for now you see SJW's you dont need to fuck an entire planet for them to notice you...
you just let your work speaks for itself
>lisa su named the most powerfull woman on earth for the 2019
for now you see SJW's you dont need to fuck an entire planet for them to notice you...
you just let your work speaks for itself
>lisa su named the most powerfull woman on earth for the 2019
Lisa Su = meritocracy
And feminists don't like that.
Notice how the SJWs aren't acknowledging her success either
It's almost like they want Intel to win
It's almost like they are working for someone who has a stake in Intel winning
Someone who glows
The left disdain success.
She'll need a #metoo moment to turn their heads.
> Jim Keller saves AMD from going bankrupt
> Lisa Su gets all the credit
The SJWs won again.
Based mommy.
no one is privileged to fuck the entire planet
big business will regret it
>>lisa su named the most powerfull woman on earth for the 2019
She's place 44 tho, Marillyn Hewson is first, the head of a defence contractor's corporation.
>he thinks jim made zen design
seriously now
Please delete this EXTREMELY anti-semitic post immediately. It doesn't matter than Jewish people are less than 2% of the population yet 40% of the billionaires; they got there through hard work and strong ethics. White people, on the other hand, only achieve success through white privilege.
>w-we're owning the radfems! we really are! we're winning!
Ah the dying whines of a cuck
jews are white
Asians (especially Asian men) to SJWs are propogators of white supremecy so of course they will not acknowledge their achievements. To them, minorities who routinely make their own success in spite of perceived adversities shouldn't be celebrated.
>jews are white
fellow white
I don't give a shit if it's a man or a woman who's successful as long as they actually have the skills and knowledge, retard.
>I don't give a fuck if it's me or tyrone who is fucking my wife as long as she likes it
>it's just that she never likes it with me
>let's see how many logical fallacies i can fit in one post
Thanks for playing.
Does she speak English though?