Brothers, i saw a message from our creator. The end of the world has begun, the first trumpet was sounded the 9-10th of January, i heard the trumpets, and saw a sign on my forehead. The Lord chose me to deliver this message, and i shall tell you.
First i saw the earth in space, and flaming objects falling rapidly, then i saw a construction made of steel, a ark of steel, with a white dome, alas parts of it blew off, and then i saw a great white silhouette, holding hands with smaller silhouettes, and as the comets fell, they dissapeared trough a force fied field. The last thing i saw was the number 11
I have the mark on my forehead. Everyone tries to shut down my message. Press f to hear my godly message. I need 43 F's to start talking.
Christian Parker
God knows, i dont Never corrupted one, no Be soberminded, for the devil prowls around looking to devour you
Luke Nelson
You end the game via its bad ending. A message "you died" emerges while you fade into darkness, only to respawn later to the start of the game (aka a baby). Git gud, noob.
> top tier schizoposting liked and subscribed, pm sent
Andrew Taylor
That's only 42 f's. Sorry I'm going to bed now.
Brody Flores
Hey can you give us a clearer account of your visions? I’m seriously considering that the end times are near too and i repenting
Nathan Murphy
Jose Bailey
That is what they believe, yet when those i where With heard the first trumpet With me, they dismissed it as a random alarm
Adam Lopez
>Didn't even share, bump it and love heart on Instagram it.
Levi Mitchell
Brody Rivera
won't happen
Christopher Flores
We live in dark times my friend. Many have strayed from the path and are lost. Wandering godless shells. All we can do is pray for them so that they may find God again.
Josiah Rogers
The important one is the one i shared. I also recieved a personal one, telling me to be bold and warning me of not returning to my last life. I know i must obey God, even if it kills me
I felt the worst feeling ive ever felt the 7th January, i suppose it meant that the world oficially became worse than the time of the flood. Lord help us
Levi Lee
I had to cleanse the wordly filth from my life before i felt his prescense. I suggest you do all . Pray, Labour, share Gods love and repent. Nothing else should matter to you
Yep. Okay. That did it. No more fapping and petty theft for me.
Brandon White
They are disconnected from God. Either by choice or by the slow poisoning done to us since birth. I have a theory that the more calcified your pineal gland is, the harder it is to connect to and experience our Creator.
Dylan Thompson
Fuck, I felt somewhat the same after I violently combated my gluttony with a fast. I have to get back to fasting again. Really been feeling down the last few days. Same with lust and pornography.
Carter Wilson
Do you know that demons need your fear to gain Power over you? They confuse your mind in Order to scare you and zombifies you to leech energy from your soul.
Been taking iodine supplements to fix up my pineal gland. Brain fog lifted and I am able to think clearly now. My visualization skills have also become better.
Evan Lewis
I dont fear demons. Met a guy possesed by one in this hospital. Poor guy ripped some flesh of my teeth by asking me a question
God knows that, probably why he is choosing to end it. With the advent of modern Technology, proselytizing sin became easier and more widespread. Look up what kind of Music the current generation of humans are listening to, all gloryfying sin
White man bad. Shave with Gillette This ad is sponsored by the Victorian government
Jace Gomez
Take your meds you boomer faggot
David Gonzalez
Jeremiah Sullivan
Demons are only dangerous for those who dont love God. The Holy Spirit is the greatest defence against those that you speak of.
Daniel James
I am 20
Ryan Brooks
Im pretty sure you got your answer: Are you a virgin? >I used to be a pron addict Hmm, I suppose that could mean anything. >a-also I was raped when I was 3. Im not sure that cou- >TWICE ... scurries off to hail the talisman of grundle and protect the portal to the blue ether
Angel Perry
good ole Hans looking for his neet virgin bride again.
Gabriel Diaz
You're still utterly fucking insane and need to stay on your meds before you get this place shut down by you doing something retarded and blaming it on Jow Forums you crazy fuck
Zachary Jones
If you fear losing God's love then you don't understand God
Gavin Clark
I have no meds prescribed.
Zachary Sanders
How do you know if i dont understand him? Sin weakens your bond with him, that used to be common knowledge
Caleb White
Then you need to go to a doctor asap because you have schizophrenia
William Bennett
fuck off christcuck i'd piss on your "god"
Isaac Torres
8th day in the hospital. Can not leave, as they consider me to be a danger to myself and others, for i do not fear Death nor suffering, only Our Lord.
Joshua Morris
give it a rest kiddo... maybe go get a snack or something.
Juan Wright
Revelations 14 4 KJV: >These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
Tyler Anderson
>i'd piss on your "god" Crom laughs at your gods. What are the rules of steel?
But why did he choose me? I was a monster before accepting God
Elijah Martinez
How are you posting from the hospital?
Noah Flores
Checked, also you are a virgin. faggot.
Charles Mitchell
Computer and wifi. This prison is a liberal one
Brayden Nguyen
Seek professional help. I have bad news for you guys, but Jesus is never ever fucking coming back lmao, I would wager my soul on that
Xavier Wilson
The riddle of steel. What is a sword...without the flesh to wield it?
Sebastian Smith
Oh man I love running across these threads whenever I occasionally visit Jow Forums. Stay safe OP, sending good vibes.
Oliver Williams
He loves all his children but more like a father and not like a mother. Even the most depraved can redeem themselves. That's why we feel so worthless compared to him. Could you forgive yourself for doing such heinous things? He can and he does.
Carson Fisher
>How are you posting from the hospital? lol wut? even our socialist hospitals have free wi-fi
Noah Brooks
Why do you refuse everlasting life, for something meaningless as the material world and all its loops of desire and satisfaction.
Sebastian Murphy
If you had one, you mean.
Gavin Gonzalez
Don't listen to them. They are lost and we are found. nothing they say or do can harm the pious. You're on a good path now.
Sebastian Robinson
Thanks brother. Spread the message, i have seen some signs that tell me that Jesus will return in Finland
>sign on my forehead Mark of the Beast. You've been possessed by the Devil.
Carter Thompson
i looked at god in the face and i said "god, i thought ive been in heaven this whole time."
Cameron Brooks
The mark started with an L, not a number
Angel Garcia
Not necessarily
Noah Rivera
What's going on with you fren? Will you recover?
Hunter Carter
Revelations 9 4 KJV >And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
Kayden Johnson
I will stay here until they let me leave.
Alexander Rodriguez
op is a fag End of the world is actually the end of this jew faggotory and Israel getting glassed
Brayden Ortiz
I prayed before i got out of bed and read this post... this is weird.
Logan Morgan
Like most Whites in America? Dont have to imagine
Angel Butler
How so?
Jonathan Barnes
This is very real, and about time. The world has become a terrible, godless Place of neverending desire. But i thought we still had time
Kevin Russell
If we're in tribulation as you argued and a mark appeared on your forehead, that's the mark of the beast, period. You are cursed.