I might be a Genius!

Ask question!
Be the amazed one!
No rude Frogs or Angry little boys!

Attached: iIsSmartypants.jpg (1003x527, 270K)

Who did 9/11?

>pink ID
Here, this injection will help you.

Attached: Doktor Chen prepares treatment.png (700x700, 28K)

Cirno? More like sir, no.

Attached: 1546394878273.png (666x666, 43K)

Fuck Cirno and Fuck touhou

Attached: 69FA83BE-CE48-4051-82E6-F76533B98605.png (720x952, 255K)

Is it autism or funtism?

Attached: image.png (362x490, 166K)

Why are you a genius?

HOw big is my penis to the closest 0.1 of an inch

Pink ID are good ID so no thanks!

Attached: 1513248175068.png (243x113, 49K)

Did you just make that up?!
You are very creative!

Attached: 1514523712439.jpg (250x250, 28K)