ITT: things we hate about Britain

I begin:
In Britain the 1st floor is not the ground floor. Instead the 1st floor is the first floor above ground.

How retarded are Brits to have system like that? Seriously, fuck Britain

Attached: execution of the last Britcuck.jpg (900x800, 163K)

Ta livet av dig, horunge.

I hate the slags, but would fuck/10

I would do a things we hate about sweden but the there just isnt enough room left on the internet for that sheeeit.

Got another one:
Brits walk around with shoes inside their homes. Almost like they enjoy living in filth
Britcuck on holiday spotted

Pot Noodle
Harry Potter
Dr Who

Downtown abbey

Also those shitty new build houses that are everywhere now.

Their faggy accents and insane pretentiousness.

Also they call grilled cheese, "cheese toasties". Which they banned. So its double gay.

All the jelly in this thread.

Attached: EIC.png (2560x1513, 28K)