Wearing a suit everyday

What do you think about dressing smartly daily, apparently serpentza says he gains a lot of respect from strangers because of it.


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wearing a good fitting suit and having a good clean haircut is the fastest way too being alpha

He's a cunt.

You will look insanely autistic

hes white monkey in china...wearing suits is only good in the correct situation.

It depends on your surroundings. I live in a small town, a suit looks out of place

If you're visibly younger than 30 and can't justify that look with a full time white collar job it's the fastest way to be laughed at.

Like insurance salesmen.

i'm in my underwear 90% of the day and only put my adidas track suit on when I have to go to the supermarket to buy cigarettes and beer

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it sucks. suits can only be dry cleaned not washing machine washed