In this thread, we Praise the LORD, brothers!
In this thread, we Praise the LORD, brothers!
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God or Godan is the same name as Woden, god of the Aryans. Those who malign Godan shall deserve Godan's judgment. It is an insult to believe that Godan conceived a son with a Jewess. There is a rumor about with a fictitious imposter called Jesus posed as the biological Son of Godan ( or God ). Godan had multiple sons and did not "send" any one of them to be killed so that he could dismiss a punishment Mankind had coming just because it had been substituted for by a suicide. To believe that is a second insult to Godan.
Christfags employ the bait-and-switch by using the word "God" instead of Yahweh. Christfags use the word God to fake being white and to disguise their Jewish religion. They literally lie everytime they say God ( Godan ).
Jesus was a literal kike commie
He WILL return and he WILL rape the synagogue of satan.
he will smash it all to pieces and then give everyone their money for free because he hates it so much and just wants to do sick jumps with a motorcycle
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34)
Hey Christianons can you help me with a theological question?
Are Christians allowed to take pride in their work? Or is that a sin?
What is exactly supposed to motivate a Christian to work hard at his job, for instance, if it's just vanity?