Fellow Non-Burgs

Can someone explain to me why some people get so angry about Americans having guns? How does it get to be anyone's problem but theirs? If you don't like it because it makes them dangerous, then don't go into their habitat. You don't get angry at sharks for having a bunch of pointy teeth...

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are you insulting me?

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americans are proud of having guns. non americans hate that, and the fact they dont have gyns and get butthurt. simple

Who gets angery? Americans just have a bigger chance to get shot, how can this fact make someone angry?

nice id

>be american
>never got shot
>only ever seen a gun once

am i doing something wrong

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>DESU I'd like to own a gun
and banning them in America won't bring down crime that much since most of the guns used in crimes are illegally bought

nice id

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Nice id

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i desperately want a gun