Kek thread

Instathot loses fans after she announces new bf.
Why do all the PAWGs burn coal?

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They have this idea that only a big muh nigger dick can satisfy their big phat white asses, but niggerdicks are just a kike myth/trick, and thus the mulatto is born.

>We need to stop the hate in this world.
>I won't stop being a ho.
>I won't pass on my genes/culture into the future.
>I'm pretty pretty due to my ancestors not getting blacked. People that won't pay me for throwing my future/my culture are racist.

the bbc meme is for white women what azn waifus are for white men.
A pipe dream borne out of jewish lies, both will leave you stranded and fuck your life up for good.

Attached: Anon+gets+black+kid+murdered+trigger+mentionlist+4chandailytrigger+large+controls_a605e6_6523465.jpg (1200x814, 156K)

Dont you get tired of ironically becoming more of a loser than the people you hate?

>Why do attentionwhores whore for attention?

>thinking women are actually that invested in dicksizes
You are literally thinking from a male perspective. This is not copeposting, but what if I told you that women are for the most part fine with having a bf with average dicksize?

The female sexuality is not really that focused on the male body, but more on themselves. That's why, the few women who watch pornography (most of them just fantasize though) only watch lesbian porn.

>famous for being some THICCC instagram slut
>surprised she eats chocolate

user, that's called fat