Is Apple invincible?

They can kill off adblockers
They can kill of the headphone jack
Fuck, they can kill Windows and Linux right now if they made macOS available on non Apple computers

Attached: Capture.png (757x574, 265K)

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raspberry pi with pihole

>Fuck, they can kill Windows and Linux right now if they made macOS available on non Apple computers
That's simply not going to happen

the average apple drone does not complain so they can do what they want as long as they release irrelevant garbage each year

Apple did not “kill off ad blockers.” Rather, they implemented a new way for ad blockers to work that both makes loading times faster and doesn’t let the ad blocking software see your browsing history.

yeah and devs have to pay $100 a year to make a non-profit adblocker lol

this. or any other browser extensions. I think currently there are only around 100 browser extensions in the app store. Now compare that to chrome. How many do they have?

Apple is run by retards. I would start selling my stock now.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-24 at 10.33.48.png (1298x1034, 309K)

>I think currently there are only around 100 browser extensions
actually counted them, it's 76. They have 76 fucking browser extensions.

>about:blank $0.99

Attached: 1429380770296.gif (500x422, 651K)

There's an adblocker there for cash. The problem was the app being free. You can still use Adguard DNS and they can't block that unless Apple wants to cut you off from the net.

or they could instead make a for-profit adblocker, just like the rest of the software industry. Adblocking isn’t some special magical category whose developers should work entirely for free.

>more = better

Enjoy all your scammy spyware Chrome extensions

would Jewgle really follow suit with Chrome?

It's not the problem with adblockers idiot. It's with browser extensions in general.

You can't do any real shit on safari anymore. Nobody is going to bother to pay to develop free extensions.

Tempermonkey, various dev tools for web development, privacy tools... They won't get ported to safari anymore.

>Adblocking isn’t some special magical category whose developers should work entirely for free.
And yet the best adblocker (ublockorigin) is entirely free. Weird.

there's playing devil's advocate and then there's just plain funposting, you know?

>Enjoy all your scammy spyware Chrome extensions
Also, I can understand this point. Boomers could get tricked with various free extensions. But they could have hidden the menu for legacy extensions under a settings checkbox, like they did in earlier version of safari.

Killing all legacy extensions for no fucking reason makes no sense.

>the best adblocker (ublockorigin)

That’s a funny way to spell “1Blocker.” Oh wait, poorfag NEETs and freetards don’t know what it’s like to have software that doesn’t spy on them while it sets their RAM on fire lololololol

Apple doesn’t give a shit about muh legacy if it means having to support shitty slow scammy software. They’d rather kill it off entirely, which is why they’re almost always the sole player that drags the rest of the industry kicking and screaming into the future.

street shit harder iJeet

rofl xD

Get a job little boy

Apple users are the most braindead fanthem ever

>another brainwashed itoddler npc

Go back to your Discord channel little boy

imagine paying to block ads, you should just erase yourself at this point

Imagine being so poor you can’t afford $5 for software that improves your browsing experience. How fucking sad

do you have containerise+temporary containers+uMatrix+stylus on your iPajeet machine?

>which is why they’re almost always the sole player that drags the rest of the industry kicking and screaming into the future.
They won't drag anyone. People will just use some other browser. Even Microsoft Edge is now available on MacOs and they support all the chrome extensions.

If you watch any youtube tutorials or dev conferences, you will notice that 99% of them use Chrome anyways as their main browser on FagOS

> If you watch any youtube tutorials or dev conferences, you will notice that 99% of them use Chrome anyways as their main browser on FagOS

Sure, and Android is the most popular mobile platform despite being developed by the same giant advertising company whose entire business model is to collect every last scrap of your personal data. Popularity doesn’t mean jack shit, other than that people are suckers for free junk even when it harms them.

Another reason would be, Safari is becoming more and more useless.
>no extensions
>shitty dev tools
>no webm support
>weird audio playback on videos when you increase the speed.
>weird youtube glitches (site often breaks after posting comments and you have to reload)

Sounds to me like you’re mostly just mad about Jow Forums and YouTube. Go cry to Hiroyuki and Google for not supporting web standards. Chrome is the new IE.

build a pie hole

>raspberry pi with pihole
Amateur hour

Just don't use Safari?

>Go cry to Hiroyuki and Google
Google does that on purpose. That's why Microsoft had to switch to chromium-based Edge, since they couldn't keep up.

Anyways, I am not updating to catalina anyways. Fuck this, it is too much even for me.

Y'all have to learn that the weak customer should fear the strong corporation.

>Imagine being so poor you can’t afford $5 for software that improves your browsing experience. How fucking sad
Imagine paying someone because you are a literal brainlet that does not know how to do something if it has more than one button

Care to be more specific, or do you only speak in riddles?

Holy shit I didn't notice that

Attached: 1496754858732.jpg (328x559, 21K)

What kind of retard uses Safari?

I use Adguard DNS at work and at home. I don't really use the phone for anything involving ads elsewhere (mostly just banking shit, like turning my card on to make a purchase, and then turning it back off).

I actually gave up 1blocker on my phone after setting up AdGuard.

You need users to have backlash, and I've never seen anyone in my whole life using Safari. Never, it just doesn't happen, normies on Applel shit just use Chrome.

cuz nobody uses safari and people who are stupid enough to use it are not smart enough to use ad blockers.