How do we fix anime, r/banter?
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
Other urls found in this thread:
more animal people
normal nos...
no animal people with normal noses
animal people noses
More Bleach! I need it all animated!
more cute anime girls
Aquarion Evol but with no cringe.
This but proto-sincerely
Uh oh spaghettiohs, schizo-mod is dumping imptrash again
More moe, lolis, black people, guro, magical girls, school shootings, mecha, epic swordfighting while dancing and singing nonsensical pseudo intellectual miah mash, sans undertale, yuri, multi layered plotlines, double reverse quadruple secret agents flashing pantsu, death metal death battles and battle royales.
And fuck j*j*
This but F*DGE black people
make an asmr anime
why should you care, leaf?
Bitch, I'm a geography major that goes to my local college and you're being extremely xenophobic and racist right now user. Firstly, thanks for assuming my Race "amigo" Jesus (they) do you even know the connotations that those words bring to those who are sensitively dominated by racists like you? Firstly whites deserve to not have any praise under ANY circumstance, I learnt this in my 3rd year elective gender studies and race retribution class, yeah that's right bitch a federally subsidized UNIVERSITY province WIDE approved gender and race class just to actually redpill all of you kekers and cuckers. Listen here they, you need to be put in YOUR place ANY AND I MEAN ANY XENOPHOBIA AND RACE SUPERIORITY SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERATED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, WHITES DON'T DESERVE PRAISE THEY DESERVE WHAT THEY GAVE TO OTHERS DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Well clearly you don't so that's why I had to spend my valuable ass typing to you, DO YOU know how much time is worth to me user I'm a busy self-proclaimed woman AND THIS IS A PRIVILEGE TO YOU FOR YOU TO SPEAK TO ME WHITEY so don't forget to thank me! :) And BTW I'm half Ashkenazi Jewish and ARAB so yeah down with societal expectations right? Haha. That's right so before you start hating on everyone else mabye look in the mirror user and GET A GREAT PRODUCTIVE live. And guesss what honey, I'm the prime example of that, as the meme goes you may not like it but this is what peak "male" physical performance looks like! Hehe :)
And before you start making implications that whites are gonna take over by telling this Jow Forums board (ugh) full of 4chaners MAKE sure YOU DON'T EVER DO IT AGAIN "it can save your life" EXCUSE ME SIR/THEY/MADDAM?!
More guro involving lolis n shotas.
this but without the sh*tas
and more openings like this
More j*j*,
Less gay russians
and less /d/-browsing eskimos
Oh wait, guro is only allowed on /b/. So he probably is too low brow for even the /d/fags.
/d/ are pussies anyways
We need something that really makes me think
Stop watching it, stop buying it.
Make anyone who's ever made it commit suicide from desperation.
I think that would fix it.
I said fix anime silly
uncle bumpcult
I was wondering where the fuck you went since I got back from a ban and you were no where to be seen.
I got banned simultaneously from 4 boards and I had a ban length for 7 days
welcome back
did you run out proxies?
abib likes to heat up a package of wieners in the microwave and roleplay that they're a boatload of syrian refugees
Who doesn't?
it's -45C help
Mods are being ultra butthurt with proxies now and If I can find 1 unbanned/no range banned ip from 100 proxies you are far from lucky
Mods are giant willies, but at least they let me talk my way out of 30 month bans and a few permabans
30 day bans*
Why don't the mods get rid of this kid?
More Birdy, duh
He's not doing anything against the rules, so mods won't care.
be patient he's autistic
Unless you report for spam, I guess.
I wonder if this is an elaborate funpost or if he's actually mentally ill
I think both is more likely.
why does imptrash have flags now
Because mods hate r/banter
More magical girls
Better drawn noses
Less animal people
and less fate
You are literally insane and not just because of this hot take