e-everyone here has tried to s-suck their own dick before, r-right?
E-everyone here has tried to s-suck their own dick before, r-right?
Daniel Bennett
Parker Gomez
has anyone here ever tried to KILL AUSTRALIANS before?
Brody Morales
I used to be able to reach the tip years ago
Charles Martinez
i was *thiss* close
Nicholas Morgan
murder all of the australians
Ian Nguyen
wahahahahheyyyy guys let me just read this th-
>murder all of the australians
o ok maybe this isn't gud thread to be in
Julian Clark
I read somewhere that it is like the second most tried thing after masturbation for a 12-14 year old
Xavier Lewis
everyone who has a dick has tried
Isaac Peterson
burn in hell sodomites
Zachary Morales
I never got that low so no