Hey reddit

hey reddit
my belly button keeps getting shit in it and smelling bad even though i shower every night
what the heck?

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Stop letting people crap in your belly button and take your daily dose

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ok thanks
anyone else

shed fabric and dirt builds up as bellybutton lint to protect it since it leads right to your guts and is very sensitive

ur belly button doesnt lead straight to ur guts
does it

it does
stop poking it

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thats how babies get fed

oh ok that nakes sense

that's not how your guts works, as a bab, your button is the place where you had blood move through

if you want a clean belly button, find out what crap is in there

sand/dirt=wear an under shirt and a belt
lint=new shirt material, most of the breathable ones are good
shit/something smelly = don't eat food naked or someone is fucking with you, most belly lint wont smell unless you have weird food/sex habits or you work out in a cotton shirt/ outdoors

goddamn look at that get

00:33:33 No.7304977

>work out in a cotton shirt
thank u lad
this is my issue

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not cool bro

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do you hate the cat or the woman?


I dont get the edit then

I only understand hate

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Fuck, this is terrifying. Just the thought of what he is punching. I mean, what could punch the puncher?

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Shut up slag

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oh man photoshop is so much fun

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stop it
karen is innocent

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give me what I want and I'll show mercy on the slag

can't you show mercy because you value my happiness?

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Unfortunately, no.

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what is this faggotry

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