>your IQ
>your fetish
Female feet
>your IQ
>your fetish
Female feet
Other urls found in this thread:
Step into the gas chamber sir
How can I properly figure out my IQ?
>your mom
fetishes are sinful
Cringe and bluepilled
God himself?
IQ tests always give me a headache and I can never complete them.
But my fetish is Old/Young, Big/Small, Mother/Daughter lesbian.
too low to be measured
IQ: 156 (yes I am statistically likely to be the smartest person on Jow Forums at a given moment, yes I can do complex equations in my head, yes I am talking about the Wechsler test, yes I enjoy talking about my astronomical IQ, yes I can explain to you in detail exactly what I can do that you can't)
Fetish: Pre-op trans
Cute twink boys
Oh come on, it's God level IQ tier fetish
Full-package futanari
Infinity multiplied on infinity
Pee and transsexuals
thmas th tank engine
They ran out of paper trying to write down my IQ
Loli guro and body horror
>twoja stara
Nie - Twoja
Lesbian face fucking
Iq 92
You're alive! :)
There is only one way to accurately figure out your IQ and that is to take the Wechsler test, adapted for your cultural heritage and administered by a professional.
There are 3 tests for 3 different age groups - pre-school and primary school, children, and adult.
The results are considered conclusive, as the bulk of the test does not consider general knowledge but instead, the capacity for abstract thought.
When you see people give their IQ score and it is over 130, chances are good they did not take the Wechsler test, or they are simply lying, which is very uncommon on the internet but does happen.
I am not lying to you, but you'll just have to take my word for that.
hetrosexual sex
"It's a father's obligation to kill these fucking people" - Janusz Korwin Mikke
Over 9000
>sport outfits
>Kissy sex while sitting down
>>Kissy sex while sitting down
Why wouldn't I be?
>facial abuse
>extreme bondage, electrocution, etc.
>teenage male older woman (but the male is dominant)
>all other types of humiliation - dog collars, duck tape, writing on faces, etc
>no gay shit
>girl lesbian abusing another girl lesbian
My man. I like it when they're dressed as superheroes too
Bit weird desu mate
Jewish IQ
Epic meme face
You once made a thread saying you're gonna kill yourself, and then did not post for a long time.
I thought you really killed yourself.
Sorry but that's not me :-(
Can't believe there's more than one Greenlander on Jow Forums. Is your name Isac by any chance?
>Can't believe there's more than one Greenlander on Jow Forums
If that guy really did kill himself.. it would just be me now
>Is your name Isac by any chance
Go you approve of lesbians, Holy Lord?
He does.
>idk, pretty high, was best of class and currently studying physics, so somewhere around 130 is my guess
>holding hands
Sorry for being off topic but could you translate this song please? I can't even find it's Hebrew lyrics as to use Google Translate. youtu.be
I want to be one . What prayer should I use?
Cute women orgasming.
iq is a meme
>Vaginal Creampies
being used, broken, abused, submission in general
you fuckers made me this way you understand
>you fuckers made me this way you understand
it was just memes bro haha
More like non-op, pre-op sounds like a trans on a hospital waiting for scheduled op
Like 12
Fat bitches
I totally agree. In fact, I'm active on a trans forum occasionally, and I have used the term non-op before. Trans girls don't like it. They feel it is a limitation of sorts, and they've asked me not to use the term. So I only THINK the term.
quite a lot of different things
am i laughing now lachlan, am i?
thank fuck i'm still a functioning member of society
only cost to that is that i'm lonely but small sacrifices
based; underachieving high IQ rusanon
aussies, stop immitating each other please, you make me feel all wierd and stuff
I'll translate vaguely what the lines mean, repeating words can be used to increase(?) what an adjective means in that regard if used in a certain way... It's kind of like saying very [___]
There is a lake that is very blue(blue being repeated)
Deep(repeating again) in/within your eyes
Laying in the sand
There a bird with good looking wings(no idea what this means..)
And there are no waves in that lake
No animal or man
And I'm not there suddenly
Suddenly everything is very dark (repeating)
Now I can't see anymore
Now I can't see
And the night came very black(I mean it's kind of obvious what it means?)
Very deep within your eyes
Bathing in the light x2
Only hair there and hands
And there's no moon there now
No sparkle or star
And I am no longer there suddenly
Suddenly everything is very dark (repeating)
Now I can't see anymore
Now I can't see
There is a man who's laughing(repeating)
Deep(repeating) within your eyes
Deep(repeating) far away(repeating)
And you're in front of him you're in two("בשניים" it isn't a word I know... Can't find a definition... It's the start of "in" and the way to count two of something... )
And the man turns his head and looks at me from there
And he is laughing to me from there, suddenly
Suddenly everything is very dark (repeating)
Now I can't see anymore
Now I can't see
The song is called "כהה כהה" which means dark dark and it's by Eric Einstein
Tried linking it but it didn't work cause spam.
girls kissing
girls holding hands
girls doing cute things together
can we immitate this
lol gay
>implying you don't want a harem of Aussie cuties
Based and sane
multiple throatpie
Well, an IQ Internet test said that I am 100
>vore (just f/m)
>female feet
>female smell
>girls taller than me
>I want a yandere
no no no
guys no what are doing to st petersburg
>average intelligence
>feet, at all, ever
kinda understandable but... odd
>girls taller than me
but why?
lole no you don't
i give you pic related / shit
based and cuntpilled
>crossdressing, sissy, abdl stuff
why are the rest of you fags awake lmao
Supposedly 121 but we all know how accurate online IQ tests are. I can't find the one I used but it gets posted here frequently to mock Americans for having 99 IQ compared to Western Europe's 100.
Oh and I'm a vorefag.
bored; browsing, reading, fantasizing
Don't know
What way?
Thank you so much! Your language has a very beautiful alphabet :)
Female feet too, fellow patrician.
Chinese cartoons
Machine bondage and milking / electrocution
Perfect bodies
Boobs expansion
Drugs that makes conscientiously and unwillingly make girls to do kinky stuff.
Public shame of young slutty girls
Skinny girl backs
>tfw your fetishes will never be real
I am full getero without any fetishes
IQ: 120
Fetish: anything that breaths, but I'm quite loose about that.
please no bulli I am dumn
Gentle femdom
Hi Arizona
A lot
Size difference frotting
Tested 132 as a child, years of drinking has certainly lowered it. Jap style rope bondage.
Anal stuff and assholes
You sit down with the chick on your dick while you're kissing
bdsm rape peeing forced gangbang ultra rough
none of you have been properly tested...
i was tested in the 5th grade. it was multiple sessions of 1 hour over the course of a week...
132. meaning "superior"...also...feet are definitely superior to all other fetishes
>135 (granted I was tested like over 10 years ago when I was a kid)
>chubby chaser/"belly gf"
blood play