cute vaoama jedition
Kpop general #1464
Bad robot
Nice jedition.
To sleep? Alright.
Noo time to get up
rest easy
welcome back.
don't forget to try that delicacy at pavilon 28
textbook sad beans
Had to listen to banter about my driving from a bunch of teachers at the cemetery
Cute kid
>sad beans
what are you up to?
savind kpop content and vehicle registration.
Exactly my face when it was happening.
what about you?
forgot about this treasure
did you get a new car? my schedule is so weird now that i can watch the korean and japanese LoL leagues live so i'm doing that
did you get your license yet
Eh? I've had it for two months. I got it for tractors last month as well.
Scone breakfast
Took you long enough
>did you get a new car?
nothing of the sort.
Odd look
get some new farm animals next
day late with that video
i kinda like it Tbh
why wouldnt you?
there's also a function that let's you post pics to Jow Forums chingu
>cleaning room
>bunch of receipts from norway in a pile in a corner on the floor
i can't like all RVs always
>i can't like all RVs always
how i feel about kpg posters.
sounds like the devil on your shoulder is in charge
just be nicer is all i ask, not just to me but other posters in this thread. these are real people behind the keyboard that frequent this general.
feel free to ignore the post, i just feel like it should be said.
prolly yeah
with some of the people i joke a lot outside of the thread, but i guess i'll keep that there, and won't let it shit up the thread too much
pretty lame, it was just a bunch of cold cuts and some drinks and czech beer for some reason.
there were some interesting looking chocolates with gold and silver wrapping but when i asked the bitch at the counter what the difference between them was she just said "idk lol" so i didn't buy any because it annoyed me.
should have posted them, i left my pc on and i would have seen them lol
i wasn't back at the time
heres one..
me hurting your feelings
only person i feel like i don't have to be nice to is bin cause of his history of him addin thread people for dick pics
oh no
i feel like ive been giving binnie poster too much of a hardtime actually.
did i at least produce a chuckle? a smirk is an acceptable result too.
you do you, it feels appropriate
i just don't care for someone who tries to gay people he supposedly actually cares for like brazil and norway
uhhh sure
i do remember that, if i recall correctly i was pretty livid for him goading it. i surprise myself on how much i've eased up on him.
thankfully that embarrassing post yielded some, albeit barely,- 'results'.
that or i created a rift.
Nevermind that, keep it in mind about extra-threadly communications, too.
oh you (luckily) don't know the half of what goes on in the shadows outside of the thread
but that's a story for another time
got a birthday party and thus some drinkin today, you down for D&D on sunday?
>search "pabo"
>107 results
you're the rude one there
>101 for pabochingu
lol no, i just remind myself of this shirt every time i'm about to get offended
Every action has an equal opposite reaction.
i dont see a problem.
prime way of living.
>don't know the half of what goes on in the shadows outside of the thread
lets keep it that way.
name one of my actions that's paboable
hope i'll get enough studying done tomorrow that i allow myself some time off
i wish i still had that ignorance is bliss feel Tbh
This very post...?
why get pate
>i wish i still had that ignorance is bliss feel Tbh
how about you filter me and fuck off instead of gossiping and spreading rumors like a retarded child
i love pate, even the shittiest pate you can find, i'll still enjoy it
the matrix was the first pirated movie i ever watched and it was the first movie i watched with no subs. thought i was hot shit because i had the best english in the whole elementary, i understood like half of it at most.
>even the shittiest pate you can find, i'll still enjoy it
Highly doubt it dbh
Filters dont stop someone from being a shitty person
Its impressive to see someone actually make norway almost run out of patience
Sandwich time
Never actually seen the movie Tbh
one time i had some vegetarian onions and veggie pate that tasted like vegeta paste and i still liked it
>tasted like vegeta
wtf the h*ck I love vegecr*p now
>i understood like half of it at most.
how fluent are you? in english that is.
i want to get pure msg to see how much of vegeta's taste is the msg and how much of it is the powdered veggies
so fluent. although in speech sometimes i forget words.
i was 10 at the time, i'd have no problem watching the matrix with no subs now. well, unless the background noise was louder than the voices.
asians use pure msg a lot right? does it taste like anything on its own?
that's a useful ability i guess
>although in speech sometimes i forget words.
im completely the opposite, i type awful because i talk faster in my head and that doesnt always translate well to what im typing. i also have a bad habit of just typing and failing to read what im typing. so sometimes my posts are just word salads because of the typos.
wmv id
yeah but i'm not sure, i've never tried it on its own
windows media video?
we all talk faster in our heads and that does become a problem for me occasionally when i talk.
but i saw some video you posted yesterday or the day before from the british parliament and that guy was speaking so fast. i could never do that. maybe i'm rarted but i can't even imagine how my voice would sound going so fast.
yeah what else? very good shot
do it now. snort it
ah yes, someone who doesn't know me nor talk to me thinks i'm a shitty person so that makes me a shitty person, you can take your subhuman iq to trash you would fit in well there
sounds gross
>but i saw some video you posted yesterday or the day before from the british parliament
you saw that? that was between me and norway.
thats the kind of theater i like in politics.
Oh, I guess you meant to reply to ?
oops yeah
>you saw that? that was between me and norway.
funny you should say that, i actually do try to avoid reading posts between other posters because i feel it's like eavesdropping but that link caught my eye.
thanks, that (you) was meant for me all along
now i should be wary that bulgaria poster lurks.
What's gk up to?
what's the thing
yes you should be. one of the secondary theories about the name 'bulgaria' is that it's derived from the name of some sneaky plains rodent that the steppe tribesmen who founded this country really admired for some reason
da thing is good
your perseverance is admirable.
one day it will maybe pay off
hii, hows it hanging
Republic of Marmotia
im fairly certain the reason why i like jinsoul so much is how animated her face is.
fixing to go to bed soon, i dont frequently stay up this late. even for a weekend and you?
keyword is maybe.
maybe is good
oh christ right american jesus its late for you
just got back from Ikea and preparing to head out for dinner later