This is the Redpill on Women.
1. Women are humans. They are necessary for our survival just as much as men. Hating them is pure retardation/for shills only.
2. Women follow different biological imperatives to men. To understand men and women, we must look at them as biological creatures following evolutionary pressures, not as individuals. All individual men and women have these underlying incentives.
>Women want; the semen of strong men, the protection of strong men, and to get along with other women, for support in raising children.
>Therefore women need; beautiful bodies, and submissive, agreeable natures.
>Women do not need; logic, reason, strength, principles or ideas. They do not need to stand out much among women, as they can all be fucked by the same strong man, no problem. Most of all, women need beauty. This is the single biggest communicator of fertility, and so naturally the single most valued thing in a woman. A woman knows instinctively that the more beautiful she is, the more men will fight to impregnate her, and so the better semen and protection she will get.
>Men want; fertile women, and to protect their children and hoard of genetic wealth (fertile women). They do this by building walls, weapons, and technologies.
>Therefore men need; logical minds, good ideas, strong bodies, self discipline, the ability to cooperate with other men, but also the ability to stand out above other men, to compete with them for the most fertile women.
Most of all, men need AGENCY.