you want to know my favourite poster?
read the first word :)
You want to know my favourite poster?
Shut the fuck up pedo
let me put my peepee in your poopoo
Aw, thanks.... it's a bit confusing to post but wonderful!
I love kiwis
I pray for your early death
Show me happy_anime_girl_12.png
I'm my own favourite poster
My favorite poster is anyone but me
you want to know my least favourite poster?
read the first word :)
D'aww. Shut up.
It took my 5 minutes to get that
that is very nice of
ay, thanks! you too!
cute and 'tismpilled
Please by patient
thanks not pedo fren
You as in you? Or you as in me?
that's gay
shut the hell youre mouth
dont worry about it, everyone does things at their own speed!
Thank u fren
dont mind my little pedo fruit bro. he likes to talk shit a bit