The Redpill on Women

This is the Redpill on Women.

1. Women are humans. They are necessary for our survival just as much as men. Hating them is pure retardation/for shills only.

2. Women follow different biological imperatives to men. To understand men and women, we must look at them as biological creatures following evolutionary pressures, not as individuals. All individual men and women have these underlying incentives.

>Women want; the semen of strong men, the protection of strong men, and to get along with other women, for support in raising children.

>Therefore women need; beautiful bodies, and submissive, agreeable natures.

>Women do not need; logic, reason, strength, principles or ideas. They do not need to stand out much among women, as they can all be fucked by the same strong man, no problem. Most of all, women need beauty. This is the single biggest communicator of fertility, and so naturally the single most valued thing in a woman. A woman knows instinctively that the more beautiful she is, the more men will fight to impregnate her, and so the better semen and protection she will get.

>Men want; fertile women, and to protect their children and hoard of genetic wealth (fertile women). They do this by building walls, weapons, and technologies.

>Therefore men need; logical minds, good ideas, strong bodies, self discipline, the ability to cooperate with other men, but also the ability to stand out above other men, to compete with them for the most fertile women.

Most of all, men need AGENCY.

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AGENCY is the key difference between men and women. Men make things happen; women wait for things to happen to them. This is advantageous to both, respectively. A woman displays value through beauty. If she gets up and pursues men, that signals she knows she is not beautiful (fertile) enough to be pursued and impregnated. The most beautiful women know that men will come to them; so chasing men, taking action, is a sign that a woman is low quality. We call her a slut.

A man displays value through his actions. If he chases a woman and catches her, he proves he is fast and strong enough to do so. If he invents a gun to slay his competition, he proves he is clever enough to protect his young, and his genes become desirable. If a group of warrior men found an organised, powerful, technological nation, they have proven themselves the best protectors, the strongest men, in the whole area.

Civilisation, nations, and monogamy are TECHNOLOGIES designed by men to protect their genetic wealth and share it evenly between each contributor. We all know the benefits of civilisation. Learning, technology, security, abundance, health, peace. Civilisation benefits both men and women. But it is in women’s biological instincts to try to tear it down- to test it.

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Women have a biological imperative to cause chaos, to put their men to the test, so that only the strongest semen prevails. If they start feminist movements and succeed, they have only proven that their men weren’t very strong. When we allow them into politics, they destroy order and security because they’re looking for one thing; strong men. If men have allowed them control, they can’t be very strong men. So where are the strong men? They must be abroad. Let’s open the borders and see what happens. The women will mostly be fine- they are beautiful, submissive and agreeable. If the nation is conquered by foreign men, the women will simply serve the new men, and get better semen. Who cares if their original men get killed off? That just proves they weren’t fit for survival in the first place.

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Now, that’s one part of female nature. To seek strong men, and to test their current men. Now for the second part; submissive agreeableness. To seek to fit in to society. I see guys on Jow Forums complaining about women all the time. Why are they such sluts? Why do they have no values? You retards. They are behaving exactly as they are being programmed to by society.

The keyword, the key difference between us, is AGENCY. Men use their logic, their reason, to decide what is right. We can take the risk of standing against the current if we choose to, to ignore the herd and forge our own path. We are strong enough to stand alone, and if our risk pays off, we will be the alpha. Women do not do this. There is no biological incentive to do so. It is more important for them to fit in, as they are weak and need support.

You see, women are just like rivers. Vitally important for life, but they are a force of nature. They do NOT have agency like men do. Do you yell at a river when it floods and destroys your house? Do you hate water because you look at the polluted Ganges, and decide it is filthy and not worthy of you? Or do you blame yourself for not building the house in the right place? Do you go upstream to find less polluted waters?

Women are water. Men can use their minds and muscles to build great docks, canals, aqueducts and ships with which to build great civilisations. But if we stop actively controlling it, the water erodes the buildings. It seeps through the cracks and rots the ships. It breaks through the dams and destroys everything. Do we blame it for not being rational? For not understanding why we have to direct it? Of course not. Blaming women for not having principles is as retarded as blaming water itself for bursting flood defences. It is our job to direct them, because understanding direction is in our nature, not theirs.

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Most women start out as a trickle high up in the mountains. They are clean, pure, not polluted by anything. Then they run down into the streams of the valley. Here they pick up traces of local rock deposits- their home culture. The deposits in some places are better than others, but most of the streams are still pure here. Then they run into the river of adolescence. Here factories of degeneracy are pumping their pollutants into the waters. Hip-hop, porn and the sexualised culture begin to leach into the water. Streams run together and the dirtier waters pollute the cleaner ones. The river is still drinkable, but is a lot less clear and pure.

Now a high school chad comes alongs and takes a big shit in the river. A few people throw their rubbish in it. It looks dirty now, so people are less bothered by the idea of polluting it further. More chads take dumps in it as it goes along. Companies pump their toxic waste into it. Educational institutions teach it that it’s OK to be polluted, that the pollution was its own choice. The river now all but invites being dumped in.

Finally the river is sluggish, dirty, poisonous. It looks gross. Any clean water that joins it is mixed in and lost. A man stands by the river near the mouth of the sea, looking at it with contempt. He says “I hate water. It’s all disgusting. Sure there might be some clean streams somewhere, but they all flow into this. I’m better off without it.” Men don’t want to live near the river anymore, and despair for their thirst. They stop maintaining the banks, so the river floods and spreads poisonous shit all over the towns.

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In another valley, on the other far side of the mountains, men know how to save their water. They build a large dam to keep as much as possible for themselves. They’re careful to always maintain the dam, to plug leaks. They respect the water, and know how to control it. They pass laws so that no men can shit in the water or otherwise pollute it. The water stays clean and fresh. Every man in the valley can enjoy his share of it, go canoeing on the reservioir, and drink straight from it. They direct the water to suit themselves, and the water benefits too.

Using the water wisely, they eventually build a beautiful town with fountains, waterfalls and swimming pools. But as it’s all regulated by the dam, there is never a flood nor a drought. The men of the town never go thirsty or get washed away.
Our women today are largely like the first river. It’s not their fault; they go with the flow, they go where they are directed and pick up what it given to them. Jow Forumsacks should certainly NOT be dumping in clean waters and contributing to the problem. If you must fuck for fun, only fuck sluts, or you really are doing evil and taking away that girl’s chances of a happy, pure life with a husband.

A man, or a group of men, can still go upstream and find purity. That doesn’t mean it can never become polluted, it just means we have the opportunity to protect it and keep it pure. Jow Forums should take this lesson and rise above the pollution, form a higher society, one where men demand debt-free virgins without tattoos, and take the responsibility to direct the young unspoiled women to form a conservative haven away from the degeneracy we are all subjected to.

But to do this, you MUST understand the nature of women, and not expect them to regulate themselves or know how to avoid being dumped in. It is our job as men to do this.

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As for how to get a woman? Very simple. Display value, then take action. Best advice you can get, beyond that it’s best to figure it out yourself. This has been the redpill on women.

I like teen gay guys more.

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You really put a lot of thought into this.

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Good posts, brother.

So many right-wing men are held back by their belief in egalitarianism (despite claiming not to). Even if they think they are ''redpilled'', they subconsciously still have the same expectations for men and women. They get angry at the world, because their mental models are incorrect.

There's no reason to hate women or to think that they are worthless just because they are not Men.

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