Marlboro looking to stop cigarette production forever in favor of smoke-free products
RICHMOND, VA – One tobacco giant hopes to stop making cigarettes entirely.
Philip Morris International is the company behind Marlboro and other large brands. The company says they want to phase out the manufacturing of cigarettes and move into smoke-free products.
Their new focus will be on the IQOS
It’s a device which heats tobacco instead of burning it.
The company claims the product has the potential to quote, “reduce the number of noxious chemicals found in cigarette smoke by ninety-five percent.”
Research is still being done on the claim.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says tobacco use causes nearly six million deaths globally per year.
I’ll be growing my own as soon as I get my acreage. Canadian law states a citizen can grow up to 15kg of tobacco per adult per year. More than enough I’d say
Aaron Powell
only niggers whithout self control get addicted, i for my part smoke two (2) Marlboro ciggarettes a week, lift heavy, eat clean and never drink alcohol
Jonathan Cruz
vapes are superior to cigarettes anyways, no loss pipes and cigars are far superior to prerolled cigarettes if you really need to smoke that shit