It's a bit of a long read but I've got nowhere else to share

It's a bit of a long read but I've got nowhere else to share

>Meet girl on online forum she's 18 I was 15
>Become friends
>Become extremely close she's the only one that understands me on any significant level
>A few years down the line we finally meet up and ended up getting into a relationship the week after
>She makes me feel loved, safe, warm and cared about unlike any other girl I've had before or since
>Literally the best thing that ever happend to me
>Went on many trips together
>We were literally euphoric for over 3 years
>Shit got bad after 4 years
>Just stupid arugments that mounted up over time
>Stupid arguments became massive fights
>I couldn't keep doing this repedative cycle of massive fihts, making up just to have us blow up again a few days later
>It's Christmas eve
>We get into the biggest fight I've ever had
>I broke up with her
>Intense heartbreak for over a year
>Get incredibly depressed
>Heavily suicidal, drink every single night
>Only the good memories with her keep me going
>Finally get over it some how
>Still massivly depressed
>Lost a lot of friends at this point
>Alcoholism getting worse
>Only thing that keeps me going are memories of the good times with her
>Believing in that kind of love and the possibilty of getting it with someone else is all I have left in the way of hope
>Sitting alone in my room drunk as usual
>Failing college and living of less than 4 bucks a day in an expensive country to live
>Rock fucking bottom thorougly hit
>She messages me
>Decide to catch up a solid year after the break up
>We talk the same night
>She casually tells me she's actually a lesbian
>Mfw the best thing that happend to me was a lie
>All those moments mean nothing anymore
>Every laugh, every romantic moment every single good thing in my memories is now fucked beyond repair
>Tell her I'm confused, she understands
>Just got back to bed from talking to her

I've fucking lost all will to live
I can't fucking do this anymore

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I hate women.

I'm sorry for bothering you guys with this

Wanna come over and hang out some?
I got hagelslag.

She's not a lesbian. She said that thinking it'd let you down gently.

Fuck man, I wish that were true.
She's engaged now. I've seen the pics and the ring.
She was really proud of it.
I just lied my arse off pretending that I was doing really well. She believed it.
Never showed intrest

Some hagelsag would actually be pretty good
Haven't had it in a while since I gernerally can't afford it

I'm sorry to kick you down even further but I can't resist asking this one thing.

What? Nobody?

Then why are you using quotation?

Greentext isn't quoting?

unbased and unoriginalpilled.

offer still stands, as long as you're fine with sleeping on a couch.

Where did I do that?

says who?

lol you turned a girl gay m8

Who gave you permission to quote me?

She’s probably just bi and is now swinging to the other side and is now confused about feelings towards males and has tried to shut it out completely..
You can’t fake relationships like that, I’m sure what you had was real. Dont let what she has said take away your pleasant memories and your will to find something like that again.
You will and it will possibly be better than before if it ends up working out.
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way OP.

Who said I needed one?

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Answering questions with questions isn't very charismatic, mr freequoter.
I'll let it slip this time but get in my way again and I'll call you out for what you truly are.

Do you really think I want to pretend to be charismatic? I'm a literal fucking NPC meme personified, fuck off faggot, I'll be shallow as I can be and there is nothign you can do about it.

Thanks aussiebro
To hear somthing encouraging is really apriciated

Want to talk about it?
Perhaps we can together get to the root of why you're feeling this way.

Nigger she is playing you like a fiddle.
Remember this once and for all, people will only tell you something good about themselves. If they are in bad shape they will lie to look better. You yourself fucking did it. Stop being autistic. She lied and its obvious. Now forget about her and go pull yourself out of shit your dragged yourself into.
Do you even read? I'm shallow, thats the root.

Something's telling me you're not completely honest with me, or yourself for that matter. Only offering you a chance to talk, doesn't have to be about anything deep or important. However if you're content with everything going on with you then by all means keep on doing what you do best.

Women are attention loving little shits. Thats what they thrive on. Just know that if you find a good friend that is a man. Like just a friendship. He'll probably be more loyal than any gf u'll ever get. I'm really sorry this happened to you but knowing ur in college I promise you it will get better. It sucks having someone apart of ur life for so long and then it just ends. You had that routine that involved her heavily and ur still hoping to cope. I get it. And I genuinely hope u rise out of it like I was thankfully able to do. Just make sure u maintain a sense of humor and keep trying. I promise that there is a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Sounds cliche but I'm just saying. Take my advice or not. Bad shit will always happen but it all depends on how u take it. Please take care and be safe. Don't do anything cowardly like killing urself.

I literally don't understand what do you want from me. Talk about what?

Didn't read it but nice blog user.


I'll keep it short, OP, but this is why you should never put a woman (or any person) on a pedestal.

Learn to be satisfied in life alone. Even if you find some girl to replace this one, the affect will only be temporary.

You won't find the key to happiness in anyone except yourself - at best, you'll only manage to distract yourself from your depression, which is what you did with this girl.

Face your problems, stop running from them or hiding from them. Otherwise you'll just be miserable forever.

What we would talk about is completely up to you.
Anything goes.

I'm very sorry, especially doing this to a swede since you guys are epitome of politeness, but I'd rather be blatant right here so you'd really understand who are you dealing with.
So here goes.
user, are you plain dumb or something? I just told you I'm a fucking pointless husk of flesh. I have nothing to talk about with you, I can't even pick a topic because BIG FUCKING SURPRISE I don't have any interests. What the fuck do you expect from me with this pseudopsycological bullshit like "Something's telling me you're not completely honest with me". I am being honest, it took me a while to actually come to terms with it and its fucking painful to realise this every time when some faggot like you decides to play Freud with me pretending he knows me better than I do myself.
Either state your point or literally fuck off.

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I'm sorry for making you feel this way and I'm sorry for coming across as a pseudotherapist, I could be stupid, I can't tell either way.
I only wanted to reach out a hand in case you felt like it could make you feel better.
I like talking to people.

gotcha, fag

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Painstakingly relatable.
I've gone through a similar thing years ago and she still pollutes my thoughts to these days but less painfully as they use to. You just have to attempt to move on OP and perhaps make new friends who can make you feel good.
I've been disgruntled lately myself because I found out that ex apparently has been dating a guy online for over a year now and we didn't even fucking last that long. Idk, feels insulting but point is don't let this drag you down because there are bigger things in life to get fixated on. This is only a event you must move on from.

God damn it, I believed you.
I should had known better than to trust your convincing and emotional story.
Now I won't be able to sleep soundly tonight.


I bet she's not lesbo she's probably just using that as a coping mechanism or she just wants your attention

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I honestly just want to shitpost and have fun. Also go to sleep, its like 4 am in Sweden.

Will do.
Soft pillow user.

Hey user, just because she's into chicks doesn't mean she didn't love you. She probably didn't know she was into chicks. Keep your head up dutchbro, you've gotta live to re-establish the Dutch East India Company

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lol you turned her gay, bro!

OP here, thank you all for listening and being supportive

I thought I'd give you an update
The combo of pills and vodka didn't work
Woke up to a smashed up appertment and that's it.
I still don't know how I'm going to cope with this, I'm just going to haul my ass to college now.
Thanks for listening