"daddy I've decided I'm going to make a career streaming myself playing video games on the internet so thirsty teenage...

>"daddy I've decided I'm going to make a career streaming myself playing video games on the internet so thirsty teenage virgins can throw dollar donations at me and masturbate to my cleavage"

How do you as a rational conservative stop your intelligent but misguided daughter from wasting her 20s getting drunk in front of a camera and kicking off her 30s with a meth addiction? How do you ensure she finds a white husband and has white children you can be proud of?

Attached: humble and nubile daughter.jpg (900x900, 79K)

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Fuck off and die you retarded anarchist.

this but unironically

If you were a “rational conservative” and raised your daughter right then she wouldn’t want to do that in the first place.

tell her no
its not hard

fell for the memes did ya? nobody here is actually conservative sweetie

If your kid has these ideas of a valid 'career', you have failed as a parent.

no thanks

>against smart business decisions
Pick one