Transparent gif thread. Post cool gifs that have a transparent backgrounds

Transparent gif thread. Post cool gifs that have a transparent backgrounds.
>take one
>leave one

Attached: 1548356671474.gif (120x120, 137K)

Attached: Bro.jpg (500x375, 136K)

Attached: 1543266267671.gif (200x200, 125K)

I fucking hate NameFags

Look at them go!

Attached: 1514083138989.png (600x600, 7K)

It's beautiful

I agree. We're on the same page here. Also fuck tripfags

Where are they going?

to somewhere better~

Attached: 1536249450255.gif (297x297, 920K)

Attached: open shutter close shutter nope i dont want to see this dear god no react.gif (108x163, 997K)