alternative.
But there's a Signal based email app.

>I would use ethernet; yes, ethernet on a phone.
kind of missing the point of having a smart MOBILE phone

Attached: do you feel in charge.jpg (956x704, 58K)


Kind of missing the point of WOULD

Hi, I am not the dude that you are replying to nor am I a Jow Forums. Wikipedo is well known for censoring literally anything (although this goes more for content inside articles rather than the articles themselves), see
As for examples, there was sleepsort. There were some other cases which I do not currently remember.

There is also OpenPGP, what is your point?

Yeah laptops are superior.

I can give you only 1 because I'm not a Jow Forumstard and I don't follow this shit. Gamergate article is completely fabricated.
>Gamergate controversy stemmed from a harassment campaign conducted primarily through the use of the hashtag #GamerGate. The controversy centered on issues of sexism and progressivism in video game culture. Gamergate is used as a blanket term for the controversy as well as for the harassment campaign
Whereas in reality people found out that a girl had sex with reviewers to get good reviews (among other corrupt things), then people called it out and she started screaming "muh sexism" to protect herself. The media and Wiki ran with the feminist's story, meaning they're spreading fake news. For people back then, it was probably the biggest redpill of how media fabricates stories and also how wikipedia is full of SJWs who roll with their version of the truth.

OpenPGP gives out more metadata. I assume that's why it wouldn't be an option.

>There is also OpenPGP, what is your point?
Not any of the guys you are replying to, but this further goes to show how email in itself is an inherently insecure protocol which needs additional "external" encryption in order to be secure. I agree, however, that encrypted email is still overall probably a better alternative than any centralized application.
For public conversations such as mailing lists, unencrypted email is still fine as every message gets officially publicly archived anyway. NSA or not, everyone is able to see them.

I would like to remind people that hatreon had to close because visa didn't want people paying them money, freddom of expresion is dead

>reporting your presence to nearby cell towers,
This shit is not precise at all.
We use those things when people disappear or threaten to kill themselves.
First, it usually takes fucking forever for the prosecutor to give us the authorization and then to get the info from the carrier. Once we get the info, well, sometimes the guy may already have moved on somewhere else. A relay also covers several km2 and searching for someone can take a few hours, so if the guy is determined to end his life, we often find a dead body instead.
It's not like your tinfoil hat botnet fantasy where the CIA can track you down and see exactly in which street you are from their super satellites and send special men in black agents in 2 minutes to arrest you because you didn't pay your parking spot or whatever.

Nobody cares about your stupid video games, manchild.

5 roubles have been added to your account

Ferme bien ta gueule.
t. Gendarme.

>OpenPGP gives out more metadata
Explain please

>think for yourself, schmuck
>but actually don't, think this instead

> Jow Forums
> literally can't read the word desolder
This board was a mistake.

Kys, wikishill

What episode is that from?

It's not like my ISPs have ever given a shit about what I've saved on my computer and never will unless laws change to do so. The only security concern I'd really want to avoid the most is keylogging as the rest will always find a way to be exploited some way or another. Biometric authentication is something I'd be interested in seeing used across more devices and for networking access, but only if there's a way it can be done without logging fingerprints, facial data, etc. It'd be nice if laws could enforce such data to be destroyed after a certain amount of time or at least archived in cold storage by organisations. I'm no security expert but you won't be singled out unless it's via hackers or doing something stupid on your end. In reality your networking activity is as irrelevant as a fish swimming in a school of thousands and you'd only be noticed if you swim away from it alone.

See but it's not 1% of the population. It's maybe 0.0000000000001% of the population because there's an extremely small handful of other retarded snowflakes who are just as retarded a you, also needing special treatment 24/7.

Nobody gives a fuck about security and privacy because they actually have a life and this tinfoil hat bullshit is fucking retarded. Lay off the shrooms, delete your cp collection, go outside of your mom's basement and go talk to actual human beings and you'll realize nobody gives a shit about your pathetic existence.

The X-Files: Season 4, Episode 13 "Never Again"